A multitude of schools now are making their students wear uniforms to school. This can be harmful for any reason. Some people say that it can decrease violence at school, but there is no evidence to support that. School uniforms can be expensive and can be a financial burden for low-income families. Uniforms remove away a child’s individuality and freedom to express themselves. Mostly, clothes are a child’s way to express themselves. Schools shall not have a school uniform because they do not decrease violence, they are expensive, and it takes away a child’s individuality. First of all, schools shall not have a school uniform because it does not decrease violence at school. Tony Valk, Associate Professor at Brock University states,” Overall, there is no evidence of bullying literature that supports a reduction in violence due to school uniforms.” This means that there is no evidence that shows school uniforms decrease or eliminate violence at school. There is a multitude of other ways a child can bully others. This includes: their hair, their accessories, and facial deformities. School uniforms cannot hide those features. There will still be bullying and violence at school. Nevertheless, schools shall not have a school uniform because it does not reduce school violence. …show more content…
According to Eduarda Schroeder, a mother of two daughters, says, “ Uniforms can be a financial burden for poor families because they are an additional expense for parents who taxes for a free public education.” This shows that school uniforms can be expensive. School uniforms can cost hundreds or even thousands. This can, consequently, be terrible for low-income families. This can be damaging to low-income families who cannot support school uniform expenses. Undoubtedly, schools should not have school uniforms because they are
According to Marian Wilde, who writes for GreatSchools¸ uniforms prevent gangs from forming on campus and encourage discipline (Wilde). Even Virginia Ann Bendel Draa, who wrote School Uniforms in Urban Public High Schools, said that school uniforms reduced the amount of suspensions in the school she did the study with (Draa). School Uniforms will create a safer school environment for kids because the students are less likely to get into trouble when at school while wearing school uniforms. Safer schools equals safer children. While having security guards at schools help prevent violence, they do not get rid of violence completely. Schools uniforms also decrease the amount of bullying because bullying can be triggered by many things like not having fashionable clothes (Armerding). School uniforms take away the
a family's finances. “Finally, school uniforms may well be a financial burden to poorer families, who will be forced to buy uniforms in addition to regular clothing or are forced to buy second-hand uniforms for their children, thus creating a similar situation between the affluent and poorer students”( Source C). The poorest families are obligated to buy at least 2 sets of uniforms, which is a financial burden to them. This impacts the families greatly, as a result, they do not have enough money to buy their child uniforms. “Additionally uniforms do not promote social or economic equality”(Source C).
Having school uniforms greatly decrease one’s way to get bullied. “Perhaps most importantly, a uniform means students don't have to worry about peer pressure when it comes to their clothes. When everyone is dressed the same, worrying about what you look like isn't so important. There is no competition about being dressed in the latest trend, which would put a great deal of financial pressure on students and parents. Potential bullies have one less target for their insults; it's hard to make fun of what someone is wearing when you're dressed exactly the same...” (Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms?). With the same as gang violence, having uniforms does not get rid of bullying altogether. With my experiences in both non-uniform and uniform enforced schools, I saw far less bullying in schools with uniforms. Most of the bullying incidents I have seen are focused on the kid’s appearance due to clothing. Having the uniforms can help students look at each other in a more equal
School uniforms are common for some schools in the world. But other schools give kids their freedom.I believe school uniforms should not be permitted for schools and here are some reasons why.
In conclusion, students should not be forced to wear uniforms. This is because they take away a student’s right to their natural process of finding their individuality, they do not help to stop bullying even though they might increase student’s safety a little. However, obligatory school uniforms may seem like a beneficial idea at first but it would cause more harm than
School uniforms do nothing to prevent bullying. Linne Hoofnagle’s article goes on to say that, “If we convince ourselves that placing limits on clothing choices will eliminate school bullying, we are kidding ourselves” (Hoofnagle). The idea that all the harassment that takes place in school is centered around student’s wardrobes is preposterous. If you make students all dress alike the center of the bullying may move to if they have money, the presence or absence of glasses, condition of their skin, height, and weight. School faculty and administration are just looking at the superficial causes of bullying and not looking at the root of the problem. As a result, they are not only punishing the bully by
School uniforms would reduce the amount of bullying that occurs because they would be mandatory for every student; they would limit so called “tough guys” from making fun of students who are weaker or who do not have the brand name clothes, and are less fortunate than other students.
Along with easy purchase, uniforms also help cut down bullying. Implementing uniforms gives kids a better sense of school pride, in which they care more about the school and each other. For example when Long Beach introduced uniforms in 1995 they received data that showed the in school fights decreased by 38%, suspension rates dropped by 90% and furthermore the overall crime rates dropped by 91%. School uniforms would work in the same way an athletic team uniform would; it would give them a sense of pride and belonging. Like athletic teams, when a team member or student would wear their jersey, or in this case uniform, they would cloak themselves in their school color they would feel obligated to make sure they represent the best for their school to show that they care and they are going to prove how exceptional their school is. A uniform can improve the overall school and also move beyond the school halls and out to the community. Most bullies make fun of a kid by how he or she looks, so by schools implementing uniforms they “level the playing fields”
During every school year, the issue on if school officials should or should not entail students to wear uniforms in school is a constant debate among the parents and staff members in school districts. Just like any other controversial issues, there are two sides to the argument representing both the good and bad points that exist behind student being required to wear uniforms in school. Although it can take students time to adjust to transitioning into the policy of being required to wear uniforms in school when it is first enforced, the benefits that come from them makes it all worth the hassle. Individuals against the idea of students being required to wear uniforms in school, often fail to see the bigger picture at hand. Uniforms help with removing negative situations in schools, along with helping parents save time and money.
Even though a few students might want to wear uniforms, the cost of buying the uniforms could hurt the schools district. Why would a school pay ridiculous amounts of money for uniforms when the students can go buy their own clothes? Schools should not waste their money on uniforms because that money may be needed to pay for the necessities that the teachers need to teach. I would think that education should come before the apparel that students choose to
Some critics say that school uniforms increase the amount of clothing that parents have to buy for their children, meaning that they would have to spend more money. Students wouldn’t wear their uniforms outside of school, so parents would have to buy casual clothing for their child to wear outside of school.
This isn’t recent, “A 1999 study conducted by experts from Texas Southern University showed that bullying incidents increased by as much as 12%, after the implementation of mandatory uniform wearing,” a website says. But this right here is a bit concerning, “Echoing this sentiment is a 2007 study published in the Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice. According to the research, assaults increased by as much as 14 incidences yearly, right after the introduction of school uniforms,” from the same website. If there was an increase in bullying since they added uniforms to a school, then why would they continue it? I just want to put something out there. What if something happens to your uniform and the other ones are dirty? You can get in big trouble and probably can’t even go to school because of it.
To begin with, school uniforms help reduce bullying. First of all, school would be monotonous. Therefore, nobody can judge others by what they wear. In addition, popularity and monetary rankings would go away with school uniforms. If everyone was to wear the same thing, people could not rank others by how expensive their clothes are (in other words, how wealthy they are). Finally, no kids could become easy bullying targets. If a bullying kid picks on someone else’s clothes, they are picking on themselves. Bullying can be reduced with the help of school uniforms.
etting bullied, losing identities, and getting poor grades, are all the things school uniforms could cause. Some schools demand that students have to wear uniforms. The students don’t like to wear them. That is why we have to make a stand today! If there were school uniforms everywhere students would not be able to express their self, it would not change any academics, and they could attract an unpleasant name to the school.
School uniforms are starting to be enforced more and more in schools as time goes on. Uniforms might limit self expression in their clothes but it does not limit their learning which is the whole purpose of going to school after all. School uniforms in both private and public schools can be beneficial to students in regards of their social and academic skills. School uniforms can help prevent bullying and will make it easier on some students and parents as well. This debate whether school uniforms should be enforced or not has been a debate that has been going on for years and having uniforms has more of a positive impact than a negative