
Why Should We Learn Ww2 Essay

Decent Essays

In this Essay I'm going to speak about why we are learning about (WW2), and why we should learn about it.
Why should we learn about the World War 2?
The WW2 had so many historic moments in the years from 1939-1945. Over 50 million people died. Germany, Japan, Soviet, France, Italia, England, America and also many other country's was involved in this war. If you learn all the dramatic stories of the people who has joined as a soldier or been taken to a concentration camp, this stories has a different end. The endings of the decisions people made, not out of love, but with madness and "evil" choices. So learning this story, about conflicts in Europe are important, how Hitler made a country (Germany) to the Nazi Regime, where hating Jude's was a norm for the rest of the people. (Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
The United States was the first country in the world that dropped two atomic bombs, which killed more than 250 000 people on the end of the war. This was a terrible end of the war. Atom bombs today are hundred times stronger, and has a damage to destroy the earth, because today almost every big strong country has atomic weapons to destroy each other with, they could destroy millions of people, maybe …show more content…

After Hitler had been the leader, he took away Jude's homes and sent the Jude's to consternation camps, to work, or to die in gas rooms and also burned people alive, Hitler's Nazi Germany killed over 6 million Jude's, and more than Jude's was "welcome" , people that wasn't in the Aryan raise, wasn't welcome to his Regime. We are learning about how Hitler’s orders killed and tortured millions of innocent people. We must learn how to be kind to everyone and not be so evil, like the Germans regime. Everyone should learn that Racism just makes problems in our

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