
Why Students Should Not Have Homework

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“Why Students Should Not Have Homework?!”

What is every high schoolers role in the school system? Do high schoolers have a say in what can be accomplished in the setting of Athens high school? If students were given the option to put in recommendations to staff, the school would fluctuate better as a whole, and benefit all individuals inside. The first proposal I would present to Athens would be about homework taking up all our free time as students. When students get home from school, they often spend most of their time doing homework, and school related stuff throughout the day. Very rarely do students have as much free time as needed out of school that would make sense. Students already give eight hours a day to school, and should not be required to put three more hours at home devoted to school. Students should not have as much homework because it affects the student as a whole. …show more content…

Teachers at Athens thinks that we students do not have lives out of school, so we can fully devote our time to their subject. A little homework is understandable, but when it is every night and given to us as “busy work,” is when it becomes unnecessary and useless. We are no longer doing the work to learn it as students, but just to get it done. Not only is this very time consuming, but it is also very frustrating. As students, when we get out of school we want to be able to do things that benefit us. When students are restrained from doing these things because of homework, it is hard to get the things that need to be done, done. Some students have jobs outside of school, and when homework takes majority of the free time outside of school, it puts stress on those students. The students not only have to worry about the job they have to get to, but also the hours of homework assigned by

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