Running Head: Is smoking hookah as harmful on the periodontium as cigarettes?
Kayleigh J Dow
Old Dominion University: School of Dental Hygiene
Hookah smoking has become a new fixation in our society. It is considered acceptable socially, practiced by many who don’t view it as harming their health. The availability of hookah is rather alarming and people of all ages, races, and religions are participating. There have not been many studies completed on the link between hookah and periodontal disease, but we have known there to be a correlation in cigarette smokers and periodontal disease for years. I will provide information comparing the effects of hookah with cigarettes, in an attempt to demonstrate how hookah use is as harmful on the periodontium as cigarette use.
Hookah smoking has been around for centuries. What began as a cultural practice in the Eastern Mediterranean countries and parts of India, is now on the upward trend, becoming especially popular in the United States in the past decade. The surge of hookah clubs and lounges being opened in cities around the United States is especially appealing to the younger population. These hookah lounges attract young adults and has become an integral part of their social interaction. An increasing number of college age students and young professionals have started participating in this practice, which will have devastating consequences on their oral cavity in the coming years.
1. Radiation heat loss through electromagnetic waves (temp of skin is higher than the air, the skin loses heat to the air).
If smoking is associated with increased risk for periodontal disease, a reduction or elimination of tobacco use should reduce this risk and should be beneficial to the patient. There is good evidence that the occurrence of periodontal disease is less in previous smokers than in those who continue to smoke.
My paper is on the power of words in regard to The Book Thief. This paper will be going over parts of the book when words change everything also will be going over how words help with bad times and make good times better. Words can makes a terrible day great and a great day amazing words are underestimated and that is why we as the human race has the problems it does. The book thief is written by Markus Zusak and he decided to do what has not really been done and wrote a book narrated by Death. At the end of the book death says humans haunt him and the meaning behind that is very powerful.
As we saw in the previous researches smoking is a dangerous factor that affects the gingival.
In a traditional hookah the liquid that is burned is a mixture of tobacco and molasses. This provides nicotine and hundreds of other chemicals from burned tobacco. Note that it’s not safer than any other type of tobacco smoking.
Everyone should know that smoking cigarettes is a bad habit and is dangerous for the user's health. Yet, these cancer causing, teeth yellowing, bad breath causing cigarettes are still being smoked everyday by people all over the world. It used to be seen as cool to smoke and it seemed like everyone did it. Like a fashion fad, smoking cigarettes soon became out of style. People still smoke, but not as much as they used to. In 2003 electronic cigarettes were first introduced the United States as a safer alternative, making smoking or vaping, as its called now, a cool fad again. Smoking had been at an all time low until recently when alternatives to traditional smoking such electronic cigarettes or hookah have become popular especially among the younger generation(Rifkin para. 2). Many smokers are now using electronic cigarettes over traditional
The purpose of this paper is to assess Patient X’s oral health and systemic health to determine how both affect the oral cavity. Patient X has a limited medical history, however, the patient does use tobacco products and consumes alcohol. It is important to identify the link between tobacco use and alcohol consumption to systemic diseases and oral health effects. Patient X also exhibits prehypertension and seasonal allergies. The medications for seasonal allergies can potentially increase the chance of xerostomia. Hypertension is important to identify in order to discuss the risk factors and the importance of seeing a physician. The dental hygienist will gather all of this information in order to properly develop a treatment plan for patient
I am writing this report on the issue of vaping and smoking. I will go into detail explaining the effect of vaping and smoking in the human body and the effect it as on society. Also, the advantages and disadvantages of vaporing will be provided. In this report I will include statistical illustrations and diagrams on how it affects the society and draw conclusions with the given evidence. I have decided to research this topic because of how much smoking has affected the people especially younger people in the society.
“How bad is vaping compared to smoking? Should it be banned entirely? Is it more dangerous, is it better?” Are a few major questions one thinks about vaping. The mentality of nicotine addiction and toxic chemicals that lead to cancer are what concerns the public. With vaping on the high rise of popularity, the vaping industry is collectively growing bigger with more than 3500’s shops in counting and worth billions. Vaping history goes far back but just because it has a history doesn’t make it all good. Vaping dates back to the 5th century B.C. of Egypt, where they heated up herbs on hot stones to vape on. Shisha’s or heard by the name of Hookahs came 1500 years ago in India and have spread in popularity everywhere and many places in the United States just like the e-cigarette. The idea of the e-cigarettes was made 2000’s but was not heard of until the Chinese company Hon Lik introduced them in the 2000’s, becoming a big hit in the US in 2007. Even though the creator from Hon Lik Co. had good intentions for the making of e-cigarette due to his father dying of lung cancer from smoking, vaping is still a possible force of destruction. “Despite making great strides to reduce smoking, tobacco is still our biggest killer. Our region has always kept an open mind towards using electronic cigarettes as we can see the massive potential health benefits from switching” states Lisa Surtees, acting director at Fresh Smoke Free North East. If at all compared to smoking, vaping is the safer
Although it is taboo for women to smoke in the Somali culture, there are many indications about shisha smoking among women in this immigrant community. The use of shisha is more culturally acceptable in this immigrant community when compared to cigarette smoking because it is believed to be safe6. The cultural acceptance and enjoyable social experience of WPS increases the likelihood of nicotine dependence and future addiction11, 14. Shisha smoking, also called waterpipe or hookah smoking, involves the use of tubes, or hose filter through water to deliver tobacco smoke, which is then inhaled into the smoker’s lungs via the mouthpiece. Shisha smoking has been practiced for centuries in the middle East15, 16. Shisha pipes are used to smoke specially made tobacco that comes in 40 different flavors, such as apple, mint, cherry, chocolate, and coconut. The flavor masks the harshness of tobacco smoke, and gives a soothing feeling of relief17. Shisha tobacco contains cigarette
In this lesson, we are going to discover why populations do not continue to grow at unlimited rates, and what ecological factors limit population growth. We'll also discover how humans factor into population limits.
Cigarette smoking not only has a negative effect on respiratory and cardiovascular health, but also has been associated with diabetes, gastrointestinal and thyroid diseases, and almost every other organ system in the body (Johnson & Guthmiller, 2007). Linked to various cancers, smoking is extremely detrimental (Johnson & Guthmiller, 2007). Smoking is also “the major risk factor for periodontitis” (Preshaw et al, 2015). While increasing the prevalence of periodontitis, smoking also has a profound effect on the severity of periodontal disease in individuals (Preshaw et al, 2015). The third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) in 2000 found that “41.9% of periodontitis cases in the United States were attributable to current cigarette smoking” (Tomar & Asma, 2000). Smokers have a four times greater chance to be diagnosed with periodontitis (Johnson & Guthmiller, 2007). Indeed, patients who are smokers also do not appear to respond as favourably to periodontal treatment and show a greater risk of refractory and/or recurrent periodontal disease (Fardal, 2008). Multiple studies show that smoking has the potential to alter numerous processes in the oral cavity (Preshaw et al, 2015). Most notably, smoking has been shown to modify various aspects of physiology in patients, impair immunological response and alter the microflora of the oral cavity (Presahaw et al, 2015).
The hookah has been used for centuries as a way of smoking tobacco as well as other substances. It was believed that because the smoke passed through water, it filtered all the harmful chemicals making it the safest approach to smoking tobacco (pp. 205). There has been millions of case studies based on cigarettes and the addictive and harmful outcomes, yet there has been very limited research based upon the dangers of hookah smoking (pp. 206). Toxic metals such as Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, and Pb have been found in hookah tobacco providing the damage to the health of its users. Based on these factors, companies, one of which is called Shisha Steam Stones, have been attempting
Water-pipe smoking has become increasingly popular in the United States. Its potential impact on life-threatening conditions, nicotine dependence, and because of the lack of knowledge about its health effects, water-pipe smoking represents various public health hazards (Dugas 1). The health effects of smoking hookah are constantly misjudged, causing young adults to believe they are smoking without consequences to their well-being. This may not be their fault considering the media’s misrepresentation of water-pipe tobacco’s effects on smoker’s health are allowing it to become more popular without the public knowing the negative ramifications. Since the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not regulated the packaging or the
The evidence for an association between tobacco use and oral diseases has been clearly shown in every Surgeon General’s report on tobacco since 1964 (6). By these findings, it is evident that tobacco use is a risk factor for oral cancers, periodontal diseases, and dental caries, among other diseases. Smokers experienced more severe periodontitis than do nonsmokers and in young people, smoking is found to be a risk factor for aggressive, destructive periodontal disease. Smokeless tobacco users were associated with increased caries as smokeless tobacco contains a high level of sugar, and when it is held in one area of the mucosa typically adjacent to the facial or buccal surfaces of the teeth causes caries (Winkel, et al., 2001). In addition to an increased prevalence and incidence of oral conditions, tobacco users have found to having poorer oral hygiene than do nontobacco users. This study also found that the larger part of students upheld tobacco control measures. The number of individuals who reported accepting formal training in tobacco cessation counseling extended from 10% (96% CI 5.5% to 19.6%) among nursing student patients to 51.5% (96% CI 40.5% to 62.7%) among therapeutic student patients. For the patients who are partially edentulous, smoking cessation may still diminish the rate of complications,