Kimberly Zayas-Maciel
English 1301
Professor Duncan
December 3, 2016
Final Essay Outline
Topic: Throughout history and present people have owned exotic animals to show “wealth” and “power” to others and kept them as pets.
Possible title: Why people should not be allowed to keep exotic animals
- Some people feel they should be allowed to keep exotic animals as they think they are capable of taking care for the animals.
- In this essay I will talk about why exotic animals belong in their natural habitat, why they should not be allowed to be kept as pets, and finally talk about some of the diseases they may carry and the dangers it can cause to humans.
First Body Paragraph:
• Exotic animals belong in their natural habitat.
More than a million different kinds of animals inhabit the earth. The exact number is not known, for new kinds are continually being discovered. They live in the seas, from the surfaces down to the black depths where no ray of sunlight penetrates. Animals can be domesticated or left in the wild where they truly belong. However, as time passed by, nowadays, animals are endlessly being exploited and fought for around the globe. Different opinions from different countries and races have divided to defend to defend their views and make a stand. This issue about the animals’ welfare should be taken more seriously until we find the right answers.
Owning exotic animals is both cruel to the animal its self and dangerous to those who care for the animals. Keeping exotic animals as pets is cruel. In the article Do You Really Want a Baby Tiger? by Mia Lewis the author states “The end result is that far too many of these exotic animals spend almost their entire lives in the ‘prison’ of a small cage.” Obviously, exotic animals are meant to be in environments that promote their natural behavior; forcing these animals to be locked up in a small pen
Have you ever wanted to own an exotic animal for a pet? Many people are against owning exotic animals as pets, but many are well taken care of and a very low number of people are killed. They are also born in captivity. People should be allowed to own exotic animals as pets.
There are significant arguments on both sides of the issue, but the real issues are keeping the animals in captivity, keeping them alive, keep the cycle of life continuing to grow and produce all that nature intended. Many believe for the purpose of learning more about ourselves as humans with have the right to explore our possibilities with the similarities of those of the mammal species. Theses people argue for the acceptable need for capturing the animals in the wild and keep them in a protected environment, there are several points to stated and generally cited. Theses include:
Owning an exotic pet can go wrong in a lot of ways and it can seriously harm the animal you are keeping, other animals, and people; including the animal's owner. If someone would want to try to keep one of these animals they would have to put a lot of work, time, and money into it because you have to keep the animal healthy, happy, safe, and you also have to make sure you are keeping everyone else safe including yourself. Still, you could be putting yourself, the animal, and others in danger.
Imagine if you could have as a pet, not only a cat, dog or fish, but you could also have a monkey or a slow loris. They are as cute and as friendly as cats or dogs, but we can’t have them. Why? Because they come from another country. People should be allowed to have exotic animals as pets.
In most places owning a dog or cat is second nature, but what about a tiger, bear or maybe python? Exotic pet ownership is far from having a clear right or wrong answer but it is in need of a ban for both the protection of animal and owner.For exotic pet owners, owning a wild beast insures a sense of power and uniqueness. It is also their way of contributing to the conservation of a species by having a “backup population” once human population growth and habitat destruction has resulted in extinction (Slater 113). But in reality the ownership of wild animals as pets only helps to damage already fragile ecosystems, both the one from which they came from and the new one in which they find themselves. Animals in captivity are also stripped of a natural life in the wild, free of confinement and unsuitable care. Finally, the risk to humans is very large, injuries inflicted from exotic pets are dangerous and possibly deadly. Bans vary from state to state, ranging from no ban to partial ban to complete ban, but even in states with full bans, exotic pet ownership still occurs. Private ownership of an exotic animal as a pet should be banned in the US, due to disruptions in ecosystems, the dangers that wild animals are exposed too, and the risks to the owners of these pets.
It is said that in order to protect the wildlife, we need to be educated about the wildlife that inhabits our planet. As humans, and the superior species on Earth, we put exotic animals, aquatic and terrestrial, in zoos or aquariums where people can go to see them to learn more about them in order to protect them. It just so happens that by putting these animals into captivity, we are causing more damage to them, just as damage is occurring in the wild and more species are becoming extinct. Animals should not be held in captivity; it does not save them from going extinct, but helps kill them off.
People who keep exotic animals as pets do not realize the danger they are putting on the animals or themselves. There have been around 2,000 incidents involving captive exotic pets that have been reported and 75 reported deaths between the years of 1990
When was there a time for you to want a pet so bad to have an exotic pet, there have been numerous of people around the world to want that. Over one billion of people were to want that but think again. When there are to have exotic pets in an unusual habitat it is to not last as long as others. Over billions of exotic animals are to die in a year but if not two years to be. As for a doctor to do an experiment in the lab in the usa in 2010, there was to be a discovery of a diesieve with the exotic animals, sure they may just be animals but exotic animals are called exotic for a reason. There was a girl name tracy with her pet animals a lion that was to kill there own owner happening it 2016. Exotic animals are not to be controlled, yes sending
There are many exotic animals all over the world that live in the wild. There are many species and some are extinct. Exotic animals are very expensive that require more than what people realize. These animals belong in their natural habitats. It is wrong and cruel for the animals that have to live in captivity when they are meant to live in the wild. Taking exotic animals out of the wild disrupts the natural food chain and negatively affects natural selection.
While domesticated pets like dogs and cats make good pets many people want to own exotic animals that belong in the wild. These animals range from tigers to pythons, but should not be owned as they need special care most people cannot provide. Not only this, but exotic animals release is harmful for everyone, the exotic animal, humans, and native animals. Lastly, many exotic animals carry diseases that are harmless to them, but fatal to humans. Exotic “pets” are harmful for everyone, not just the pet. This is why people should not be able to own exotic pets.
Albeit there are such confusions, here are some points about the pros and cons of keeping exotic pets.
Exotic animals should be banned from being purchased, hunted, and or traded from their natural habitat. People can look at an exotic animal for a couple minutes, but captivity affects their whole life. Exotic animals caged in non-natural habitats can experience many physical, and mental issues.
Thesis Statement: It is better to rescue animals than to buy them for ethical as well as practical reasons such as health and cost.