Why My Vote Matters Many might believe that voting in an election is quite useless and that their measly vote isn’t counted. Many factors together, have shown that it is wrong and that every vote matters. My vote matters because as a basic right of citizenship, we are obligated to vote during elections. Another factor that contributes to why my vote matters is that it can determine who will represent my beliefs in the government. The last factor is that my vote can also affect young people and their issues. Together, these factors can determine why my vote matters in this society. The 15th Amendment states that all citizens have the right to vote no matter the color, race, or what they did before. My vote matters because it’s both my right to vote and also my responsibility to vote as a citizen. We often take for granted the freedom we have in this country without thinking about who are the ones who have accomplished this for us. By voting, we are exercising our rights of freedom and what or who we believe in. It is believed by some, that one vote won’t count but it actually does. Our responsibilities as cities, are to be involved and participate on these political events. My vote matters as something that is both a right and a responsibility to my country. …show more content…
My vote matters in this, because I can have the right to choose whomever I want and whomever I share the same beliefs with. There are many political disagreements between people and the best way is to have someone represent in what you believe in, in the government. We can choose who we like and share interests with so our concerns will be heard instead of ignored. As I vote, I can be a part of the reshaping of the legislature and policies through a chosen representative. Because I have chosen who I wanted to elect with a vote, it will have a strong impact amongst
It is important to vote because. We can change the usa. So we can have different presidents.
Jose Marti once said, “The vote is a trust more delicate than any other, for it involves not just the interests of the voter, but his life, honor and future as well.” Although many do not realize it, placing a vote for someone is a significant action, as Marti points out. One vote does make a difference, and who is elected has an influence over an innumerable amount of things. This is why
Americans are fortunate enough to have the right to vote, so we should take opportunity to be heard. “...many Americans do not vote” (Doc BE). Some Americans do not take the chance to vote. For example, “Since World War II, no presidential election has ever involved 65% or more of registered voters!” (Doc BE). Voting is important because, “People express their consent or disapproval in many different ways” (Doc BE).
Voting like in the past election is also one of my ways to feeling patriot and feeling like I have an important part of the direction of my country. Personally, i like to think that small things can make a big difference and any small part that I can contribute with is something that makes me feel like a true
Many laws affect the American’s rights to vote as an individual. For instance, the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution states that it grants
Have you ever thought why many people don’t vote? Some people don’t vote because they feel like their vote doesn’t matter nor will it change things. Others are just too afraid to voice their opinion because they feel like they would get punished for saying it. But people have to realize that their vote actually does matter. Their one little vote can determine certain things. Others should not be afraid to voice their opinion nor speak their mind because people have freedom of speech.
When I first thought about being able to vote I assumed that I would never participate. Politics and who run my country was never something I was, or thought I would be interested in. I didn’t understand why people were so
Voting is very essential and one of the easiest methods to influence public policy. You just need to be registered, and go to a polling station. It is simple because the government encourages people to vote, to hear a broad range of opinions. It is a form of direct democracy because when you vote, it directly affects the side or issue you support. Your vote is one more supporting opinion for a candidate or issue that is counted. Some people may think that their vote won’t make a big difference, but if you look at it from another perspective it can impact smaller and local issues. Although voting is imperative because you are given this privilege at the age of 18, it is not the end of one’s ability to influence government, but rather the beginning.
As I walked into the Crowne Plaza on the Ventura promenade on November 2, 2010, I was preparing to vote. I walked into the polling room, gave my name and identification, and was handed a voting sheet just as I had every other time I went to vote. I think this was the first time that I really contemplated about how lucky I was to live in a time where my voice has meaning. So many of my friends ask me “why do you vote, it doesn’t matter” and to me it is this kind of attitude that we need to as a society reflect on and regroup our thoughts on this issue. We forget that their was once a time that woman were not only not allowed to vote, but looked down upon for thinking that they had the right to do so.
Voting is a central right to each American citizen. Your vote is your chance to be listened, to hold chosen elected officials responsible for their actions and to have a say in vital issues that influences your community. You can 't have an effectively run democratic government without the backing and votes of the citizens. Voting gives the capacity for individuals to express their opinions about the administration. Each vote consoles our majority rule government and makes it stronger; we can 't allow it to weaken and crumble. A large number of Americans battled for our rights, they shed their blood to give us what we have today. Whether you vote or not, somebody will be chosen president. What 's more, that individual will be your leader, settling on choices that influence you and this nation for a long time to come.
Having the ability to vote gives a person the right to have a say in their government. High gas prices, high taxes, and many other problems that Americans face; can be avoided by electing certain leaders in political office. Every vote cast on a ballot counts, and also makes a difference in the election. In United States history, there have been significant events that have occurred in which one vote could have changed history. In the Presidential Election of 1960, one vote would have made Richard
“Your vote is your voice as an American citizen. It's your opportunity to be heard, to hold elected officials accountable for their elections and to have a say in important issues that affect your community. On Election Day, every vote matters”. Anonymous
By voting tells candidates that they must back up what they promise to do to help make our nation a better place to live. It also allows issues addressed by citizens concerns on different issues in their state and communities. Going to the polls on the day to vote shows a good example for your children, friends, family, and neighbors.
Voting is important it gives people the opportunity to voice their opinion and vote for what
That is what is what’s beautiful about this great nation, we have a chance to let our voice be heard and to make a statement. Besides what do we gain by not voting? Nothing. Voting is like gamble things don’t always stay the same.