Should people should be allowed to keep pitbulls as pets? A pit bull may have attacked a girl, but all dogs can act like that. I was once chased by a German Shepherd. Its intent was to attack me. Pit bulls are not the only dogs like that. Pit bulls should definitely be able to be kept as pets .There are many reasons why, but I will only list three. The first reason is, dogs have personalities like humans. The second, Pit bulls would go extinct. Third, It would break many people’s hearts to put down their healthy dog. First, the article says, “ The ban was enacted after a pit bull attacked a young girl.”
Not all pit bulls would do this. Dogs have personalities. All of them are different. German shepherds are very territorial, but you don’t
Pit bulls do not inherit dangerous characteristics, it is the way the owner trains the dog. Every other breed of dogs has bitten a human before. Pit bulls guard people’s houses from burglars and just people in general they guard. Pit bulls are not even in the top five aggressive dogs! The most aggressive breed of dogs is a wiener dog. Pit bulls love adults and children.
In the article Pit Bulls Make Good pets it says “Pit Bulls always test high as one of the most stable breeds of dogs also, they are extremely patient and tolerant of children.” They are also extremely easy to train and verbal training comes easily with this breed. Did you know all Pit Bulls want to do is please you? “With proper training and handling, your Pit Bull can learn to live peacefully in
Pit bulls shold be pets and should not be banned.Here are a few reasons why.
An intense debate follows when the word Pitbull is mentioned. Pit Bulls do not have naturally, dangerous characteristics, yet they are still negatively perceived by people believing they are all aggressive dogs and dangerous to the public. The banning of Pit Bulls has caused the establishments of anti-Pit Bull banning organizations. Moreover, laws that ban this precious breed of dog creates illusions, but not the reality of public safety, which is why Pit Bulls should not be banned anywhere and must be allowed to live in any residential area with their owners.
After all they can be trained to be nice. Pit bulls are not that hard to train. Once you train them they will listen to you. Some don´t have to be trained if they are already nice. That is one way.
This first fact is something everyone should know, Pit Bulls are not an actual breed of dog! Yes there is a breed called the American Pitbull Terrier, but that is what most people call a ‘Pitbull’, Pit Bull refers to the look of a dog. There is a rumour about the Pit Bull's bite, which stated that they had a bite strength of 1,600 pounds per square inch and was the strongest bite of any dog, and the is not true the Pit Bulls true bite strength is 235 pound per square inch, which is weaker than the German Shepherd and the Rottweiler. Despite having an overly aggressive reputation Pit Bulls don’t make good guard dogs, since they are to trusting of humans and might greet them as a new friend. The Pit Bull is known to be so caring to children that they are called nanny dogs. Pit Bulls have 31% more likelihood to attack an unknown individual. There is thought to be about 2.5 million Pit Bulls in america. In the year 1991, England and Wales banned Pit Bulls. At any given time there is a media scare about a specific breed and before Pit Bulls there was German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, and even Bloodhounds had a media scare. Though Pit Bulls have been around since the 1800’s they only recently began to gain popularity in the 1980’s when there was crack downs on dog fighting rings. The most well known crackdown was in 2007, when Michael Vick’s ring was busted and 51 dogs were seized, of those
When you mention the words Pit Bull, many times people immediately begin talking about the statistics of them attacking other people as well as other dogs. A survey was conducted in 2009 of attack percentages of Pit Bulls compared to other breeds such as Rottweilers, German Shepherds, and Chows. Among this survey, the Pit Bull breed scored the lowest with a 0.00125 and the highest being the Rottweiler with a score of 0.00433 ( On the website, it states that Pit-Bulls are the leading culprit in dog attacks, this is just a broad statistic which does not adequately explain whether these attacks were of
The breed known as “Pit Bulls” consists of many breeds in the Bull Terrier group. Today these dogs are known for their fighting, biting, and their aggressive behavior. Some of the many stereotypes of these dogs are: “Pit bulls are inherently vicious” (17 Things...). No dog is inherently
Why that is I have no idea, but it is ridiculous because some people use pitbulls for nannies and they are around small children all the time. People say that pit bulls and small children is a bad mix because children cannot read the signs of a “mean dog.” According to the internet “pit bulls were responsible for 78% dog bite related fatalities in 2013.” However, the internet also says “not all pit bulls are dangerous”(Editorial Board). In Fulton County, Georgia a two-year-old boy was killed by a family by a family dog, police said they had the dog for eight years. The mother was supposed to be watching the dog while the father was at work but reporters say she went to the bathroom and left the child
The main reason pit bulls attack is because they are mentally unstable, a mixed breed and show overbearing traits, or because they are mistreated by their owners. The public must understand that the three “pit bull breeds were bred for dog fighting and bear and bull-baiting” (PBRC). On the other hand, they were also kept as “nanny dogs” and used for herding cattle. “Pit bulls are ideal for therapy work because of their pleasant nature” (PBRC). These are three of the most stable breeds known to man. They have a very high temperament test score, 86% as of 2010, a lot higher than most breeds. “The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the top 5 most stable breeds in the country” (PBRC). Anyone can see that this is an excellent breed of dog. There are a few things that people should know though. “Pit bulls have a lower Tolerance to dogs, but with any breed, a dog’s tolerance changes as they mature” (PBRC). “Maturity can come late with pit bull breeds” (Villalobos Rescue Center). The reason for this low tolerance is because of their history of dog fighting. It has been bred into them to have the will to fight. Pit bulls usually do not start a fight most of the time, but they will not back down or give up. Due to this, owners must be cautious and attentive.
Pit bulls are that aggressive, in fact they aren’t even actually pit bulls. The dog they call a pit bull is actually an American Pit Bull Terrier. Most of the “pit bulls” that get reported for biting or attacking are
A pit bulls actions can be determined by the way they are raise, you just happen to see all the bad stuff on the news. According to “ pit bulls receive horrible press and the internet is full of misconceptions and untruths about the normally sweet and gorgeous breed of dog.” Pit bulls are discriminated on the internet for bad actions some people have witnessed. Some people believe these dogs are great but according to these dogs should be feared. “ Pit bull owners had converted the little park into a dog training ground, where they goaded their animals into attacking one another or taught the to hang from branches to strengthen their jaw and their tenacity.” This is how someone raised their dog to be, they either raise them to be fighters or sweet loving animals, it is not their fault. These dogs attitudes depend on their
A lot of people think that pitbulls are very dangerous dogs and shouldn’t be kept as pets. Here are 3 reasons why I think that they should be kept as pets. The first reason why I think that pitbulls should be kept as pets is because not all pitbulls are harmful. The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) states, “And the simple fact is that dogs of any breed can become dangerous when they are intentionally or unintentionally raised to be aggressive.
Owning a pit bull in today’s day and age has one of two reactions: Either the person loves them or is terrified of them. There are so many myths about Pit Bulls and they are just that. Myths. Some of the myths that surround pit bulls are that they have “lock jaw” and they have a killer instinct that does not stop at just killing other animals. Pit bull advocates, such as myself, know that Pit Bulls have always been known as the “nanny dog” throughout history because of how much they love children and their loyalty to their families. Mean or vicious dogs come from ignorant, irresponsible owners. The bottom line is that not all pit bulls are bad.
“An unneutered male pit bull is 2.6 times more likely to bite then a neutered male. In addition, male pit bulls are 6.2 times more likely to bite then female pit bills.” In a study evaluating canine temperament, 82% of dogs received a passing score, 86.8% of those dogs where American pit bull terrier ( Feb. 2012). There are ways to avoid incidents when in contact with these animals. When approached by a pit bull always remain calm, approach the dog slowly from the side not from the back. Do not provoke the dog - always ask the owners to pet the dog first. If an aggressive dog approaches you do not panic, give the dog firm commands like sit, stay, and easy, then back away slowly. When owning a pit bull socialize the dog with people and other animals, get them familiar with animals and people including children. Isolated dogs can become vicious and dangerous so be cautious when in contact with a not so friendly dog. (Skloot, R Aug 2007 Prevention Vol.59, Issue 8 Pgs. 196-198)