“A neighbor of mine says she pays her child for any A’s the child gets on her report.” In my opinion no students should be paid for good grades. This issue is important because if kids were encouraged by money , eventually the giver of the money would run out of money. Then what would happen? Would kids refuse to go to school? Not to mention the giver would be taking a valuable gift from the child, this will also lead to practical problems in the classroom, and think wat were to happen if the money stopped coming in? Kids should not be paid for good grades because the giver would be taking a special gift from children, can lead to practical problems, and what if the money stopped coming in?
One reason students should not be paid for good grades is because the giver would be taking a gift from children. Your probably thinking “what do you mean?” Kids are naturally gifted to want to learn without money as motivation. The source would Edward Deci (researcher). The quarter from him would be “External motivators may be effective and well intended but are wrong kids by nature are motivated to learn.” This leads to kids wanting money more than they want the
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What that means is it can put pressure on the kid to make money for their own reasons. The source from this would be NEA article. The quote from them would be “Many teachers also paying students for good grades leads to practical problems in their classrooms including pressure to inflate grades and conflict with students and parents.” This leads to kids asking one another how much money each one got. If they got a lot of money and their parents take it away, student and parents would have problems. The effect of this is kids will be pressured and nervous to know if they got any money. For the reasons above, students should not be paid for good grades because it can lead to practical
There are major flaws in the argument for attempting to pay students for obtaining exceptional grades. One of the flaws is the fact that the money used for the payment of the pupils is coming from their parents. With this policy, the parents will be required to pay additional taxes to account for the need for money within the school district. Many individuals who are for this practice argue that the money is going straight back to the families. Although this is true, the money is going to the children not the parents. Many students are not going to provide the money to their parent, but instead use it for their own wants or needs.
As kids, children get a candy for being on there best behavior. In middle school or high school, students get spoiled for either getting good grades or acing an exam. In society, grown ups get paid for their duties that comes from their job. In today’s society, it looks like students are getting paid for good grades. Although cash incentives motivates students to study for a test, or getting good grades. Or can there be other ways to reward the students. The question to me is, Should students get rewarded with money for good grades? Or should they not be getting paid for good grades?
The article “Why You Shouldn’t Pay Children for Grades” was written by Amy McCready. McCready explains that parents should “inspire a love of learning, cultivate good habits and allow children to plot their own course, they will truly flourish.” Throughout the article McCready provides reasons that serve as evidence for this main idea. McCready explains that school is not just about grades, but also about how well children develop key skills for later in their life. Also, McCready explains that children will not be rewarded for every job well done in the future, and if parents continue to pay for grades children will expect a reward for everything they do well.
If kids got paid for their good grades and good behavior, they would be happier and act better. They would also be more motivated to do their work. Instead of getting into trouble they could get rewarded by money for good behavior. They would know
Kids do not always focus on their studies, however, having excellent grades is important. Not only will paying a kid for their grades motivate them, but also make them feel pleased with themselves. I think kids should get paid for their good grades, it will be very helpful to kids in the
Giving your children money for satisfying grades that they get doesn't benefit them with their career that they will have as adults. Let me back this up. If they get paid for the super grades that they received they will soon have an expectation that everything good that they do they should receive something in return. This makes kids not try to the best of their ability because these children know
The general argument made by author Arianna Prothero in her work, Does Paying Kids To Do Well In School Actually Work? Adults have used bribes or rewards on children for many years to attempt to convince children to try harder in school and even pay children when they do good in school. More specifically, Arianna Prothero argues that educators could leverage students to keep doing good in school by giving them gift cards or scholarship money and even in some cases cold hard cash. She writes, “if you’re miles away from it, no matter how much effort you put in, the odds of reaching are still low, so why bother?”
Getting paid for good grades has changed many people's lives and also changed their grades and knowledge. Wouldn't you want money for grades change your life too? Kids should get paid for grades to help the people who can't afford a simple,nice meal. Also, to keep their grades up and act like school is their job, because basically, it is. To begin with, many families need the money to survive and thrive.
It was shown that promising kids that they will get paid in exchange for higher grades or attendance led to increased less effort in school. The ability to learn was actually a failure, it had little direct impact on the kids. I intend to use this article as a outline for should students get paid for good grades.
Moreover I am sure some children and parents would loved that type of strategy or “reward”, to think about it there are a couple of positive effects that could result in this. One of them could be the fact that the money children would be making out of this “reward” for doing well in school, could go to their future founds, such as college and higher education. I addition to this positive impact of this type of strategy would be future opportunities to attend a better college. Reason being is since children were started early with their paying “reward” and succeeding with their studies it gives them this opportunity to go to the better university in the future.
Should students get paid for getting good grades? Yes because then students will try harder and do better in their classes. Test grades can improve also if rewarded. This also gives students convenience and something to work for. It can also give students a little look at what it’s like to have a job, because they would get paid for their hard work. It could make students fell good about themselves knowing that their hard work is being recognized. Students should know that their work is appreciated and noticed that would give the student convenience and appreciation.
Kids Should Get Paid For Good Grades In the modern age money is everything. Whether it’s an 25 year old saving money to buy their own home or an older adult wanting a new car. They have to work hard to get the money for themselves at work every day. Kids, also working hard every day, get paid nothing.
I disagree with the statement that some kids get paid for doing good in school because picture this:
Years later, he decided that this sort of experience had provided him with not only an interest in design, but also a habit of being familiar with and knowledgeable about the materials that his later projects would require.Buckminster Fuller recalled 1927 as a pivotal year of his life. Fuller was still feeling responsible for the death of his daughter Alexandra, who had died in 1922 from complications from polio. In 1927 Fuller, then aged 32, lost his job as president of Stockade. The Fuller family had no savings to fall back upon, and the birth of their daughter Allegra in 1927 added to the financial challenges. Fuller was drinking heavily and reflecting upon the solution to his family's struggles on long walks around Chicago. During the autumn
Students should get paid to study, to have good grades, and to have good work habits so that they become better students, more motivated and therefore are more successful when they enter the workforce as adults. Many people believe this is the formula for success. Get paid for the good grade, right? There are three compelling reasons why students should be paid to go to school: going to school is essentially a full time job so students should be paid; money is a strong motivator, especially for kids; and it’s good for the economy to have future workers who are motivated by money to do an excellent job. After discussing these three points, it will be hard to dispute the fact that paying students to go to school and get good grades is a good thing and has positive results.