My history as a student is not great; I had a lot of ups and downs frequently. I used to have problems staying out of trouble. Also my concentration wasn’t ever any good either so my ability to pay attention was not good either. My grades were barely passing and some were failing grades. I went through high school behind on my credits and not taking school as serious as I should as I should of. My discipline record in the past wasn’t good either; I always would get suspensions and detentions for my actions.
My views on writing is that I will get better eventually but i need to work on it. Usually on my writing assignments i'm barely passing or pass with a low grade. The reason why my writing isn't good is because of my dislike for writing.
How can I become a better writer? Throughout my writing experiences, I have learned I have many weaknesses along with strengths. My experiences with writing has not always been the best, but over time, with lots of practice and instructions from my instructors, I can proudly say that I have gained a better understanding on the layout of essays and papers. As well as understanding how to write correctly my goal as a writer is to learn how to overcome my weaknesses and use my strengths to my highest ability. I have many strengths, weaknesses and goals that I plan to achieve and overcome in my college career.
I love to write and it is something that I enjoy writing a story. I am still writing my fiction stories and few non-fiction stories. I enjoy writing for myself since I always have some ideas for my own stories in different times. I don’t have bad experience with writing because I just want to do on my own but not in the classroom. I don’t like to
My original attitude about writing in general was that I was not good or interested at it. My current attitude for writing has changed a lot. In English 1101 and 1102, the teachers would make us write about topics they chose and it never intrigued me. In this class, we got to pick some of our topics and it helped me become more interested. Now, I feel more interested in writing when I get to write on a topic I like. I believe I have learned to include sensory details into my writing through this class and it really intrigues the
The college textbooks always suggest in order to write a good article there are several stages and several points that you should take and consider. For example before you start writing, first you have to brainstorm ideas, take notes, and make outlines. After getting everything in order, you have to decide what kind of article you are writing: a comparison and contrast writing, a cause and effect writing, or etc. Then you have to think of a good thesis statement, subtopic statements, introduction and conclusions, central paragraphs, and many more. Finally you have to worry about having sentence variety, not to use passive voice, not to have run on sentences, not to use too much ‘is’ and ‘and’. I do not know about
I have always had a love hate relationship with writing. I like to think of myself as a very creative person who enjoys being expressive with my words, that is until it comes to putting them down on paper. I have always pride myself in having an expansive vocabulary and ability to articulate my emotions clearly from a young age. I had always excelled in my Literature and English courses in High School but soon found a stronger calling in public speaking and presenting. Though a daunting task for many I always found it so much easier to speak my mind then try to format my thoughts into an essay. Writing is one of those skills that if you do not continue to practice you can lose strength in rapidly.
Bettering your skills of writing is extremely important because writing can help you with several different aspects throughout your life. Being a good writer can help you solve problems, learn, and triumph in school and future jobs. So how do you improve your writing? Firstly start with your mental state. You have to be willing to learn and give yourself the proper amount of time and knowledge in order to do well. Secondly, use the resources around you such as your syllabus, tutors offered through your school, and online
In my opinion, I am a good student with the willingness to learn. I have many strengths as a writer like formatting papers and have solid body paragraphs. I also have a few weakness like the length of my body paragraphs and my word choices when writing my conclusion. I still I have many things to work on to make my writing better, but the only way to get better is to practice.
Writing is an art. Art is used to express emotion and creativity that an individual holds. For me, writing can be relaxing, but stressful at the same time. The way the words flow onto the paper is so soothing, but getting your piece to make sense to the audience is where it can be a little tedious. For me, grammar is a shortcoming I face when writing. My friend, however, is great at proofreading so I get her to revise mine for me. What are weaknesses for some, may be strengths for others. However, writing is a complex tool that may be utilized by many individuals, including myself, to create unique works of art for others to enjoy.
Author and professor of writing, Amy Joy stated “Anyone who says writing is easy isn 't doing it right” Learning what I have about the writing process over this past semester, I can now confidently say that Amy Joy is absolutely correct! Writing has never been my strong point but taking on the challenge to turn that around has been extremely rewarding. My lack of confidence in my writing skills would always come across in my assignments. It was clear that I needed guidance with grammar, sentence structure, and expanding my vocabulary. Fortunately, the coursework in English 101 along with the help and support of my professor, I have gained a much greater confidence in my ability to write quality college level papers. My writing has greatly improved taking the Introduction to College Writing course. I have learned how to integrate the words and ideas of others by quoting and paraphrasing, about expository writing, and most importantly, critical thinking.
From the time I was in about fourth or fifth grade I began to dislike certain subjects in school. I loathed everything about writing assignments. I didn’t write at home before that the thought of writing for myself never really occurred to me. I hated the deadlines the length requirements and I just tried to get them done and had no intention of writing well because I told myself I was a bad writer. I have never really known whether or not I truly am a bad writer. I continued these habits of just writing something down to get a decent grade all throughout school. I usually got an okay grade because I followed the prompt closely and did the minimum amount of work for the paper. I didn’t start the assignments until either the night before it was due. As I got older I would type the paper on my phone in school that day then print it off in the library moments before class. I continued writing in that awful ritual of complacency until the end of 11th grade. We had to write a paper on The Great Gatsby a book that I never read. I read couple of notes on the internet and then wrote the paper and never reread it or edited it all. I did my usual routine and followed the prompt and turned my paper in. When I got my paper back I was shocked to find out I didn’t get even a half decent grade I was given a zero. I went to my teacher after class to speak with him about the grade and he told me I got the grade that I deserved. He said I was lazy and never tried to truly work in
To start off, I will describe the things I struggle with in my writing. My vocabulary is not that high so I often use basic terminology rather than using bigger more complex words. I know that I could look up words in the thesaurus, but ever to often I feel like that is just too much work and it takes time. Another thing I find myself doing a lot is making really long lengthy sentences instead of adding commas, semicolon, and periods where they go. In connection, I frequently use the same sentence type such as declarative instead of mixing it up and including a verity of sentences like exclamatory or interrogative. A final struggle I face when it comes to writing is repetition I find myself repeating the same words over and over again.
I really like writing and I think it is important that everyone has the chance to learn how to write. But I'm not very good at it and I don't think it is meant for me. I think I'd be a better writer if I had more motivation and patience for it. There has been many times where I have thought about writing but quit on it after a page or two.
My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college.
My biggest struggle in writing would be starting my introduction because I never really know what information to add in my stating my thesis statement. Although, one way I’m trying to improve this struggle is by either adding small quotes or definitions to hook the reader and to add some info about my topic. Furthermore, one essay that I feel reflects my writing the best would be the midterm essay. I picked the midterm essay because even though it was timed I still took my time and carefully picked which examples I thought would best represent my opinions. In addition, I feel using the quote “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” by Nelson Mandela was a very powerful way to keep the reader interested. Ultimately, while I still haven’t overcome the obstacle of writing an introduction I know I’m slowly starting to find my way towards my goal of not struggling when it comes to starting my essays.
What I think good writing is? Someone who can get their opinions in paper and deliver their point across is being a good writing. Teachers have a contribution for students not understanding writing. I have hated writing my whole life until I went to college. I used to believe I was a bad writer because teachers always told me I was writing wrong and always got an F in every paper I wrote. Until I took my first writing class in college. Teachers and peers kept telling how good of a writer I am, but needed some tweaks and a concise essay. I believe there is a no thing as being a bad writer. In addition, there can be a good writer because they can acknowledge their mistakes and correct their problems to the point they deliver the message across to the audience. For this reason, teachers need to teach students how they can discover their problems on their instead of always telling the student they are bad.