
Why Rome Fell Essay

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I like clothes. 3 things that could go wrong with picking out outfits is colors, length/ size, or patterns. Picking colors that match look better or if you were going to a party or celebration, wearing a dress with 1 color is the best decision to go with. Lengths’ also matter, never wear anything to short or to long for your comfort. Or if the piece of clothing is too tight or too loose. Patterns are the most important when picking outfits, a lot like color the pattern(s) should match or at least compliment each other. Just like an outfit can look ugly or messy, so can an empire.

One important reason why rome fell was lots of political assassinations. Within 50 years and 22 roman leaders, 13 were assassinated and 5 were possibly assassinated. …show more content…

Evidence that supports this reason is that there were 5 different invaders, 3 from asia and the other 2 were in already in Europe. One of the 3 invaders from asia, were the Huns. The Huns were described as “ugly, ignorant, savage, wild animals, slaughter’s and refuges.” This contributed to why Rome fell because that 5 different foreign invaders attacked Rome from all angles.

While the first 2 reasons were important, the primary reason for the fall of Rome was because of natural disasters. In Rome of 366 C.E. an earthquake hit Rome and killed 250,000-1 million citizens and not only that, the earthquake also caused a flood that killed 50,000 more people. A total of 300,000-1,050,000 citizens/Romans killed by 1 earthquake.Therefore, this is the most important reason for the fall of Rome.

It is true that there are other great reasons why Rome fell. For example, legal injustice which is a quality relating to unfairness or undeserved outcomes. reference to a particular event or situation, or to a larger status quo. In Western philosophy and jurisprudence, injustice is very commonly -but not always- defined as either the absence or the opposite of justice. However, the three reasons represented above- political assassinations, foreign invaders, and especially natural disasters- provide the best explanation for why Rome finally crumbled in the 5th century

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