Schools everywhere are full of zombies in the morning. If you were to walk through a high school in the early morning, you would see teens everywhere slaving to stay awake. I find it beyond doubt almost impossible to stay awake if I wake up before 8 o’clock am. Teenagers are waking up way too early to be able to participant 100% in school. Teens need around nine hours of unbroken sleep every night, but most teens only get seven hours if they are lucky on school nights. This means that teenagers in the high school level are not getting enough sleep to be able to learn well.
The absence of wide awake kids is an obstacle that many schools are struggling to deal with. Kids are leaning up against their
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Seems like a fantastic idea, right? Then why are schools so hesitant towards this move? It is because of many reasons. One of those reasons is the fact that sports and other activities that students participate in are usually after school. If school were to start later, than the activities would go on later in the day. This would make it difficult for students to participate and still have enough time to study, finish homework, participate in social activities, get to work on time and still get to bed at a decent hour. There are a few people that would tell you that those actives could always happen in the morning instead of at night. This makes it the persons’ chose to partake in other activities over sleep. Another problem with schools starting later is a transportation issue. Some schools use the same buses for both the middle school and highschool students and later go back and pick up the elementary students. Considering that most schools don’t have the money to purchase more buses it could just be impossible for them to have school start earlier. My idea for a solution is to let our schools have more money so that they can purchase more buses and help our teens and kids get the right amount of sleep in the mornings. Image result for school
Imagine this, you’re up until 12 a.m the previous night completing your homework, putting the finishing touches on your project and studying for you big exam the next day. You have to wake up at 6 a.m. to be able to have enough time to get ready and commute to school, but not enough time to enjoy a healthy and well balanced breakfast because school starts promptly at 7:50 a.m .How will this affect you throughout the school day ? I believe that school days should begin later than 7:50 AM because if so students will be able to get enough sleep and will have enough travel time.
In the first place, students are not getting enough sleep. In the article “Should School Start later” by Lisa M. Herrington [20] “According to the National Sleep Foundation “59% of 6th-8th graders and 87% of high schoolers aren't getting the sleep they require”. This quote shows that students are not getting the sleep they need. And kids must wake up early how are they getting the sleep we need. “So why don’t kids just go to sleep earlier? It’s not that simple” Says Danny Lewin, a sleep specialist at Children's National Health system in Washington, D.C. “Adolescents have a deeply programmed biological clock to go to bed later and wake later” Says
Ever wonder if school would be easier to get through if it started Later in the morning? School is already a struggle for some students with depression, anxiety, stuff happening at home, and learning disabilities, so maybe school starting later is a good idea.Although it seems like a good it may not be as great as it sounds. There are many reasons why school shouldn’t start later in the morning but the two most important would be that students wouldn’t get as much sleep as they need and wouldn’t have time to find or even get a decent job.
Waking up early is preventing a lot of students from getting the sleep they need.
Without sleep, many would go crazy. We all know, nowadays many students feel groggy or sleep- deprived when heading to school. Waking up early does not allow students to get the right amount of sleep and be as productive as we can be. Sometimes you can sleep as early as 8pm and still not wake up feeling refreshed and ready for school. Most students are not putting their all into the work they do until about halfway into the day.That's not right. Students wake up 6am, get ready for school, either ride the bus or get a ride and get to school by 7:10/7:20,while class starts at 7:40. Waking up so early and starting school in the matter of an hour after that can be all too much for the brain to handle. Students brains get crammed with information they won't even remember at the end of the day. School should start at a later time to allow students to adjust to the school mornings
The students of this generation appear to be a bunch of lazy, depressed, unenergetic zombies, but is this entirely their fault? After a considerable amount of investigating it appears as if their lack of energy could be due to sleep deprivation resulting from early school start times. When later school times have been compared to those schools that start earlier, there are significant changes in the behaviors and results that students emit in a school environment. Schools should have a later start time that is better suited to the biological needs of adolescents as a way to aid them in achieving a higher quality education.
Mesut Barazany once said, “ Your future depends on our dreams, So go to bed”. Sleep is vital for your body, to properly function the next day your body needs rest. When students have to wake up at six in the morning to get ready for school, they are often tired throughout the day. School hours need to be changed to a later time in the day. First, students sometimes get overloaded with homework and may not be able to go to bed until late at night. Also, they may not get the amount of sleep they need which is not healthy. Lastly, they are usually not as focused while they are in class, sometimes even falling asleep during a lesson.
If we were to start school later, academic GPA’s (grade point averages) would definately increase. Isn’t this what we want in our school? It is proven that the more sleep you get, the more awake and alert you actually are. I interviewed Michael Claffey, a sophomore at Newington High School, he stated “ Goooooud.” Also Jorge Premto a sophomore at Newington High School stated “Yes Michael, yes I do believe school should start at nine o’clock am. This will thus help further my education because I will be well rested.” In all, we need school to start later because it will help us with our education.
Raise your hand if you find your self waking up in the morning during the week especially Monday feeling stressed or exhausted this is probably because you aren't ready to start the day do you talk of sleep well ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I'm here today to talk to you about why school start later. Dunes need to be able to concentrate to do work but they aren't able to buy very tired and drowsy according to C teens cannot close until midnight or later this is because if I did not produce a chemical called melatonin until later on in the night melatonin is a chemical produced by the brain that tells about it. This chemical does not take place in teens till midnight or later as mentioned before. There are four teams aren't
68.9% of High school scholars do not get the recommended amount of sleep on an average school night. High school students remain exhausted of waking up every weekday at 5am just to manage getting ready for school. Student’s can’t concentrate and manage a healthy lifestyle to obtain an education if the scholar is half awake. Personally you can witness when students come into class to put their head down and just go to sleep through the lesson, or you even recognize heavy bags under their eyes when you take a glimpse at the student’s face. High School students should start school later in the morning, considering that scientific studies show that the young teens academic levels are fatally decreasing. Students decide to fall asleep in class,
By requiring teenagers to wake up early, school officials are basically neglecting the health of their student bodies in favor of making their lives simpler.
If you go to a high school you will most likely find students not paying attention consequently they are drowse off or completely asleep. Inordinate majority of high school students not getting enough sleep. This lack of sleep is a serious problem, Student is doing more with their time than they are supposed, They come to school early spend hours in class listening to teachers and taking tests, Going to meetings and practices, and come home to be faced even with additional work. Teachers are leaving a load of homework, hours worth of homework each night therefore our own self are not getting this much needed rest. Kids need at least nine hours of sleep to function properly. In schools where start time is after 8:30, The faculty believe that
High school students often stay up late at night sand as a result, have difficulties getting up in the morning to go to school. A later school time for students would mean an extended amount of time for these students to catch up on sleep. Sleep studies have shown that with increased hours of sleep, a teenagers mood can become elevated. According to a Minnesota study of Minneapolis high schools, shifting start times from 7:15 to 8:40 a.m. resulted in students being more active in classes and not falling asleep at their desks. Students were clearly more alert at the start of the school day, and
In schools all across America, many high school teachers battle the same problems: student inattention to instruction, insufficient focus in classwork, and general lethargy. One might propose that the reason for student disinterest during early school hours is that teenagers have stayed up too late the night before. However, current research from the Center for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that biological and physiological factors play a major role in determining how teenagers’ brains perform in the morning. The research concludes that teenagers’ brains are not designed to sleep more than a few hours each night. Most schools begin as early as 8:00 a.m., which causes poor performance for students. However, if schools took the advice of sleep experts and set the school start time for later in the day, there would be problems for students who participate in extracurricular activities or have jobs after school. The solution is complicated, but for the sake of safety and success, schools should change start times so that teenagers can be productive, attentive students.
Everyone has always hated getting up super early to go to school. As children grow older they move through different schools, from elementary to middle to high school, and the start times get earlier. In elementary school it was never a problem getting up. Most elementary school kids actually wake up before they really need to, but as children get older, it becomes harder to wake up at the correct time. Schools start so early in the morning that it is very hard to focus during those first few classes. Students even tend to miss more of their earlier classes and attend all of their later classes. Schools everywhere should start later because it would benefit the students and teachers. According to in their article Why We Must - and Can - Restore Safe & Healthy School Hours they state, “Typical sleep cycles begin around 11 p.m. for teenagers and continue through 8 a.m.. This means that an early wake-up call (5 or 6 a.m. to allow many teens to catch buses or commute to early-start schools) not only allows 6 or 7 hours of sleep per school night at most but also requires students to wake up in the middle of deep sleep.” ( This shows that teens are not even supposed to be waking up until at least 8:00 where school starts at 7:30 at Staples High School. If high school start times were pushed back to accommodate students’ sleep needs, it would positively impact students’ academic performance and health.