
Why Mel Grew Up In A Dysfunctional Family

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Mel grew up in an dysfunctional family, that sexually abused young adolescent children as the normal routine. Around the age 15 is when young Mel started to engage in marijuana, one of the possible reasons Mel could have started using the illegal substance is because he was sexually abused at the age of 15. According to (Victims of Crime, 2015) their statistics showed 60% of adolescents are sexually assaulted by someone in their community circle; therefore, the expression stranger danger is a bit deceptive. The thought of knowing that for many year’s educators, mothers, and caregivers have been schooling teenagers to stay away from unfamiliar individuals; all along, the real message that should have been drilled in children is to stay away from anyone who carries a threat of safety, this includes family as well (Tate, 2015). …show more content…

About 6 out of 10 fall into the non-family member to the victim and 3 out of 10 of those cases are predominantly fathers, uncles, or cousins (U. S Department of Veterans Affairs, 2015). Law enforcement agencies were very well acclimated with Mel’s family, and tried to pursue criminal charges against the aunt and uncle; nevertheless, Mel did not disclose information to incur charges on the predators. Mel was the victim in this situation, and one of the reasons most victims do not disclose information because of fear, anxiety, and lack of support from the community and their family members (Adcocates for Youth, 2015). Mel experienced fear of shame and embarrassment, which is why the vignette explained that Mel’s personality traits became socially isolated and avoided places, people, and school

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