
Why School Is Failing

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Schools today have changed dramatically. At one point in time education was a thing and you had to have a high school diploma to receive a job or go onto college. You would always hear the good things about the school system and it was wherever you go. However, that was a thing of a past. Now you hear on the news or in the community that schools are failing, have a lack of attendance, and children are not up to where they should be. Why? Why is this all going on, when you have parents or family members that should be a part of the children lives? Is it the parents or family members? Is the students themselves? Or is the teachers? These questions have a lot to do with why the school is failing. Education is highly important, without it then …show more content…

Schools are changing in this world today that certain schools are on the verge of closing.
The schools needs curricular reviews to be sure that content of courses is relevant to the lives of the students (Schwebel, 2012). The schools around my community could be on the verge of coming to a close, especially the elementary school. If the school has enough validation and people that genuinely care for them then it would not be the way it is to this day. The elementary school is my old school that I went to. It is called E.L. Frierson Elementary School that has been around for years and years. I went there my kindergarten year until my sixth-grade year. Now the school only goes to fifth grade. It was a great school when I went there. As I grow older, the school was doing well, but things have changed within these past three years or so. When I come home from college I always go back to volunteer from time to time. It was not how I expected it to be, the children were not on their level of where they should be, and teachers could only do with the standards will allow them. When I heard and saw that things were getting out of hand, the only thing that I could think about how this school has changed. I know things would not be the same like how it used to be, in fact, I would think that it would be better than before. That is what this world is all about, to go forward, and

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