
Why Is William The Conqueror's Diet So Successful?

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be traced back in literature from William the Conqueror. William the Conqueror was overweight and wanted to lose weight to ride his horse, this prompted him to drink wine rather than eat. Although it is quite unsure if the diet was successful or not, William died in a horse accident. However, many historians believe that the diet was somewhat successful because William could ride his horse.
The main problem for many people prior to the 19th century was that people were not getting enough food. Being overweight was often restricted to the wealthy. The first diet food that was created was invented in the 19th century by Rev. Sylvester Graham, who made the graham cracker. Quoted in the article “When did Dieting Begin”, by Ali Luke, “The graham …show more content…

Lulu Hunt Peters published Diet and Health (Peters, 1918). The key to the book was the usage of calorie counting. It sold more than two million copies and was vastly popular in America. Luke expresses, “Dr. Peters urged readers to not look at the portion size of the meal, but to look at the number of calories that are in the meal. It was recommended that the number of calories in any food were to be counted and totaled each day. She concluded that it was important to eat less than 1200 calories each day to lose weight”. The major emphasis that Dr. Peters really wanted to hit home was that one should look at the number of calories in a meal instead of eating by size of portion. One can eat a small portion of a food that would have much more calories compared to a meal that has a big portion but low in …show more content…

A question that many ask is, “If thin people are already thin enough, then why do they still diet?” In many cases, the answer to this question can be from an eating disorder. In a study conducted by the American Psychological Association, eating disorder can affect all genders and can become very dangerous if not treated. Quoted in the article, “Many people with eating disorders suffer from low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, and intense dissatisfaction with the way they look.” This can correlate with Backstrom’s idea of body project, how the body must be shaped and maintained vigilantly. Many individuals that deal with eating disorders usually diet because of the moral pressure to not possess the traits of being lazy or gluttonous that obese people possess. For many anorexic people, it’s a moral responsibility for them to be able to maintain a thin body; however, many times it can get out of hand, and many of their diets are not done so

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