Society often judges people unfairly because they are quick to assume or they judge based off of petty, trivial things. For example, they might see a person dressed a certain way and instantly assume it’s for one certain reason, and cannot possibly be for any other reason. If a person is dressed sloppily, it’s obviously because he is lazy and doesn’t care how he looks. After all it’s easier to accept a baseless conclusion than to gather evidence for other possible conclusions. It is also easier for one to distract himself from his own issues by embracing the bliss of ignorance and telling others about how wrong they are instead of looking at himself. People generally prefer the easy route, thus why people like this exist, and why innocent people get persecuted. …show more content…
People who substitute their own reality for how things really are think that things like personality, good character and inner beauty are to be ignored and looks, personal opinions and clothing choice need to be judged. Anyone who so much as believes something different is biased and ignorant to them. People who are discriminated against are put in that position because of how others try to strip them of what makes people people: difference. Some people misunderstand and think that difference is a sickness and anyone who has it is just a horrible person. They shouldn’t have to meet some arbitrary standard, nor should they be forced into doing or believing something just because everyone else does it. No matter how different they are, they are people all the same and they should be treated as
One reason people are judged is because of fashion ( i.e jewish men wear yamaka, islamic men wear prayer robes, and arabic women wear face covers.)People see a piece of fashion that is different from what they are used to seeing and automatically judge because they are not subject to change or something that differentiates from things they are used to in their own
Do you wonder what it is like for people who are different? How their life is affected by others opinions and thoughts? “Society looks down upon freakish and extraordinary individuals alike and views them with suspicion… they especially fear loners, those mysterious creatures who pursue their own values…?” (par.4). This quote from, “The Sociology of Leopard Man,” can be true to some people because society does do this to people who are different. Many people can agree with this statement about society looking down on individuals with different thoughts. These individuals change their appearance to get attention and no matter what they do society will not like these individuals beliefs. These are reasons why society looks at them in a bad way.
When we first getting to know a person, most of us stereotype and with just only looking at their appearance, we often already make a short conclusion on their characteristic and background. Society should consider other people's feeling in the way society wants others to be considered. The general rule applies; if people want to be respected, then they should respect
Everyday people are misjudged as they walk down the street, into a public place and even their own homes. Society as a whole and you are viewed by outer appearance first. This allows others to unconsciously make inferences and usually false conclusions about you and your situation. For instance, if somebody wears a ski mask and looks suspicious, others might
In a perfect world, we would see no color. People would be judged based on their character instead of their skin color or religious preference, yet this is real life. This doesn’t happen. Instead, we prejudge the different types of people in the world before actually getting to know them. In society, we judge people based on one’s racial identification or religious preference instead of their self-perception.
In a world where violence is caused due to differences, we are forced to ask ourselves this question often. Looking into it, we can see the true judgement of people are due to how they look, how they dress, and how they speak. Another reason people may judge is simply because they don’t understand. Another reason to it is because people are just simply raised into believing opinions that are told around them. Opinions have the power to control people more than facts.
Judgment is the reason why members of society tend to abide to their respective social role within society. However, the fact of the matter is that the social roles that most individuals believe in are simply unfair and biased. In “Racial Identities,” Kwame Anthony Appiah argues that an individual’s identity is not limited to race or ethnicity, but has more meaning than what the physical appearance has to offer. In “Dude, Where’s My Job?” Walter Benn Michaels talks about the economic discrepancies and inequalities that we deal with in society today. In “The Loss of the Creature,” Walker Percy argues that preconceptions about certain experiences can lead to complexities within an individual’s mind, which would deteriorate the genuine experience. In “Undone by Neoliberalism” Adolph Reed Jr. says that neoliberalism shaped the social and economic inequities of New Orleans In “Panopticism,” Michel Foucault talks about his theory of the Panopticon, which is the theory that all humans are being surveyed at all times, due to the social norms that we have created ourselves. Social judgments regarding finance, education, and ethnicity are problems that we as individuals need to adjust ourselves before pointing our finger at one another.
Everyone should be able to feel and imagine being in situation where they are being targeted to understand what minorities go through. Next time when you want to judge someone based on what he or she is wearing or the color of their skin try to dig deeper and see the actual type of person they
Prejudice is all around the world, it always has been, and it always will. Some people use it for personal gain. Some want everyone just to be like them. Plus some people just grow up in a prejudice community and think it’s right.
In a perfect world, everyone WOULD be judged based on the content of their character. But we do not live in a perfect world and humans have always pre-judged others based on physical and cultural differences. These are the first things we notice about a stranger, and first impressions are hard to forget. Racism and prejudice have caused us to make dire mistakes in the past, but we have learned from these mistakes and have bettered our society. However, society today is filled with stereotypes and prejudices about people of certain races. It
People shouldn’t limit their views, but they should limit how to express it and disagree each other with respect. No one chose his/her own race, ethnic origin, disability, or gender at birth. Human just born as
ATTENTION: How is justice presented in our society? No one likes to be treated unjustly. No matter what your race may be or what gender you are; everyone should be treated fairly. For the world to have a moral society, people have to see each other without a sense of bias. When people base their opinions on one aspect of a person, they begin to judge them and look down on them. Justice can be apprehended when everyone is seen as equal and human, no matter what race or gender. The concept of stereotyping places a false impression on a group of people and makes others see them differently than who they are. If people would push back the assumptions that all people who have the same beliefs or ideas are exactly alike, everyone would be viewed
What gives us the right to judge people on the way that they look? In Human Family by Maya Angelou and Barack Obama’s speech on Race they share Common beliefs, they are that everyone is the same, everyone has the same goals, what makes one person different? On the inside everyone has the same stuff for the most part, right? Of course there are a few exceptions but for the most part everyone is the same. Everyone wants and deserves education.
People no matter their intentions always categorize others based on their first impression. With the media today, many believe that it is getting worse. Whether it be in movies, on social media, or even in the news there are many people in the world trying to change these bias views and change the way people look at each other. Everyday people no matter their race, gender, or class are faced with different stereotypes and different bias views that many wishes to overcome.
When someone intentionally tries to persecute a person who is not guilty, they make themselves out to be ignorant. In order for them to continue their --- they have to purposefully ignore the truth about the situation. If they were to see and admit to the truth, they would have to admit they are wrong, something many people are reluctant to do. They also try to raise themselves up by putting down those around them. They disregard the feelings of others and in the process instead of making themselves look better, they often cause the opposite.