College is a place many things can happen. Some people say that college is a place where you find who you are and that it is also where you get to experience the real world and you get to meet new people and become an adult. On the other hand, people say college is a stressed filled place where students get four hours of sleep a night and you become in debt with college fees. And then there’s the few people that say it’s all about partying and just having fun. What is true about college is that it’s a place where students continue their education for hopefully a future career and you meet new people and experience new things too. At Ranken Technical Institute, there are plenty of programs to take that are hands-on and can really help with a future career. If one chooses to go for the career of architecture Ranken has many programs that include earning a four year Bachelor and a two year Associate degree for Science in Architectural Technology or Associate degree of Technology in Architectural Technology. When it comes to tuition for Ranken, it’s $14,232 per academic year for the full day program at the school and for each six hour course is $3,558. For the general only tuition it is $128 per hour. What certain students that have participated in the Missouri A+ …show more content…
Ranken is in St. Louis so it’s an hour away from Ste. Genevieve. The price and tuition isn’t that expensive. A good thing about Ranken is that it’s a “hands-on” school which means the school takes you places so students really get to see and do what they are taught. One more thing that is good about Ranken is that graduating from this school can lead to having a great career with a great salary. Ranken is a school that has a small crime rate and is also in a low crime rate area so that is something good to have. What isn’t good about the area is that it’s in the city which some students probably wouldn’t
When I arrived here at college I was extremely disappointed with the selection of food here in the cafeteria. I frequently found myself eating only hamburgers and pizza over and over again, simply because I did not like the other choices. About four months into the school year I had do go to the doctor for a virus and when the nurse weighed me I was a little surprised by what I saw. I had gained a little over ten pounds, close enough to what some refer to as the “Freshman 15.” It is a common fear among college students that they are going to gain fifteen pounds during the course of adjusting to college life. However experts have stated that the idea of the so called “Freshman 15,” is not that accurate. Every college student is obviously
During their highschool years, students often look forward to college. Not necessarily as a step towards a career, but as an experience. Over the years, the media sells teenagers the idea of the ‘’college experience’’. They promote it through movies, tv shows and ads. It’s made out to be this amazing transcendental and essential part of life. Miss out on it, and you’ll have missed out on your youth. It’s not only media though, older relatives and peers, influenced by the media, further influence teens. They talk of their own cool college stories and how much fun it’ll be once you’re there. Is your main reason for going to college to live this experience? Then let’s see if it’s worth it.
College gives students endless opportunities. During this time, students are able to grow and develop academically and individually. It also provides students with
The overall college experience is in reality the transition and introduction to adulthood from youth. College itself is a challenge; However it also offers and open up door to yet many opportunities. The social atmosphere that 's compared to High School; the college experience is much different and a whole other ball game I should say. The norms that you are used to back at home aren 't the same in college especially if you are a minority and choose to attend a predominantly white institution. Attending college can have a profound impact in one’s life including social, mental, and psychological factors. Having a college or higher learning
Everyone has his or her own ideas of what the ‘college experience’ should include and be like. Some thoughts on the subject include going out a lot, meeting lots of new people, and dating many different people. Other people consider it the education, and finding someone to settle down with.
College is where life begins, it’s the road to success. College is where you discover things about yourself and find out who you are. In college you learn about discipline and responsibility. College is essential because it has been so far advanced and is now used everywhere. The three pillars to why college is important is individuality, responsibility, and authority.
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
College is like a steeping stone to becoming a responsible adult because for the first time most people are practically on their own. It is completely different from high school in that not only that school has to be dealt with, but you have to juggle your personal time and financial state as well. They go away to college and face circumstances that they would most likely come across when they finally do go on their own. Bills have to be paid, time has to be managed efficiently, and deadlines have to be met, just like in the "real world."
College is an interesting place. Some students struggles because they are unable to leave their normal world behind when their feet hit the campus, other students finds college to be an alternate universe where no one knows him/her. Past struggles. Past failures are all erased on the college campus. If at home life is difficult, the college campus can be an oasis. If they has felt out of place in the past, the college campus is a sanctuary that encourages weirdness. If one was labeled as a troublemaker in high school, the college campus wipes the slate clean. On the college campus one can become anything they want.
At some point, someone has said that high school will be the best four years of their lives and college gets even better. So with that idea in people’s heads, they come up with their ideal image of the college. They start planning the perfect scenario of what college they will go to and what their roommate will be like. They often try to compare an unrealistic image and turn it into a realistic image, but they are unlike in many ways. Once students step onto the college campus, they will soon face what it is actually like to be in college.When people understand that college is not the perfect movie scene, then they will take advantage of expanding and furthering their education seriously. Going to college is a whole different experience and there is a lot more to it such as the rigorous classes and overwhelming school work, being more independent, and forming new bonds with others.
Going to college allows for many opportunities to open up in life. Society is changing at a very rapid rate. College is a very difficult time for nearly everyone, as Charles Murray who published an article on should the Obama Generation Drop out also states that “A large majority of young people do not have the intellectual ability to do genuine college-level work” (95). Attending college is not for everyone, but It can teach you to learn how to become independent, develop discipline, evolve new life skills, and learn how to balance a social life versus student life. The experiences you obtain and gain from attending college can lead you to learn how to live your life within the college environment in a way that creates harmony with who you are. It is a time of trial and error until you find what works for you. Eventually harmony is found by choosing a major that coincides in a positive way with the person you are. Once this is found, you will be able to establish a system of studying and learning that works for how your mind works. It is natural that your life will be in disharmony when the circumstances in your life change dramatically, such as when you go to college, but your life should eventually return to being less stressful. During your college journey, you will make many friends. Many friendships that you make in college
Rank structure is important to the Marine Corps because it form one of the fundamental backbones of military service. Many believe that with rank structure the Marine Corps or any other military organization could not function. This is has been proven fact over the centuries by the countless of mob armies that has arisen in history of the fall apart because they had no clear leadership.
In addition to having the passion, college brings up a certain level of maturity that was once absent in most adolescents lives. It’s a wakeup call that says, “Hey! You aren’t a kid anymore son.” Rather than being oblivious, you’re forced to realise that you’re closer to being an adult than you are to your past of being a carefree child. That’s how it was for me atleast. The usual
We all know that everyone goes through high school and college. We can compare that college is much more challenging and complex than high school. This is a higher level of learning, thus, requiring more time, effort as well as devotion to studies. Even though college is very tiring at times, I still believe that college is much more enjoyable and exciting. To have that kind of freedom in your schedule is very rewarding; however, proper judgment is a must since we are all mature students now.
College is a chance to be free and is a bridge between the real world and school. I’m an adult and expected to behave as such; I make my own choices where I have to decide what is important to me. I have an opportunity to learn how the world works, to explore the limitless possibilities and a chance to admire how vast knowledge can be. College will change my life in the way that I can develop life skills outside academics, to be fully