
Why Martin Luther King Is Important

Decent Essays

Importance. It’s an attribute applied to most of our lives. Most things that appear in life tend to BECOME important whether it’s a person, a feeling, a book, or a belief. Standing up for something is always important especially if it’s for something you believe in; for example, standing up for a person doesn’t always mean to stand up for somebody that’s being bullied, but it can also mean standing up for a person or people of a different race. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood up for his own race in order for black people to receive the rights they deserve because that’s what he believed was important. With this in mind, throughout time, there have been a variety of citizens that have actually supported Martin Luther King for what he stood up for and felt that it was not only a bold movement but an important one as …show more content…

Important to the black citizens of the world to be known and accepted, important to those of who strongly felt the segregation and racism issue to be taken care of, and to those who wished and or do wish to make a difference in this world without any hatred and only complete acceptance of those in the unexpected unaccepted. With this having been said, a majority of humans on this planet do not believe that the way their emotions cause them to react are important to others whether they are found dangerous or not to those around that person or to the person themselves. Whereas for me, as I have had personal experiences with emotional reflexes, I have come to the idea that what I do and the way I feel is actually quite important to not only some dearest to me but as well as people whom I have recognized as strangers. On a sensitive note, to let others out there know that who they are is important, there are such things as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline that was created for the sole purpose of exactly that! The understanding of a person’s

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