Recognizing that marijuana will be in the market for a while, this paper will pinpoint detailed information on the production, transportation, effects of marijuana, and its effective control. The review of the claims integrated in the paper offers evidence and conclusive results of the local and foreign production. While using marijuana can be unsafe to a person, it is not as nearly as harmful as the stereotypes about marijuana claim to be. Furthermore, the drug seems to be well established as a social drug, especially in the Western countries. Despite the criminalization of marijuana, a significant number of people still use the drug for medicinal or recreational purposes. The old trends that focus on the drug prohibition policies should develop alternative policies that will allow the effective control of marijuana. Detailed information is presented on the local and foreign production of the drug, its persistence in the market, and the effects it may have on a society.
Marijuana is perhaps one of the most used recreational drugs in the World. Other recreational drugs include tobacco and alcohol. Surveys conducted by the government prove that more than 25 million people have used marijuana in the past year (Fine, 2012). Other studies showed that more than 14 million people have ignore the harsh laws and regulations associated with smoking of marijuana. It supports the fact that the public policies put in place do not control the use of
Hall & Degenhardt explain in this article how marijuana has caused adverse health effects on non-medical cannabis usage in the United States. This article observes how the younger generation has caused an epidemic in the high income countries. These two authors researched through the past 10 years that the young generation that use marijuana for non-medical reasons cause problems and obstacles in their adulthood. They used several studies and observed the fact of public health’s
is wasted on a cause that there seems to be no end to.” In 1989, a
In America there are a lot of problems, ranging from violence to obesity. A growing concern of many Americans is the drug “epidemic” with the growth of the war on drugs. Marijuana, throughout history, has been demonized and illegalized, however now a newfound acceptance of the drug is growing rapidly with some states fully legalizing the drug recreationally, and others medically.
One of the primary focuses of America 's War on Drugs is the controversial drug Marijuana. Marijuana remains the most widely used illegal drug and stirs up constant debate everywhere. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime from the World Drug Report 2004 an estimation of about 4 percent of the world’s adult population (162 million) consume marijuana annually (156). For thousands of years human beings have attempted to find ways to get passed the struggles of everyday life. With the pain of the world stopping people from enjoying simple pleasures, sometimes there is a need for help. Marijuana brings millions of people relief from pain flet on a day-to-day basis. This completely natural plant which previously helped so many people has puzzled the leaders of our nation for a long time. The effects of the drug on a individual level is what 's prevented the product from being legalized. Many issues involving this plant, like the speculation of it being a gateway drug, has put yet another block on its legalization. Even with the drugs known speculations, the benefit that it brings to the table most definitely out way its disadvantages. Marijuana can also alleviate several symptoms associated with cancer and Aids treatments and disorders. While Marijuana is effective as a medicine, it is also extremely lucrative. The economic benefits that Marijuana brings to the table are endless. Non legalization is a waste of societies hard earned money to continue to enforce
In this paper I discuss why Cannabis should not be liberated in the United States. My focus and concerns are to the harm Cannabis is bringing to society now a days. In the United States more people are being influenced and being in favor of this famous “Drug Addiction” causing by illusions as ignorance is taking over and affecting a nation that is role models to many other nations. Awareness of after effects of drugs are being hidden and taken for granted as people keep on living this irresponsible life not thinking of the future. In this paper, I will consider some information based on my side of the argument.
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a natural plant containing the psychoactive substance Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Cannabis originated in central Asia but has since spread worldwide, becoming the most consumed illicit drug in the world. Around the world, different countries and states laws regarding cannabis use vary greatly. Himmelstein (1983) wrote on how cannabis had previously been regarded as a “killer weed” in the United States, but in the mid-1960s, this view changed dramatically, and cannabis was then seen as a “drop-out drug”, which resulted in a major shift in how the public viewed the use of cannabis throughout the world. “In the last three decades, the recreational use of cannabis has become widespread among adolescent
Are drugs always bad for people? The first impressions of drugs are probably that drugs make people lazy, make people sick, and make people uncontrollably addicted to drugs. Cannabis, which has several names such as marijuana, weed, pot, dope, hemp and so on is listed as Schedule I, referred by the Drug Enforcement Administration which means marijuana is highly addictive and dangerous material. However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana has useful functions. Marijuana is different from other drugs such as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Heroin because marijuana does not contain hazardous chemicals as much as Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Heroin have. Legalizing marijuana provides several benefits to people and the government. Legalizing marijuana educes crime, it has positive effects on serious physical symptoms, and it can bring massive amount of economic benefits
The usage of Weed is the most common illicit substance used in the United States. Pot is one of the cheapest illegal drugs on the market and is more accessible to buy it. Marijuana is mainly imported illegally to the United States and cropping this plant or producing it, is not as hard as other illicit substances. Illegal Marijuana plantations have also been found inside houses where they have been produced thousands of pounds without being detected. It is estimated that Marijuana users are between the ages of 18 and 30 years old. It is not common to see people over 35 smoking Weed. Unfortunately, most of these consumers are adolescents that because of the dazed feeling that it produces, creates long-lasting consequences for the body and mind. The use of Weed has been linked to car accidents, health complications, psychiatric symptoms and poor educational outcome (Feeney and Kampman, 2016). Socially speaking, smoking Weed is not well seen, although many people have accepted doing it, especially celebrities. Cannabis is linked to illegal drugs like cocaine and crack. Illicit substances major distributors are drug lords who have made millions and millions of dollars trafficking in the United States and Europe where most of the consumers are. This activity has also brought crime to the cities since it has been a very lucrative business. Many people have died or go to jail for selling, distributing and producing illegal drugs. Making this drug, legal, will increase the number of people addicted to illegal substances and will increase crime too. To differentiate a legal drug from an illegal one would be very difficult so it will be available everywhere. Drugs are an epidemic that is killing our society, especially our young ones. A solution to one problem cannot be a destruction of another one. For decades, the world has been battling against drugs and making it
One of the most common illegal drug in the United States is marijuana. There are mixed views about this drug, some people want it legalized, other people don't. In this essay, I hope to display the facts about this illegal narcotic, and explain many vie
Living in the 21st Century, a majority of the laws and regulations that guide our daily lives have already been legitimized and written decades ago. Although a large portion of these laws still exist today, there is always need to revise and rewrite laws. In this article I will talk about the myths and beliefs of marijuana and compare them to reliable sources to form an opinion on whether or not marijuana is a relatively safe drug for medical and recreational use along with the physical and social effects to the user and their environment. Regard, this paper will not focus on any other associated topics such as the price of prisons, annual marijuana dispensary revenue, drug trafficking or law policy’s. However many of the used articles compare and contrast the use of alcohol to cannabis.
The twenty first century has seen some states in the United States such as Colorado and Washington as well as some countries like Uruguay enact laws that legitimize the use cannabis for recreational purposes. In the present time, cannabis takes the lead as the most used illegal drug world over (Khatapoush and Hallfors 98). The illegalization of the drug was orchestrated by its perceived negative effects not only to the health of the user, but also to that of other and to the global economy. However, the criminalization of this drug has given rise to a heated debate. Many religious bodies, activists, and politicians have thrown their support behind the cannabis criminalization over many years. However, the clear
In the span of 2013-14 the reports of drugs in Australia increased. There were record high reporting’s of many types of illicit drugs at the border patrol. Furthermore, many other illicit drugs had their second highest reporting in history. Cannabis is the most common drug in Australia. The number of detections of cannabis in 2013-2014 decreased, but the total weight of detected cannabis at the border control increased dramatically and was the biggest cannabis find in the last decade (Australian Drug Commission 2014). In the draft for the National Drug Strategy 2016-2025 cannabis is mentioned as a priority drug as it is the most common used illegal drug (Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs 2015). As the recent news that the Australian government is planning to legalise growing of medical cannabis there a gap in the policy of how to regulate medical cannabis and cannabis used as an illicit drug (Yaxley 2015).
legal it would benefit both those who use and those who don’t use because of tax revenue.
Marijuana needs to be legalized in every state. Everything besides severe drugs are legalized such as: prescription medication and over the counter medicines that cause people to get addicted. Even tobacco is legalized in every state in the United States. Marijuana is a drug that comes from plants or herbs. It tends to send people to another level as in high. “Sends them to the moon” they say! Marijuana needs to be legalized because people going to smoke it anyway. Some states have approved “medical marijuana” to ease symptom of various health problems. People tend mix it in food or inhale Marijuana using a vapor. Mostly, some people roll it up and smoke it like a cigar or cigarette. Marijuana is also referred to as weed or cannabis.
The prohibition of marijuana has sparked a big debate in today’s society Views of a dangerous killer drug we once thought as common knowledge are now being proven wrong by science and it is time for our society to reassess based on our knowledge. Although many still view marijuana as a hazardous drug, it in fact has medical, economic and social benefits such as a lowering the cost of the war on drugs, reducing the prison population, generating tax revenue, and creating jobs. These are just a few of the many benefits that can come with the legalization of marijuana. As we learn more about marijuana and its effects we need to revisit our social, political and legal views on its use.