I think kids should be aloud to have phones at school. I think kids can have that kind of responsibility for what they do and there actions to mean comments, inappropriate games apps or websites, and ECT. This is my opinion writing for my school district of should kids be allowed to have phones at school. Cyber BULLYING Cyber bullying is a big problem for teens and for kids,sometimes people would make mean comments only if there's something that triggered it ,like a gun ,If someone shoots the bullet then theres something that triggered it. We can treat the problem the right way by going to the teacher and to tell her what happened , from there you can find the bullet of the comment, then you can find the gun who sent the message,
Cell phones have been part of American school culture since the early 1990s. Cell phones in school,is it a good thing or a bad thing? There are many reasons as to why they are acceptable for schools and why they are insignificant for schools. Cell phones have become a lifeline. We as a society have a love hate relationship with them.Sometimes we can't seem to function without them.This is a reason as to why many people want cell phones banned in schools. Having cell phones in schools is a great thing but also a bad thing for students to have in class.
Why have cell phones a good or bad thing for kids minds? Banning cell phones in school would limit students learning by more things coming from the teacher and having better grades. According to the text, "Banning Cell Phones in Schools" has evidence for the following side.
I think that students should not be allowed to have cell phones in class because it causes distractions, cufusion, and alot of noise.
Phones should be able out at Glenpool Middle School. Because you never know if there's an emergency at home and your little brother only knows you´re phone number and you don't pick up because you're not allowed to have your phone out. And that's the thing kids should atleast be able to have it in their pocket with the vibrator on. And teacher blab and blab about it's a distraction but it's not. Cell phones are perfectly fine and good to use when needed at school.
Cell phones should not be banned at school for many reasons. One reason cell phones should not be banned is in the case of an accident or emergency. In the article, Cell Phones in School: An Overview by Beverly Ballaro and Jill Ginsburg, it states that “ 84% of parents felt that banning cell phones from school property was unacceptable and that 99 percent wanted their students to be able to call or be called in case of an emergency.”
Most schools do not allow the use of cell phones in school or in class, so the school feels like changing their policy of cell phone use might be a bad idea. Students could take advantage or miss use the privilege of phones in class. There will always be students who act out in class, but the school must discipline those who do and reward those who do not.
Letting kids have phones in school would be great, here is a few reasons why. When you go to school and you have an emergency you can use your phone. Also, teachers can use it for assignments and it will be faster. If you don't let students use them they will be at a disadvantage. Schools should let students use phones because, they can look up facts quicker and easier, save schools a lot of money, and teachers can use it for academics. Letting kids have phones will improve kids everyday life at school.
As you can see. Various schools don’t allow cell phones at all. Why is that? They think that the phones could be distracting, dangerous, and Disruptive. It’s time to find out the positives of having a phone in school.
Phones should be aloud in school for education pourpases.It helped educationIf they don't have interment at home it might make them struggle in school.If they need to read on the internet or look up something for a grade they will make an failing grad on it if they don't have internetnet.Also kids can take notes on there phones.Teacher says to take notes you can. Phones should be aloud in school.
At Jefferson middle school, we are only allowed to have our phones out during lunch time. The teacher’s think that It is a distraction having our phones out while we are in class. But I think that we should be able to have our phones out while we are in class,some students get their work done better if they are listening to music. Allison from house 7-1 thinks that it is a good idea to have our cell phones in math class so that we can use them for calculators.
Students should be allowed to use their phones at school because it could be used for math, they can use it to contact their parents when something bad happens,also can be useful for emergency purposes. However when I researched “Should students be allowed to bring their phones to school”? They think that students should get to have their phones during school hours. Because they feel like the students could have communication with their classmates/ friends. Some schools don’t allow them because they are a distraction when teachers are trying to teach. When students use their phones during school hours the teachers take them away and keep them until the end of the day or they keep them until their parents come to the school to get their kids
Cell phones should be used in school and during class. Cell phones should be used in school because ¨cell phones use in schools argue that wireless communication has become a fixture of life in the United States and that the usefulness of cell phones extend well beyond responding to emergency situations.¨ (Ballaro, Beverly Ginsburg, and Jill) This quote helps the topic sentence, because if there is ever an emergency they can text or call their parents for help. To proof that cell phones are good to use at school is, because in the quote it is saying that wireless cell phones have been a good idea and it has been helpful.
I think cell phones should definitely be aloud at school because they are very useful. If you forgot something important at home you can easily call your parents to see if they can bring it. It can be used as a learning tool. If anybody plays game you should have a punishment like maybe saying you can’t bring your phone to school for a certain amount of time. Maybe the teacher or principal could tell your parents and they will take your phone away for awhile since they weren't doing what they were supposed to be doing.I think that phones can be a great learning tool and very helpful when it comes to situations. A situation that I think would be helpful in is maybe your parents thought you got out of school at 3:01 but you really got out at
People in many schools regularly sneak around on their cell phones, trying to hide them from
I feel that cell phones should be allowed in school for many reasons. One of the reasons being that we live in a crazy world were anything and everything can happen. Sometimes we need to get away from the school or your being bullied and you need a parent. With a cell phone that is very useful. Sometimes you feel sick and the nurse wont send you home if you feel that bad you can call or text your mom.