Why Marijuana Should Be Legalised There is no denying that the drug problem in our country today has reached epidemic proportions. The problem has gotten so out of hand that many options are being considered to control and/or solve it. Ending the drug war may not seem to be the best answer at first, but the so-called "war on drugs" has actually accomplished very little. Different options need to be considered. Legalization is an option that hasn't gotten much of a chance, but should be given one. It is my position that marijuana should be legalized. Although many people feel that the legalization of marijuana would result in an increase in the amount of crime and drug abuse, I contend that …show more content…
The legalization of marijuana would be a boom to the economy. During prohibition, alcohol was still sold and used, but people were doing it illegally. The 21st amendment repealed prohibition, and alcohol taxes were increased. The same thing should happen with pot. Marijuana could be heavily taxed to increase our country's revenue. Moreover, major companies operating under strict government regulations would legally produce marijuana, resulting in a higher quality product free of poisons and other adulterants. Making marijuana legal would greatly reduce the vast amount of money spent on drug law enforcement every year. Drug dealers and users seem to constantly be one step ahead of the authorities, anyway. If one drug lord is caught, for instance, another one turns up somewhere else to take his place. We cannot win. For example: "In 1990, well over 10 billion dollars was spent on drug enforcement alone. Drugs accounted for more than 40 percent of all felony indictments in our nation's courts in 1992. This figure is quadruple what it was in 1985. Forty percent of the people in federal prison are drug law violators". One can only imagine what this figure would be like today. Too much money is wasted on a cause that there seems to be no end to.” In 1989, a Republican county executive of Mercer County, NJ estimated that it would
This research paper will study the correlation of past exposure to marijuana and the belief of its addictiveness is a direct association with an individual’s opinion on if marijuana should be decriminalized in the state of Oklahoma. Decriminalization is legislation ceasing to treat it as illegal. Criminal penalties will be reduced in certain acts of marijuana use. Examples of this are an individual can be fined but not imprisoned for possession but distributing and selling marijuana would still be considered a criminal act. From a sociological standpoint, this research would be beneficial in decriminalization policies for marijuana toward lowering the social constructs of the criminal act of possession and use. However it will regulate the cultivation and retailing of marijuana. Marijuana decriminalization is prevalent to sociological studies because of statistically as of 2014, the center of disease control (CDC) state that 40% of people have used marijuana in the past and 23.4% currently partake. If we were to decriminalize the act of marijuana use and possession social cost would decline by about 3 billion dollars (CDC) a year because we would no longer have to house inmates with marijuana charges. The money saved could be used for treatment in substance abuse, prevention programs, medical research toward marijuana and other sociological problematic areas that Oklahoma faces. The purpose of this study is to obtain and examine the attitudes of college students at the
Anyone who smokes marijuana is known to be stoners, hippies, or delinquents. With all the stereotypes, it is becoming harder to accept the facts about the substance. Legalizing weed would change our society in positive ways. Marijuana should be legalized in all states because of its medical, economical, and law enforcement benefits.
The truths about marijuana are slowly starting to resurface, the government keeps ignoring that cannabis could one day be as powerful for the U.S. Unfortunately, these truths about marijuana are under a lot of criticism because of the stereotype of what people see as a "marijuana or cannabis smoker." There is a great difficulty in this law because marijuana is still recognized as a harmful and dangerous substance in some states. This can cause problems because each state has their different views and opinions on the matter, and have their own rules and how the rules apply towards it. The twenty-six states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form, but California, Massachusetts, and Nevada just passed the law for recreational use. The states that have medical marijuana and recreational legalization are Washington, Oregon, California, Colorado, Nevada, and Alaska. The states that only have medical marijuana legal are Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico, Arizona, Hawaii (Ingraham). However, legalizing marijuana could have some benefits instead of being a drug with some bad reputations. Marijuana should be legalized because of medical reasons, safety reasons, and have some benefits to society.
The plant is believed to haveoriginated from the mountainous region of India. It is also believed that 80% of cannabis entering the UK comes from Morocco, and the herbal form comes from Jamaica. Cannabis contains more than 400 chemicals. The main psycholoactive ingerdient id delta-9-tetahydrocannabinol, or ‘THC’.
How many times have you heard or read about legalizing marijuana in the last year? I have heard about it numerous times whether on TV, on the radio, on the Internet, or when reading a newspaper. Many people wants marijuana to be legalized and each has his or her own reason. Some of them want marijuana legalized to reduce drug related violence in southern states that border Mexico and in big cities such as Chicago. Others want marijuana legalized to offset the impact of the current rescission by generating additional revenues to states from collecting taxes on marijuana. Many people believe that marijuana is not a drug and that it’s simply a plant therefore it should be legal just like tobacco. Finally, there are people who
Marijuana is not a recent discovery, but the mysteries surrounding the controversial topic in question remains to be disputed since its prohibition. Classified as an illegal substance, cannabis has been restricted in Canada and around the world. Marijuana is a complex drug and its contradictory claims of medical purposes, and harmful destruction, fuel the debate on whether or not the legal constraints of consuming marijuana should be reconsidered. In consideration of academic journals and news article, citizen welfare, economy benefit, social progression and legal system implications, will be focused on. Despite opposing beliefs, prohibiting the recreational usage of marijuana does not counteract the dangers of the practise thus legalizing marijuana in Canada will allow greater benefit than harm.
roll back the excesses of the drug war, block new, harmful initiatives, and promote sensible drug
Drugs like marijuana might end the costly war between legalizing drugs or not. There is estimation that legalizing the most influential drug marijuana or other drugs would save the government. Drugs would be such a good business for the government because approximately $41.3 billion in savings, $8.7 billion on legalizing marijuana, and $32.6 billion from the legalization of other drugs, like cocaine and heroin. Those savings of savings $25.7 billion would go to state and local governments. This bad because it’s going to make it easier for
Weed, bud, ganja, chronic, dro, herbs, grass, trees, pot, reefer; these are all names of the one drug that causes so much dispute, marijuana. Loved by so many, and hated by the law. It’s a two sided argument which everyone has their own opinion on. Is there any specific reason why weed should be illegal, or is the government just making money from catching people with it? Is there any real medical purpose for marijuana, or is it just a gateway drug for kids? These are the questions everyone should know the answers to. Whose side are you on?
My best friend used to smoke marijuana on a regular basis. Over time, he developed many obvious bad habits and changed his life style tremendously. He started getting lazy with schoolwork, and did not show much interest in anything at all. His parents noticed all these side effects that had been occurring but were unaware that their son smoked marijuana. After the grades fell so much, they decided to take him to get checked out because they were afraid he had developed some sort of ADD. They come to find out that because of him smoking so much marijuana it had led to brain problems, memory problems and affected his thinking skills. He was unable to stay concentrated on something and constantly was out of breath when any physical activity
The use of marijuana for medical purposes and personal use can be recorded as far as 12,000 years ago. Marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug. Schedule 1 drugs are drugs are drugs that have the potential for abuse (Drug Scheduling,2016). The government contains the high-level drugs, this is the reason we have pharmacies. Pharmacies are regulated so that people can not get medicine that can be easily abused. Pharmacies require a medical prescription from a certified doctor for any drug that could be used improperly. Marijuana should be in the same category as prescription drugs because, like any medicine/drug it can be easily abused. Decriminalizing marijuana is not helping millions of people that could benefit from its medical benefits from legalizing it. Even though legalized marijuana may result in an increase in black-market drug trade, marijuana should be legalized because its sale could benefit the economy and can also be used for medical purposes.
Willie Nelson once said, “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?”
After being diagnosed with breast cancer in November of 2013, Jeanette Bokland faced an unforeseeable future. She struggled through radiation, chemotherapy, and breast reconstruction. She pushed through painful needles filled with medication that left her exhausted and extremely ill. Due to the constant nausea and fatigue she could no longer be active and enjoy the happiness of life. Many months in to her struggle with cancer, she was weak and ready to give up her fight against breast cancer. That’s when a friend told her about marijuana, and though it was illegal she was desperate for a solution to her illness. In a last effort for relief, she tried marijuana. She described its medicinal effect as a “miracle drug”. Marijuana took away her fatigue and nausea, so she could eat healthy and continue her fight against cancer. Today marijuana is still illegal in many states. Is prosecuting sick patients, for using a drug that helps them, and has less side effects than prescription medication really the compassionate thing to do? Marijuana is not only medically, but economically valuable to our society. Tennessee should follow other states such as Colorado, Oregon, and Washington in the legalization of marijuana, for medical and recreational use.
It is heavily debated as to whether or not marijuana should be legalized. There are numerous reasons for and against legalizing marijuana, some say that the government can tax it, some say that it helps with certain medical conditions. People also say that it is not a gateway drug and does not lead to drug abuse. Then there is the question of should we legalize it now even though there is no way to test the levels in your blood at a routine police stop. There are some really good points as to why marijuana should be legalized and some good reasons as to why it should not be legalized, the truth is that people are going to smoke marijuana whether it is legal or not.
Marijuana is a cannabaceae plant, which has always been associated with negative connotations until recently, when it has been discovered that this plant may be used to cure diseases and improve a country economy. Thus, the American opinion is split on the question of “Marijuana Legalization”. In fact, a survey undertaken by CNN/ORC International Poll states that 55 % of Americans believe that the use of marijuana should be legal, while only 44 % think it should be illegal (CNN). I also share the American majority opinion since there is some evidence that marijuana yields positive results.