Why Spanking Children is Wrong Parents have been spanking their children for hundreds of years, but recently this practice has come into question. The concern is not regarding the effectiveness of spanking but the correctness of spanking. Parents should not be allowed to strike their children. Child abuse is defined as any unnecessary or intentional physical or emotional or sexual mistreatment of children. Spanking is not the only method of child discipline. Spanking is not even the most effective method of child discipline. Numerous studies have made it evident that spanking does have a negative effect on children. Spanking children should be considered child abuse because it teaches children the wrong message about hitting, it does not …show more content…
When spanked feel bitterness, anger, and even hate towards the parent.
In addition to these three principal reasons which show the inappropriateness of spanking, there are also other concerns. One main worry about spanking is that it is a lower level form of child abuse. It is against the law for a person to hit another person. Children are also people and should not be discriminated against simply because they are smaller.
The main reason that parents use spanking as a discipline technique is because it is what they received when they were children. However, in many cases spanking has nothing to do with helping the child. It is used as a quick solution to stop negative behavior with no real regard for the long-term outcome. Parents often spank their children because they themselves are angry. These parents simply cannot handle a situation and take it out on their child. Spanking might be more accepted if it was the only, or the most successful, form of discipline, but it is not. Spanking is simply a short-term fix of a child 's discipline problems. Two of the widely used alternatives to spanking are the time-out and restriction punishments. Time-out is most effective when administered to children under ten years of age, and a restriction mostly benefits children over ten years old. Both of these methods, while effective, also have a positive influence on the child, they teach the child discipline without the use of force, help the child
According to the article, “Spanking gives the wrong signals,” Australia Melbourne believe that parents should not put their hands on their child because no matter what kind of discipline a parent give their child it still would not change anything. A child is going to be a child, and there is no need to discipline them. Parents are making excuses why they are beating their child because they want them to be more respectful with manners, but that is not the case. The author says when parents are spanking their child, they are showing their child that it is right for people that are bigger have the right to beat on people that are smaller than them. Furthermore, parents do not discipline their child feels parents who are disciplining their child are very despiteful to spank their child. Children should always have chances for the wrong situations that they have done or are dong
If all parents would spank their children, kids of today’s society would behave. Parents should spank their children for many reasons. The starter reason is because children who are spanked regularly for their wrongdoings are better behaved than those who are allowed to do whatever they want. This topic can become very controversial depending on the way it is looked at. There are certain standards that should be followed.
Many see spanking as a form of parental rights and that the parent has the right to raise their child the way they consider most appropriate. Those in favor of spanking, also hold there is little evidence that moderate spanking is harmful. Further, many believe that discipline problems among children have recently increased, and partially attribute the boost to the decline of both parental authority and the use of spanking.
The term spanking is a form of physical or corporal punishment use a lot for parents all over the world. The general acceptance and sometimes support of corporal punishment as a method of discipline is an aspect of Each culture. Children are one of the problems between the child and a parent is the abused in part, because they are unable to defend themselves against stronger and more powerful adults and sometimes they parent get use to hit the child that at the end for any little thing they get hit and they think is normal but it is not little kids died every day for a bad hit from their parent. Researchers recently have recognized that spanking is a used primarily with young children and that the incidence and severity of spanking often diminishes by the time children are 8-10 years of age depending on how the parent is. Studies of the incidence and intensity of spanking often provide evidence that most parents
While this review of literature on spanking children is limited in finding evidence in supporting spanking, the research available that opposes spanking is rather compelling. The findings from the reviewed articles provide advice to parents, both new and long-time, on how to discipline their children if they want their children to have the best outcomes. The studies that have been reviewed are only a small amount of what has been published regarding the negative impacts that spanking can have on children. Additionally, this research may be a start for a move in society to begin viewing spanking as a negative child-rearing practice. While there is a lot more research that could be reviewed on this topic, high levels of aggression, behavioral problems, and
Have you ever been spanked as a kid and felt angry towards your parents? Did you feel they just hated you? Spanking is a form of corporal punishment which is a punishment intended to cause pain in many different ways. Corporal punishment started in slavery and led to schools and homes. Although many states have banned corporal punishment it is still allowed in 19 out of 50 states. Many adults will agree children just need a ‘good ol’e spanking’ and others will argue that it is a negative way to parent and causes more problems. Spanking children is not a proper way of parenting because it gives a negative effect on children.
Spanking has become an arguably debatable form of discipline. According to a study at the University of Texas, the more children are spanked, the more likely they are to defy their parents (“Spanking: Pros and Cons”). There is a connection between spanking during the childhood and mental health diagnoses later in life. There are other options of discipling your child than spanking them, especially because all children can take spanking differently. Parents should not spank their child because it showers that being “stronger” is right, demonstrates that older people have a right to hit younger people, and gives the examples that violence solves all problems.
According to Good Parents,” Spanking has been defined as “physically non-injurious, intended to modify behavior and administered by the open hand to extremities or buttocks.” It is important to define Spanking, parents or caregiver they can understand and learn the differences of Spanking and Child Abuse. Spanking is something parents do out of love in order to discipline a child. Because, parent they’re responsible for discipline their children’s
Spanking has been used for many years and it must come to an end. Also known as corporal punishment, spanking is most often used as a form of discipline. Although it is said to have some benefits, the negative consequences far outweigh the good. According to Dr. Wilson and Dr. Lyon, “physical punishment delivered in anger with the intent to cause pain is unacceptable and dangerous to the health and well being of the child.”( Guidance for Effective Discipline, online) It is important for spanking to stop because it is ineffective, causes more problems and because there are other options to consider.
First, spanking has consequences that aren’t any worse than those provided from other non-violent forms of punishment. In a 2005 study commenced by the Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, it was found that when used correctly, spanking leads to lower inappropriate behavior levels than 10 or 13 other disciplinary alternatives with which it has been compared. Kids whose parents balance affection and punishment often come out much better in the long run than those who experienced other various punishments.
Spanking has been a controversial topic among many parents. Some believe it is just a form of discipline and is okay, while others believe that this is abuse or violence and it will harm the child in the long run.
A recent study shows 70 percent of parents believe it is right to discipline a child through physical means. Most commonly, parents will spank their children but being hit with things like belts or other objects happens as well. Parenting methods haven’t changed much with time and discipline in similar no matter the country. With more studies out to find the most effective method of parenting and discipline it’s coming to attention whether or not physical harm is the best way to teach children. Parents want what is best for their children, so it is important to constantly bring up and question methods commonly accepted in the past. One method that is becoming more controversial is spanking children. Though it is still considered normal to do, it is gaining more traction and more studies are being done to find the problems it causes. Checking on parenting methods can be difficult as everyone is raised differently. It is also difficult to test which forms of punishment lead to certain outcomes. However, there is a trend of negative effects from hitting. Gershoff acknowledges, “several national professional organizations have called on parents to abandon spanking as a child rearing practice and for professionals to recommend disciplinary alternatives to spanking.” Spanking children is a terrible discipline method as it has negative effects.
Spanking has sparked a debate for a while now, many do no think that spanking is the way to discipline your kids and others differ from that perspective. Many parents do not accept a technique such as that, many others prefer punishment such as, time out, no play time, taking something away like a toy or being grounded and others prefer the “old school method”, the method of spanking.
Many reasons why people are fearful of the spanking technique are because they believe it to be “ineffective” and dangerous. Some believe that it is only going to produce fear itself into the child’s eye, and only make the child fear his parents rather than understand that there is a reason behind the spanking. Because of this act of “harm” some would say, it is only going to produce a negative effect inside the child’s brain and he will use this new found knowledge on other children. This spanking, explained by experts, will only negatively impact children rather than producing a better outcome, and will make the child produce a violent behavior of their own later on in life. While on the other side of the argument, people believe that it if spanking is properly used and understood by the child, it will be the most effective to repent undesirable behavior in younger children (not of infants). It’s believed that if you take away privileges from the child, it will only increase their temperament and make them behave even more inappropriate than before. When children become older then spanking from the parents or family should become less frequent because the child will understand that there will be consequences for their own actions taken place. But the spanking shouldn’t be used to actually cause physical harm, because this would be come to known as actual child abuse, rather than actual method to better increase the actions of the child. All and all I believe that spanking is a proper technique in disciplining children. Although it’s a good to do so it also has to be used in an appropriate matter, otherwise it could just turn into child abuse. But I believe earth itself is becoming too soft, and soon one day everything will be dangerous. If it were possible, would you want to live
The second reason why spanking should not be done to children is the fact that it is a form of child abuse. At the moment, countries are divided as to legalize corporal punishment or create a law saying it is illegal. In the book written by Abela (2007) for the Council of Europe, she notes that “spanking of children less than two years old increases the risk of severe physical injury and the child is unlikely to understand the connection between behavior and punishment.” Most parents tend to go overboard when disciplining their children, especially when they are very angry and have not subdued their anger. This then makes the child their venting medium to get rid of that anger and sometimes, they do not apologize and even forget why they have done the deed. Other parents tend to make this a habit and even if the child did nothing wrong, they would still continue spanking the child. Eventually, the parents may slowly abuse the child through pain and totally make the child’s life a complete hell. As a result, child becomes frail and suffers psychological problems. Some countries, especially social services, use this as grounds to get the child away from the family and file cases of child abuse and physical injury that can lead to jail time if proven guilty. Spanking may also cause scarring and may be with the child