island is confronted with nearly $90 billion of damages. Governor Ricardo Rosselló of Puerto Rico is asking for fairness. They fight the same wars as the United States. To put this into perspective, if a U.S. citizen were to move from Puerto Rico to the mainland, you get the right to vote for their president, House of Representatives, for senators and so on. If you move to Puerto Rico, you lose those rights. In a sense, the people of Puerto Rico have a second-class citizenship. Finally airports are being opened back up. Meaning many Puerto Rican's are fleeing the island to come to the United States to start a new life. These people do not need a passport. The JetBlue solution they call it. All they need is a flight ticket. More than 100 thousand
Are they Puerto Rico citizens or simply just United States citizens inhabited on the caribbean island? Puerto Ricans are actually required to pay many of the same federal taxes as United States citizens. “Considering Commonwealth government has their own set of laws, Puerto Ricans are still required to pay
Geography of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico consists of a group of island, located between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, east of the Dominican Republic, about 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southeast of Miami, Florida. For the reason of its location, history, and warm atmosphere the Puerto Rican island is extremely popular tourist place. Shape of this island is almost rectangular with 100 miles long by 35 miles wide. It is the smallest and most eastern island of Greater Antilles (Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica and Puerto Rico). Puerto Rico is the 3rd largest island in USA and 82nd Largest island in the whole world.
Puerto Rico should become the 51st state because nearly 54 percent, or 922,374 people, wanted statehood. Even three American Presidents Gerald Ford, George Bush I, and even Reagan supported statehood. Also “For me, being a U.S. citizen is a lot more than carrying a passport,” says Caraballo-Sandoz. “I’m very hopeful that one day we are going to be a state of the Union.” The people of Puerto Rico deserve better than the way they are being treated. Puerto Ricans
Pablo Camacho was one of my old family friend who lives in Puerto Rico, since that’s where my family’s from. He used to be my dad’s family accountant who ran all the numbers and did all the financial operations of the business. Since my dad moved away from the island, we still keep in touch because of how close they were. Therefore, I thought this was the perfect person to vex or ask him questions for my interview. I have to disclose that Puerto Rico’s primary language is not English and I had to translate this interview from Spanish. I did my best in translating everything and summarizing it.
Most Americans, don’t know how Puerto Rico got the way it is and like Nelson said many believe that the debt we have is one that was 100% our fault. However, most don’t understand the deep history and relationship Puerto Rico has with the United States and how the way we have and continued to be treated has a lot to do with the debt Puerto Rico
For most of its history, Puerto Rico has been controlled by an outside power, and its people oppressed. While Puerto Rico is currently a U.S. territory, Spanish colonialism has had a significant impact on the island’s development and identity. The history of the island itself is proof of this fact, demonstrating each step Puerto Rico took to reach its current state. By examining the stages of Spanish control that Puerto Rico experienced, we can determine how each stage affected the structure and identity of Puerto Rico.
Showing up in sea tempest attacked Puerto Rico since Maria's landfall, President Trump offered a healthy round of congrats to government help endeavors and expressed gratitude toward the island's representative. In any case, the president likewise recommended Maria was not a "genuine calamity," made an odd and misdirecting correlation with the loss of life from Hurricane Katrina, and clowned about how the sea tempest would influence the government spending plan. “Puerto Rico survived the hurricane," President Trump rightly says, and "Now a financial crisis looms largely of their own making." Hard words, but true.
The commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico), known to most Americans as simply Puerto Rico, exists as one of two territories owned by the United States1. Being a territory of the United States, Puerto Ricans possess common citizenship, currency, and defense. However, even though Puerto Ricans are United States citizens they do not pay any kind of federal income taxes. Therefore, they cannot vote in presidential elections. Puerto Rico is under the jurisdiction of the United States customs, and are allowed free movement of people and merchandise with the United States. They have established their own constitution, and have a greater amount of independence than possessions. Although
Puerto Rico is an island that is impacted by not having enough land for cultivation. The Three thousand four hundred and ninety-two square miles of this island is about seventy-five percent hills or mountains (Worldmark Encyclopedia of the States b). With the large amount of land consisting of hill or mountains, Puerto Rico has limited amounts of natural resources. While under Spanish colonial rule, the island was largely neglected because of its limited mineral resources. Following the Spanish-American war in 1898, the U.S. took over control of the island. The U.S. found itself in control of an island that produced small scale amounts of sugar and coffee. The U.S would then expand the sugarcane operations and establish markets to use as a viable trade resource.
My research focuses on what scholars say are the advantages and disadvantages of Puerto Rico becoming a state. To further my research, I decided to survey a small number of Puerto Ricans and ask them how they felt about Puerto Rico becoming a state. I attempted to survey a number Puerto Ricans living on the island and compare their responses to potentially the same number of Puerto Ricans living on the island. Unfortunately, my attempt to reach those living on the island was thwarted by Maria, a hurricane that recently came close to decimating the island entirely. My research was forced to survey only Puerto Ricans living the U.S. Since 27 out the 57 friends on my social media page are Puerto Rican, I decided that the best way to generate responses to my survey was to start with family and friends on social media
Since Puerto Rico was first discovered by Christopher Columbus on November 19, 1493, and Spanish colonization ensued in 1508, Puerto Rico has experienced all of these pressures of identity and culture.
Once I got off the plane and exited the airport I knew I was going to face some challenges with transportation. The island is small, but is home to 3.6 million people so it is very crowded and busy. If you have ever been to New York City and waited for the train at a subway station that is what leaving the San Juan airport was like. I had not thought to set up a taxi or bus service before I arrived so I began to walk away from the airport. Eventually I made it to a bus stop. As I was waiting for the bus I noticed that people were not very cautious while driving. Small dilapidated vehicles were swerving in and out of lanes while blowing on their horns and the public transportation followed suit. By the time the bus arrived I was almost positive walking would have been a safer route to my hotel room, but I hesitantly got on the bus. The buses cost one U.S dollar to ride any were in the city of San Juan but they do not accept dollar bills, I did not have coins on me. Thankfully the bus driver was very kind and let me ride for free.
Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island and independent United States region that is embellished with a countryside of green mountains, cascading waterfalls, and tropical forests. However, it is best known for its white sandy beaches. Here one can snorkel, surf, and sail. San Juan is the capital and often visited as a tourist location. One can find bars located beachside, fabulous nightspots, and casinos. The reason for choosing Puerto Rico is because it is similar to the United States in many ways. There has always been a desire to travel there to teach English in this country. Having meet some citizens from the country and had friends that experienced life there as an exchange student has only heightened the desire to move there.
What's a common location that comes up in discussion when someone thinks of a destination to get away from all the hustle and bustle of the Main land of the United States? Normally Puerto Rico isn't too far away from conversation. Puerto Rico is a beautiful place with the perfect climate and many historical sites to take that getaway that you have always wanted. Today we will discuss major issues in/of Puerto Rico, the significance of this research and data sources, and lastly I will describe the data collected and research found during my inquiry on the region known as Puerto Rico
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