Maybe another reason students are so unfocused is because class times are too long. After sitting in a chair at a desk listening to someone talk to me for 45 minutes, I’m exhausted and bored. It would be nice if during those 45 minutes we could have a few short breaks. I would be a lot more focused if I could get up for one minutes every 10 minutes or so and get a drink, stretch, and maybe talk to my friends in that class. Then I wouldn’t be falling asleep in class all the time. It would also give me a minute or so to focus on something else. But if the government expand the time , the school will get more boring and will lead to stress for a lot of
Raising the quantity of time in class would highly improve a great mass of student success at Anaheim High School. Having a limited amount of time in classrooms makes it extra difficult for teachers to teach the material therefore students are not capable of learning it. Teachers have to plan a way on how to teach the curriculum in 45 minutes and make sure all students understood it. Consequently, only a partial amount can be used for questions and to have them answered. “ Marita’s Bargain “ by Malcolm Gladwell states that an extended amount of time in school inflates the possibilities of educational success.
Adding just an extra ten minutes to each class, the new schedule would create the potential for students to have more homework time, lab time, learning time, and/or valuable free time to read for pleasure, relax with music, draw, etc. (Hadfield). Especially as students get older and more involved in extracurriculars and rigorous academic courses, the need for any spare moment to get assignments done, study, or even sleep increases. When this time is unavailable or extremely hard to get, students are more likely to fall asleep in class, miss school due to illness, misbehave, cheat, hand in incomplete assignments, or drop out altogether. The same is largely true for teachers. The more homework turned in by students, the more grading has to be done by teachers who are already exhausted from a long, often repetitive day of work. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the fact that this extra time should not be used to cram in larger quantities of learning standards or homework problems, but rather to enhance the quality of the already demanding school regulations that are in schools
In a recent survey 81% of students reported they were late to class because the passing period was too short and they either had to use the restroom or there class is too far away. Students should be able to have longer passing periods for restroom usage, and to have a little nutritional snack before the next class. If students had more time, they’d have time to get prepared for the next class. Lastly there would be less detention slips given out. Since they are so short students are upset because they are tardy and have to go to detention.
When I say time, I mean students getting to school on time, classes starting on time and transition time between classes. For some classes there is about a 10 minute gap between when class actually starts and when class is supposed to start according to the schedule. This leaves a lot of “free time” in between certain classes or inside of a classroom without nothing going on because the teacher has not started instructional time. As a student I love it, but as a principle I would feel as though the school is losing productivity with a teacher just sitting in another room or not even being there at all while the students loiter or just aimlessly wonder through the hallways or sit in front of the door. Another thing I find to be interesting is how some students leave during lunch to make sure they get to class on time while the teacher is still down the hill in the main building, I don’t take that class but what do the students do while they are up there and their teacher is down here? Do they go into the class room and just sit up there by themselves? Or do they do the same thing some of the students in the RVEC building do and just sit outside door. As a student I don’t know what goes on like that, but as a principle I would think that is another way lunch time transitions can be better managed so that the students and teachers are where they need to be when class needs to
Sharing ideas and beliefs, free from consequences, is one of the most essential forms of freedom. Taking charge of individual beliefs and having the courage to share and support them is liberation at its best. From Common Sense by Thomas Paine to Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, words, and their resulting messages, have immense power to influence viewpoints and ideals, ultimately sparking change. However, words, and punctuation, come with risk; if the words and punctuation employed fail to clearly and concisely express the message, the message loses all meaning. Therefore, not only is the message behind the words important, but also the way in which the message is articulated.
The students could use this time to go home or somewhere to eat food they want to eat and hang out with there friends. Also when students are at school the day seem long with a break in there it make it a little shorter. “We sit in classrooms ALL day. No sunlight, no fresh air. Just the captivity of some grey walls and a hallway cramped up constantly with other people.
To begin with, Middle school students should get short breaks.Kids hardly pay attention in class all the time because they tired very much.It would help to refresh their brain to think more and it would probably make them get a better grade. For example, kids sit 90 mins. In math and reading and it hurts, so I think kids could stretch or something like that.
With these long school days children don’t have much time to go out and be a kid. By the time children get home and finish all their homework, there really isn’t much time for sports or spending time with friends and family. Long hours of school put too much pressure on students. According to the state, students are supposed to have three and a half hours of homework a night. Students are assigned about 17 hours of homework a week. There is a total of 168 hours in a week and 64 of those hours are taken from us by school and homework. Out of the 24 hours in a day school, homework, and sleep take 18 hours, which leaves students with just 6 hours to do things. Combine that with sports and after school activities, the average practice for most sports are 2 to 3 hours, which leaves the student with only 3 hours for themselves. If you add dinner into the equation which can take up to an hour ,then students only have two hours a day. Some students also have chores which can take up to an hour or even sometimes more. What can a student do with only 1 hour of time a day for their personal goals.
Is school boring? Do you feel like you won’t learn anything for the future? I think kids need to learn life skills and learn how to survive alone. That’s why I think these three innovations would be perfect. The three innovations for Maize South Middle School would be a swimming pool, a greenhouse, and a survival program.
Leaving your parent's home and moving away to university is one of the most exciting times in a young person's life. Many decisions need to be made before the move, and one of the most important will be housing. Where you live, how much rent you will pay, and understanding the housing issues before you move in can go along way to making your experience at university and great one.
Very rarely do you see an adult advocate for less time spent in school. Ask any student, and one would receive a similarly unilateral answer, though supporting a different opinion. I advocate for this not out of laziness, but out of concern for the average teen. There are many problems with this proposal at first glance: how would one teach the curriculum in less time? How would one rearrange the school system to accommodate this radical proposal? I do not know the answers to these questions; I do not pretend to be an expert on education reform. I merely speak from the perspective of a student. What I can tell you is that sometime in the future, when I look back upon my youth, I will not remember the countless hours spent in the classroom, but instead the times I spent being a child, enjoying my
Schools seem to expect to their ever-diligent and eager students to go home to complete all of their homework and to study for all of their tests. After all, it is the student's fault if they perform poorly because they failed to use their own time to study. The perfect student receives good grades, do all of the assigned homework, and scores well on tests. This does not, and can not, realistically happen. How much time does a student realistically have? How much of that time is being fought over by different priorities? At times, there are assignments due the next day that require a couple hours of the students time when they only have a half hour after getting home late. Or maybe the student is just lazy. The point stands that the student will not always have the time or the will to continue to play the game of school when they are no longer in the building. If the student has no desire, or lost the desire, to educate themselves or practice ideas and processes in their limited after school hours then there is something horribly wrong in how schools go about educating their
Longer classes will stress out students who already dislike school! The stress will cause many students to freak out. If I remember correctly, teachers already spend more time at school than students, this time extension will make the adults stay at school until about five o'clock! One more thought is, What if a student has an activity after school that they do, for an example, my sister has choir and GA’s at church on Wednesday around five o’clock. If my sister had school until 4:30 she would not have much time to get homework done, eat dinner, prepare to leave, and get there in time! It is like asking to make her late to her activities that she
How you ever wondered why a lot of people do not vote? Well I am one of those people. When I turned 18 years old; I was in this problem, if I should to vote or do not. After of read a lot of politic and history; I found that there’s a lot of controversial thing on the politics’ world, so I took my decision that was to do not vote.
Most people feel tired after a long day of school or work. Well, so do I, and probably most of you, too. How do teachers expect us to get through a seven hour day, with only one forty minute break? Most students suffer a long day at school. Dividing up the recess and breaks would spread the physical activity throughout the day, and would allow the brain to recover after almost every class, so students are ready to learn more. When I went to school in Germany over the summer, there were six classes in a five and a half hour day. There were breaks ranging between five and twenty minutes, depending on the schedule, between every class. Students were able to eat in the cafeteria or outside,