“Why Students Should Not Have Homework?!”
What is every high schoolers role in the school system? Do high schoolers have a say in what can be accomplished in the setting of Athens high school? If students were given the option to put in recommendations to staff, the school would fluctuate better as a whole, and benefit all individuals inside. The first proposal I would present to Athens would be about homework taking up all our free time as students. When students get home from school, they often spend most of their time doing homework, and school related stuff throughout the day. Very rarely do students have as much free time as needed out of school that would make sense. Students already give eight hours a day to school, and should not be required to put three more hours at home devoted to school. Students should not have as much homework because it affects the student as a whole.
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Teachers at Athens thinks that we students do not have lives out of school, so we can fully devote our time to their subject. A little homework is understandable, but when it is every night and given to us as “busy work,” is when it becomes unnecessary and useless. We are no longer doing the work to learn it as students, but just to get it done. Not only is this very time consuming, but it is also very frustrating. As students, when we get out of school we want to be able to do things that benefit us. When students are restrained from doing these things because of homework, it is hard to get the things that need to be done, done. Some students have jobs outside of school, and when homework takes majority of the free time outside of school, it puts stress on those students. The students not only have to worry about the job they have to get to, but also the hours of homework assigned by
Shouldn't kids work on homework like these days instead of spending time with their family? Kids should be able to spend more time with their friends and family. I think this because homework is very hard and challenging. Homework can give headaches and also stress. My opinion is that homework should not be something to do at home.
In my opinion i think kids should have less homework. One of my reasons is it will take the stress of your shoulders. I also think this because say you have to study for a test on monday and because all the homework you get a bad grade.In addishion, this is why i think kids should have less homework.
After a long day of school, students are tired, stressed, and overworked. This is often something that is ignored when it comes to students of all ages. Homework provides a heavy load that can add additional stress and time on a student’s shoulders. Schools should be making sure that students are receiving enough work throughout the day, to make sure kids do not have the worry of homework when school is over. Students who receive lots of homework, may not have enough time in the evenings to be around family, friends and enjoy the rest of their day.
Students should not have homework. First here are my reasons why some kids don't do it . According to resch 10 % out of 20% students don't do homework. Scond students should have time for some fun stuff. 20 % out of 6 % students play games 8 hours a day in school and students have game, clubs, stuff and go until 8/9 hours a night and don't get a nuff sleep. Third homework sometimes it reck the sports. And Kids don't study and kids don't use class time they talk instead of doing homework. Next kids don't fish there homework don't want to do it. 30% out 40 % do it in team team study is only 42 minutes. After school 15 minutes go to relaxing that why we should have no homework.
By not giving out homework, students will work harder in class and have better grades. Teachers have to understand that if students are tired from late nights, they wouldn't be able to work efficiently during the day. In addition, students would be much more excited to come to school because they know they wouldn't have to worry about getting any homework. In 2010, a survey was taken and it showed that about 70% of teen ages 11 to 17 get less than 8 hours of sleep per day due to the amount of homework they have to do (Logos). According to Alfie Kohen, students feel forced to do their homework, therefore they aren't learning as much as they should (Ethos). Students lose interest in the topic and do not benefit from what they’re learning. In China, a cry for change by a mother who lost her thirteen year old daughter who committed suicide due to her inability to achieve in math, the mother considers homework is a huge negative factor toward her deceased daughter's tragic ending along with the pressure of society (Pathos). Such a story should leave us wondering, how many more children need to suffer the silent epidemic of school stress. Statistics prove the leading cause for the majority of physical and emotional complaints leading up to diagnosis of depression in middle and high school due to the amount of
Schools in America shouldn’t have homework. It has been proven to not help with test scores or school work, but what it does help with, is lowering students’ health. I believe that schools should assign little or no homework, It does little to help and more to hurt the students. For instance, most students don’t have computers and are financially unable to get one. This is unfair and can cause the student to be behind on their schoolwork. Another reason is that students are so loaded with schoolwork and other family/friend activities that they don’t have enough time to do what they really need to. Lastly, the Finnish school system has shorter school days, more recess, and starts at the age of 7. Yet, it has been proven that they get one of the highest test scores internationally.
Shopping at the mall and hanging out with friends is much more important than doing homework. Why are students required to do homework anyway? It’s a waste of time so they should not be required to do homework. Homework is causing stress, which is resulting in students spending less quality time with their families as well as with their friends. It is also causing students to feel burned out and to not be engaged with school as they should be. Even though students need to learn how to manage their time more effectively, including budgeting time to complete homework assignments, they should not be required to do homework. Students should not be required to do homework because it stresses out students.
Studies show that homework can cause sleep loss and other health problems. In Ontario, schools teachers should not be allowed to assign homework to students because kids are busy doing sports or other events. Also, parents want to see their kids after school. Another reason is kids are tired and might stay up late trying to finish.
The first reason students should not be given homework is that with extra curricular activities like sports or clubs, there is no time for homework. One may have to wake up at 5:30, go to school until 2:55, then go to practice until 7:30. Then they must eat, do homework, and shower. By the time everything is done, it is 10:00. The student would jump into bed and fall asleep then repeat the process over and over. With this schedule the student would be exhausted and not able to focus. By getting rid of homework students would get much more
Thesis: Since many students have an after school job, may be involved in sports, and have chores and duties they are expected to do at home, teachers should not assign any homework to students.
Sometimes our parents have no time to help us because they have their jobs. Then if we can’t get any help it’s going to be either a late grade or an F because we can’t get a good grade without a complete assignment. Our parents could also have a goodnight sleep without having to worry about us failing their classes because of homework. Teachers will also gain out of no homework because they don’t have to deal with grading messy handwriting and awful grammar. They don’t have to stay up however long it takes just to grade all the papers their students. It’s especially hard for middle school teachers and up because there are so many kids and so many different classes. Teachers can go anywhere they want if their lesson plan is finished for the next day if there is no homework. They won’t have to deal with angry kids, teens and yelling at them if they’re failing school because of homework. Homework is keeping everyone up.
School is stressful and tough with all the homework and tests, In Fact all of the students I interviewed say that there is too much homework and that they can't always get it all done. Many students say that they stay up late rushing on the homework, which in the long run will affect their grades which will affect their college that they get into, which in the end will affect their future job. “I feel rushed and sometimes in a hurry to get my homework done before practice” said one student. Some students around the world spend 13+ hours a week on homework alone which is too much. One primary school in new York has gotten rid of homework and outside of school projects all together,telling the kids that they should get outside and exercise.
Imagine a kid so stressed with all his homework and crowded schedule that the kid breaks down into tears. This is why children of Earth should not have homework. Teacher’s do not know if kids have additional activities after school, so they just hand out the homework and saying things like, “No excuses.” Frequently students have events that go late into the night, or your family is engaged, and multiple events take place on one evening.
As evidence, a 2007 MetLife study found that 45 percent of students in grades three to 12 spend more than an hour a night doing homework. If middle schoolers get 3 hours of homework, think of how much more high school and college students get, especially when 3 hours of homework is a lot of time taken up already for a middle schooler when usually they don’t even have jobs. Nearly 80% of High school and college students have jobs after school hours. Which their jobs might go to 9PM at night and they still have more than 3 hours of homework to do. That gives no time for them to relax, get the right amount of sleep, and spend time with
Schools seem to expect to their ever-diligent and eager students to go home to complete all of their homework and to study for all of their tests. After all, it is the student's fault if they perform poorly because they failed to use their own time to study. The perfect student receives good grades, do all of the assigned homework, and scores well on tests. This does not, and can not, realistically happen. How much time does a student realistically have? How much of that time is being fought over by different priorities? At times, there are assignments due the next day that require a couple hours of the students time when they only have a half hour after getting home late. Or maybe the student is just lazy. The point stands that the student will not always have the time or the will to continue to play the game of school when they are no longer in the building. If the student has no desire, or lost the desire, to educate themselves or practice ideas and processes in their limited after school hours then there is something horribly wrong in how schools go about educating their