Attending college is necessary in our community, people attend college for different reasons: for career preparation so they could get career easier, for increase their knowledge
, the knowledge from the school is not enough, to have new experience, people opinions differe about the reason that students attend college, In my view I think that most of people attend college because of career preparation, I support this point by differet reasons.
First, they have to get money in future, without proper amount of money no body could live in the way that he want to, and the best method to get money is to have career and to have good career mostly you have to attend college, Money is so important: for example, when I decide to marry the girl I love,
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In our society, most of people respect careers that are a result of college education, or you get it because of studying in university, for example: My father is a doctor, and I enter medical school so I could be a doctor like him , to have a respectful career, prestigious one , I studied hard to get that. My brother love computer and he was so good in computer programing since middle school, but because he want a job in one of the most gigantic companies in our country, he studied computer engineering in college despite his knowledge didn`t increase that much, so you have to attend college for the certificate that you couldn`t get without studying in university
Finally, having Job after attending college got you the feelig of independency, there are many jobs could be achieved by experience alone but when you get the necessary knowledge with it, you feels strong, you could reduce the time needed to get the Job , whatever the struggles you faced, you could deal with it, you could be unique and endowed in your career, the addition of scientific value to your career, so you could be stronger and resistance to changes over time.
In conclusion, the most important reason that students attend college is for career
Throughout a student’s journey of schooling, college is mentioned hundreds of times. Maybe even thousands. Once they reach high school the next four years are dedicated to preparing for college. Some will feel overwhelmed by this thought and others may not. While a lot of people have the option to go, many decide not to. In Charles Murray’s article, Are Too Many People Going to College he discusses a few reasons why people might not choose college. Although in my own opinion it is not always necessary to attend college, I do believe it will benefit many people. Freeman Hrabowski’s article Colleges Prepare People for Life makes a point about benefits of college which I agree with.
While going to college can help you succeed in life, it is not for everyone. Some people already know what they want to do after high school and don’t need a college education to accomplish it. On the other hand, others do attend college to find what they want to do and it just ends up being a waste of time and money. College should not be required for every high school graduate.
A majority of people these days are planning or are going to college. These people have many reasons for going to college. The option of going to college is a major decision and there are many factors that are considered in making this decision. One of the many reasons of making the decision to go to college is to receive a bigger salary. Another reason is for the opportunities that become available from going to college. People also decide go to college to be better prepared and successful in the future.
Author Charles Murray writes in “Are Too Many People Going to College”, that college in some ways is unnecessary due to the core knowledge we learn growing up. College is where you become a “cultivated human being” not where you become layers or doctors.
With America growing at the rate it is, it is very important to grow with it. College is the best way to prepare someone to be out in the workforce and survive. Going to college is not essential for success, but it will give someone the extra skills that will help them in their career and in life. College helps people get a good job, prepares them for adult life, and will help them make more money.
Not only do we get a lot out of getting a college degree in what we want to do, but so does our society. There are requirements for every job for a reason. Jobs need people that specialize in just that career field. They want us to be passionate about what we do and more importantly know exactly what we are doing. For example, hospitals have no room for mistakes because not only may it cost a life, it can also costs them money. We feel safer knowing people know how to do their jobs right. College education is necessary whenever there is a shortage in certain careers. It’s important to have higher education so there can be growth and competition in our society.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela. In my honest opinion, I honestly think that college is important for people and there are various reasons regarding college is worth attending. Three of these reasons are that college graduates earn more rather than high school graduates, how college graduates have lower poverty rates than high school graduates, and that the children of college graduates are healthier and better prepared for school.
People whoa attend college have endless ways of gaining experience. They gain experiences from internships, social encounters, and studying abroad. College students have the opportunity to have internships, where they learn to strive in the working environment. They have the ability to even get jobs a these internships, thus people should go to college because they will have the opportunity of
A college education prepares you for a lifetime job because it gives you a basic understanding of the skills you would need for your profession. You can’t just get an actual job without going to college to help you build your knowledge for your interest. In a survey report from “Is College Worth It?” it states that “74% say their college education was very useful in helping them grow intellectually; 69% say it was very useful in helping them grow and
In our society today, college is something that one is looked upon to do. Today our society is mostly looked at by our education level rather than who the person truly is. Now society is also looking at this generation for us to know that to succeed, one might set high goals for their self, which means going to college and pursing a degree. On the other hand, there are some people in this world that graduated from high school and have never been to college and are just happy with their life like it is. There are two ways to look at this topic. One is that college is worth the cost and another view is that college is not worth the cost at all. College is worth the cost. Yes, it can be expensive depending on where the high school graduated would like to attend to earn their degree, but education is something that is worth the cost and very valuable and something one will never lose.
Going to college has been taught to be the next step in education after graduating high
They do not want to be looked down upon in the eyes of society so they do what they think is best. The idea to become a productive person in society is that you must have some sort of college education. Being a college student is seen as more respectable, rather then being a garbage man or janitor because of the way society looks down upon these types of careers.
College is not for everyone, nor is it required for a lot of jobs today. A reason that people do not necessarily have to go to college is because most jobs today don’t require going to college. Last year, “according to the federal reserve bank of new york, 46 percent of recent college graduates were in jobs that don’t even require a college degree.” This is saying that majority of those that went to college wasted their time and money for something that was not needed. The more people waste their time, the longer it will take to be successful. This is one example that supports why college is not necessary.
Also, if one attends college, he or she will learn continuous, practical information for life. People who have participated in college and have graduated having accomplished more now than they had ever imagined probable for them. College also teaches people to strengthen their minds, enhance thinking skills as well as improve individual comprehension throughout life. Some say the only meager men are those, who lack intelligence. If one has the opportunity to improve his or her standard of living, and provide a better quality of life for his or her family as well, then why would he or she neglect to accept the opportunity offered? Great opportunities due to a great education arouse daily so one needs to be aware of the lifelong consequences disregarding the attendance in college provides.
For me, the reason that why I go to the college is everyone in my senior high school does it.Most of students in Taiwan who have graduated from high school, they go to college rather than find a job. There are two reasons why I follow most of people’s footsteps to enter into college. First, I don’t truly realize what I pursue. Instead of thinking what I desire, I just has been taught to learn the knowledge of textbooks during schooldays. Second, I still have no ideas what kind of occupation is suitable for me. I consider that if I go to college, maybe I can get some ideas during four years. Therefore, I choose to continue with studying in order to figure out what I want to do in the future. In conclusion, I choose to follow most of people’s