In today’s day and age, I look at news stories/articles that depict nothing but struggle for all sorts of communities and individuals globally (Slide 13). People in the world are homeless, depressed, and lonely to the point where they have given up hope (Slide 4 and 19). Why does this happen? Can this be prevented? Most of the time this happens as a result of not completing school, have failed at finding a career that they are interested in, or they have been involved in activities with disruptive individuals which results in humans not having too much offered to them in their lives. ( Slide 10 ). This can, however, be prevented. All it takes is for us, as humans, to guide others the right direction, and there are several excellent careers …show more content…
When I was younger, all I heard from the outside world was that “You can be whatever you want to be“, but at the same time, The person I obsessed with when I was an adolescent, Bear Grylls, had stated “A man’s pride can be his downfall, and he needs to learn when to turn to others for support and guidance.” I had dreamed of becoming an NBA superstar when I was only five and every single day I practiced my tail off to watch if I could possibly pull off my goal. However, when I was eight, my parents signed me up for a city league, and all I witnessed was everybody able to outdo me at every possible fundamental. I ended up being atrocious and my dad told me “ Sometimes talent is natural, and it provides dreams out of reach, but you must look around for everything possible for something you can reach that will help you in the long run. “ (Slides 20 and 25). Throughout the rest of my childhood, I had explored several possible careers such as working with animals. I was always interested in animals that you could interact with in public, but I always had a fear with household pets on behalf of knowing that they would prey on and attack each other unexpectedly, and that’s something I’d always been terrible at coping with (Slides 24 and 28). However, when I started high school, I recall that I was always doing something that I enjoyed. Whenever I went to class, someone would always call on me to assist them with a problem and I was always able to help them solve it. It was very rewarding and again came another Epiphany. I was guiding people what to do under proper circumstances. That congenial of guidance falls into the category in Teaching, and at that instant came my quest to become a teacher who could make a change in the world. I started taking the teaching courses my school offered during my Junior and Senior years and I knew I was making a positive
I feel that this excerpt stood out to me for many reasons. The first being that I am sure that many people can relate to this quote and feel that they had a similar experience. Personally, I can relate to this excerpt because I have tried playing another sport, and I tried my hardest to train, but after a little while, I started to realize that I wasn’t truly enjoying myself, which is what sports are all about. Another reason is because many people are unsure of what they want to be when they grow up, and end up spending their time in college for something they didn’t truly want to do. Finally, it seems that many parents choose for their kids what their career choice is going to be without the kid having a say in it. With that being said, many kids can end up doing something they don’t want to do for the rest of their life, and not enjoy the good things in life.
The future that children often dream for themselves is not the reality they live out later in life. Professor Kleinpeter saw herself becoming a Veterinarian. When the time came for her to choose a career, she turned away from the field. The amount of time it took to obtain the degree changed her mind. Instead, she looked to a career in education. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in education along with a certification for Adaptive P.E. Kleinpeter taught Adaptive P.E. for 15 years all over Louisiana and in Houston, Texas. Then she decided, like her husband, she would become a doctor. The prerequisites required to be a medical doctor though was too much for her. So, by the advice of a friend, she decided to pursue a career as a psychologist instead.
Throughout my life, I’ve wanted to be many things. An astronaut, a princess, a doctor, a lawyer, and at one point in my life the president. Now that I am older and much more mature. I still haven’t decided what I wanted to be. When I first started my high school career, I was terrified. I didn’t know what I wanted to be. So I decided to try new things. I’ve been with choir ever since I was in the sixth grade, so I thought I would give it shot, and try something new. I started to take drama and art. I soon found out, that I wasn’t great at either of those things. I had stage fright and I sucked at drawing. But, I didn’t give up. I stayed with choir, drama, art, and basketball. Now that I am a senior and ready to graduate, I have found out I
Soon after my graduation, I became an Adaptive Physical Educator (APE) and worked at a public school in Puerto Rico for three years. While as an APE my empathy for those suffering from diverse disabilities increased. Although circumstances beyond my control forced me to work in other facets, the personal and professional growth obtained as an APE will follow me for the rest of my life. After several decades of working on other jobs, and feeling dissatisfied with my existing profession at that time, I decided to conduct a career assessment. The assessment pointed out mostly at professions helping people; among them, psychology. It was then that at 42 years of age, I decided to return to school and study
From a young age, children are taught to do what they love. Famous role models instruct young dreamers to follow whatever they're passionate about. But is this advice, actual sound advice? Gordon Marino argues that doing what you love, isn't always the right choice. In the article A Life Beyond 'Do What You Love' Marino argues "Sometimes we should do what we hate, or what most needs doing, and do it as best we can." (Page 4, Paragraph 2). Throughout the article, Marino provides multiple rhetorical devices to emphasize his thesis. Gordon Marino, a Philosophy professor at the St. Olaf College, writes this thought provoking article in hopes to persuade his audience. His audience consists of the young people who are about to take their first steps
Gordon Marino effectively argues the importance of individuals doing what they need to do and not just what they love as a career. He builds his argument by including anecdotes, citing experts, and appealing to the audience’s emotions. To begin with, in his article, Dr. Marino builds his argument with anecdotal evidence to help readers see the importance of choosing to do more than what they love. The personal stories strengthen his argument and the use of pathos because he gives an example of his life saying, “My father didn’t do what he loved. He labored at a job he detested so that he could send his children to college” (page 2, para.2).
Growing up the main question a child is asked is, “What do you want to be when you grow up? “ , and most kids respond saying a doctor, lawyer, or a cop. In reality not everyone sticks to their first idea, and it’s slim that they actual start working in the chosen career. In my case, I have always wanted to work as a social worker or a therapist, but I realized it wasn’t in my budget. Therefore, I have decided; as well as, grew interest in being a dental assistant for a pediatric office.
The system that people have created has diminished individual’s dignity. Fathers are ashamed that they need help, so they usually leave while their family is receiving help. Mothers try to act happy and keep a smile on their faces while receiving help. The children do not ask questions, but know what to expect every holiday, and know that they will not go without clothes and food. People get too comfortable with the idea of help that they stop working hard. This deeply saddens me because poverty is a never ending cycle, and I see it in my own community. People do not have their priorities straight because they will go out and buy a big screen television, rather than paying bills. Also, individuals have become lazy and have lost motivation for making money.
“...destiny has summoned the hero and transferred his spiritual center of gravity from within the pale of his society to a zone unknown”(Campbell 48). In the book, The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Campbell, an American mythologist, writer, and teacher, elaborated how each hero react to their call to adventure differently.. Each and everyone of us have our own inspiration in life. Some accepts their call but some refuse, the reason being is that they feel overwhelmed by the unfamiliarity that they are being exposed to. Deciding on what we want to pursue in life is really challenging. Knowing that we have to dedicate a lot of time and effort in order to achieve what we aim for in life and the high chance of failing at it is really intimidating. Growing up, I would always visit my grandmother in the hospital. She was always sick, so me and my cousins would always check up on her. We would play on the play area while we are waiting for her to wake up. On that same play area, there will always be this one girl on a wheelchair, who always looks so down. So I took the courage and ask her if she can play with us but unfortunately she said “I would love to but I really can’t.” I was so confused that time, until my mom told me that she has a heart condition which was why she can’t do things normal children experience.That moment made broke my heart and made me realize a lot of things. Children are meant to explore the world, make mistakes and discover their purpose in life. In regards to my career path, my call to adventure is to become a pediatrician or a pediatric nurse. Currently, I am refusing it due to the pressure coming from the people around me and the commitments it is associated with.
We are surrounded by challenges like abortions, poverty, and violence which all destroy the lives of people that were put
Growing up we all have dreams and great aspirations to be something one day. All of us with something different in mind, some of us along the same line, whether it's a professional athlete,astroughnaught, superman/woman,or even a parent to our soon to be kids,we all dream to be something one day. But along the lines of reality, we hit a wall,a wall of truth. The wall of truth being our grades aren't good enough, you're too short, or the fact you can't fly. Well i know what I want to be, I want to be an athletic trainer. What influenced me? John Alder.
The most common thing that comes to mind when someone mentions living in the United States is the “American Dream”. This dream including a family living in a house with a white picket fence around it. The grass is nice and green and everything seems simple and dandy; however, this is rarely seen. In cities there are often people on the street corners holding up signs that say “will work for food”, or something along those lines. The people holding these signs are apart of the growing population of homeless. Shelters that help the homeless are full and running out of resources. This may seem like a simple matter, at first glance, but it is actually quite complex. Communities are continuously struggling with
Ever since I can remember, I believed the job I was born to do was to be a dance teacher. Dance is an art form that I feel has been the biggest outlet for me in my life. I knew it was my destiny, until my senior, when I became a teacher’s assistant and saw the passion people have what they considered dance is not the same anymore. The teenagers I was teaching their passion wasn’t for dance as a complete art, but for twerking and grinding. Those were things I had never considered a part of the art of dance as much. So my idea of wanting to be a high school dance teacher started to dwindle, that was until my choreographer, Eric Blythe, and my dance teacher, Jenna Petroff, gave me an idea. For my senior project I gave a presentation to a couple of classes of how dance is changing and what we can do to keep old techniques while interpreting the new age dances, and interview both Jenna and Eric for this project. Once they saw the end product, they both thought that it might be a better idea for me to teach high school in the day but own my own dance studio. I spent my spring semester falling in love with that idea, and did a lot of research and began to prepare myself for the challenging path that I will have to walk to get to that goal. Just the thought of having a studio to call my own, where I can influence more than a few students, was something I wanted to happen so badly. There are many things that go into owning a dance studio, you have to have a
Looking back on my sophomore and junior years of high school, I had a very difference idea of how my life was going to turn out. I worked three days a week on my school’s radio station, WBMT, and played guitar during my free time. I was going to major in business and minor in communications and hopefully pursue some career in music production and management. From middle school until late high school, that was the way I was going to affect people, through music. While I had worked as a camp counselor, and had experience working with children, it just wasn’t a path that I thought I could turn into a career. As I grew up and had new experiences, I began to reevaluate my plans for myself.
I grew up on a small farm in a small town. My parents are both educators at the school I grew up in. To my surprise my parents were not thrilled when I told them I had a passion for education. Their first words to me were, “are you sure,” “don’t you think you are wasting your intelligence,” and “you’re not going to make very much money.” This was discouraging coming from the two people I thought I would look up to going into my future career. I was at a loss for some time, until I sat down with my grandfather one day after church. He asked me if I had decided what I wanted to do after college. To this I replied, I want to be a teacher. Expecting the same response as my