Why are tattoos and rap so popular in today’s society? Many people who have had tattoos will say that they got it for a certain time of their life or a person in their lives that they will never forget. A friend of mine even said “Your body’s an empty canvas, so you almost want to continue to add to it.”. In my research, the topic of rap is a 50-50 thing, you either like it or you don’t. Many people think that rap is the topic of the role and importance of the lyrics in rap music, which is true, but others also think that rap is life and they wouldn’t know what to do if they didn’t rap or if they listen to rap. I personally love tattoos but I hate rap. I don’t understand raps, and I think the kill brain cells. Tattoos on the other hand is a different story, I …show more content…
The age I interview people ranges from 19-70 years old. My brother Chris who is 19 years old and has 3 tattoos said “I think they are regular people, and should not be treated different. Not everyone one who is tatted is a criminal.” But when ask about rap music he told me that some rap music is catchy, but he doesn’t listen to rap everyone day. My cousin Wylie who is in the Marine Core and also has no tattoos told me “I only like rap with real talent like FAST rapping and I like Eminem. I like those because fast rapping requires actual talent. I like Eminem because he raps a lot about his family and his experiences. I love tats because they can hold SO MUCH symbolism forever on the person... Also they look too cool.” My older Brother who has one tattoo and only listen to country said “Tattoos are okay as long as they are not in a dumb place like your forehead, I don’t really care if people of tattoos or not, I have one tattoo and my girlfriend had two tattoos. It’s their body and I don’t have the right to say about it. But rap music is racist and to me it never makes sense, even if they think they are trying to tell a story. It just isn’t pleasant to
Rap music has become one of the most distinctive and controversial music genres of the past few decades. A major part of hip hop culture, rap, discusses the experiences and standards of living of people in different situations ranging from racial stereotyping to struggle for survival in poor, violent conditions. Rap music is a vocal protest for the people oppressed by these things. Most people know that rap is not only music to dance and party to, but a significant form of expression. It is a source of information that describes the rage of people facing growing oppression, declining opportunities for advancement, changing moods on the streets, and everyday survival. Its distinct sound, images, and attitude are notorious to people of all
Though rap started out as a force for positive social change, popular subgenres of hip-hop such as "gangsta rap" have since eroded much of the art form's value to society. Impressionable young people are negatively affected by rappers' obsession with guns, drugs, sex, and material possessions. Since record companies do not seem to care about negative content as long as it sells albums, parents should assume a greater role in regulating their children's listening habits. Hip-Hop is the proclamation that young people are independent and intolerant of what they consider to be adult society, which they frequently view as hypocritical.
Millions of people in the world listen to music for all different reasons. Most people all over the world listen to different genres of music in order to relax, but not too many people pay attention to the actual lyrics of a song. If you listen to the lyrics of a song you will realize that many songs have important messages or themes to them. An example of this is the lyrics of the song “Changes” by Tupac Shakur. If you listen to this song, you will realize that Tupac raps about not only the problems that African Americans face from society, but also the struggles that poor people in society have to endure and overcome. Many
In the 1960 she started her career at Columbia Records , later on she then signed with Atlantic Records in 1967. Franklin gain the title “The Queen of Soul” , she gain most of her success through songs such as “Respect”, “You make me feel like a natural Woman”, “I say a Little Prayer”, “Think”, “Chain of fools”, “Natural Woman”, “I never loved a Man”.
Music and society have always been closely related. For years now music has been apart of people’s everyday lives all around the world. Having so many different genres out there, it makes it easy to be appealing to so many different ethnic backgrounds. However, one type of genre in particular has seemed to grab the attention of a younger generation. Rap music has undoubtedly had its utmost impact on African American youth, since many of the performers themselves are African American. An overtly masculine culture dominates rap music and creates gender stereotypes that become abundantly popular to the youthful audience. Three constant themes that are found within the rap culture are encouragement of violence, the misogynistic representation of women, an extreme hatred of homophobia. Each theme plays a detrimental role in the process of defining black masculinity as well as shaping the values, morals, and beliefs that its younger audience adopts after tuning into this “gangster lifestyle”.
The most popular and influential form of African-American pop music of the 1980's and 1990's, rap is also one of the most controversial styles of the rock era. And not just among the guardians of cultural taste and purity that have always been counted among rock 'n' roll's chief enemies--Black, White, rock and soul audiences continue to fiercely debate the musical and social merits of rap, whose most radical innovations subverted many of the musical and cultural tenets upon which rock was built. Antecedents of rap are easy to find in rock with other kinds of music. Music is often used to tell a story, often with spoken rhymes over instruments and rhythms. Talking blues, spoken passages of sanctified prose in gospel,
Music is subjective which means people will often voice their opinions on it, and undoubtedly one of the most controversial genres that has sparked a barrage of disapproval is rap. It is believed and further encouraged by the media that rap music promotes a bad lifestyle. With corruption being apparent around the world it is easy for the media to put the blame on a genre of music that is filled with explicit lyrics about violence, drugs, and rebellious subject matters. However, further investigation will reveal that because of its accurate depiction of reality, and wide variety of categories, rap music does not encourage an unhealthy lifestyle.
Throughout the past years Hip Hop and Rap artist use their music to express their views, opinions, and how they are feelings in their songs. From the artist lyrics some will have an understanding of what the artist is talking about because either they have done the same things or is having the same problem. The first amendment of the constitution is freedom of speech and that is all the artist is doing. Although there are many people saying rap music should be concealed because it spread a negative influence on the youth.
Although there is history that proves tattoos were used for many reasons, some people still fell into groups that are considered stereotypes. The stereotypes of people with tattoos were considered to be criminals, drug addicts, or habitual underachievers. There is somewhat of a statistical truth to that slander. Sadly when it came to people who had chosen to show their tattoos in public, the stereotype is all too real. That is no surprise though; people with tattoos are treated poorly by the majority. Traditionally, tattoo clientele was considered to be that of bikers, bad-boy personalities, and truckers; however all that seems to be changing. There is still the tough guy image to contend with. However, it is mostly just with the older population. Chris Weskamp told the Denver Business Journal
The impact music has on the life of people is very powerful. It can easily revamp the way people act and take control of people’s emotions. Rap music is a very common and popular type of music within the world today. Rap music has existed since the mid 1970s, nowadays it is practically everywhere. It is easily a central focus of many young people’s lives. Rap music was essentially intended to create a voicing of one’s frustrations and disappointment with society, it has recently taken a turn and is creating a negative impact on the youth. It is the root that influences and encourages degrading women, violence, and is filled with sexual content.
For many years, the youth have been known for singing along to their favorite song and taking that song as whole and using it as their motto for life. It may seem that sometimes these kids do not know what is being said in the music but this shows that they do know what the lyrics are saying. According to Franklin B. Krohn and Frances L. Suazo in their article “Contemporary Urban Music: Controversial Messages in Hip-Hop and Rap Lyrics,” many teenagers and minority groups view rappers as their spokesmen because of their ability to speak in street language and bluntly express their frustration (Krohn, 1995). Unfortunately, hip hop lyrics usually tend to talk about drugs, sex and violence leading kids to think that everything they hear is okay and that is how they have to live their life. Yet, there are artists out there who take their lyricist skills to give positive lyrics and messages in their music, but these songs are not often played in the mainstream.
Tattoos in general are a great way to add individuality and beautiful artwork onto your body that lasts a lifetime. Most people either love or hate the idea of people having tattoos. But why is this? Do people just not like how they look or do they just not understand them enough to appreciate the work and effort that goes into creating a beautiful piece of permanent artwork? I believe that if people were to better understand the people that do them, and the process of actually getting them done, that they will accept that they may not be as bad as they think.
Most rap songs that contain violence reflects incidents that occur in today’s society such as the Rodney King incident. “Rap music brings together a tangle of some of the most complex social, cultural, and political issues in contemporary American society.” Rap and hip-hop artists write songs that promote the killing of enemies as well as targeting institutions such as the church, government, and justice system (Ro 145) Most artists relive their own painful experiences over and over again though their music, delaying their own society’s process of recovery . for example, in 1989
stuff, so I don't listen to that genre all that much, but there are many
Not only have attitudes towards tattoos changed from their historic start but also the reasons for getting them. As time progressed so did the art of the tattoo, it has largely always been a favorite of individuals serving in the armed forces but outcast archetypes began to use tattoos as an outlet for artistic expression and shock value. Biker gangs all along the West Coast used tattoos to signify which gang they belonged to. Rock stars began to paint themselves with tattoos to illustrate their outlaw ways. Rock n’ Roll was the devils music to those unfamiliar ears listening to it in the mid 20th century and so anything deemed “cool” by them were from then on out banned by most middle to upper class citizens. It was not the act itself of painting your body it was what it represented. Teenagers acting out