Ordinarily, many teenagers nationwide attend schools that begin before 8:30 A.M. However, most teenagers do not obtain the full 8 to 9 hours of sleep needed for their growing bodies. Maybe it’s because they had extracurricular activities or an increase of workload. But, whatever the reason is, they all have one thing in common: lack of sleep. So how can the problem be fixed? To fix this, schools nationwide can change the time school starts to a later time. Schools starting early can impact the students in a negative manner. Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to become overweight, not engaged during physical activities, suffer from depressive symptoms, perform unhealthy risk behaviors (i.e. drugs, alcohol, etc.), and have …show more content…
is not a time the brain functions. Studies have shown that the time teenagers function is different than the time adults regularly function. In “Making Teens Start School in the Morning is ‘Cruel’, Brain Doctor Claims”, Daniel Martin argues, “Prof Foster, Oxford University's head of circadian neuroscience - the study of how the daily routine affects the brain - said the time at which children become fully awake gets progressively later as they get older. The pattern continues until the age of 20, when it begins to reverse, making adults more alert in the mornings” (DailyMail.co.uk). Professor Foster has expressed that adolescents do not fully operate in the early hours of the morning. As people progress from childhood and into teenhood, the time the body is fully awake gets later and later, thus 100% performance in the early hours of dawn would be hard for these growing children. Furthermore, as teenagers progress into adulthood, the opposite occurs. When you reach the peak of adulthood, your body functions in the fresh hours of dawn. This is appropriate for the work hours to be early, since the body is fully awake and aware of the demand for work. Teenagers, however, should not be forced to work at a time where their bodies can not be fully awake. If teachers are looking for the utmost attention and effort, schools should start later so adolescents can fully be attentive of the task at hand. This will result in students working …show more content…
So, the later the starting time of school, the better students will do. Students are more focused and alert when their body is fully awake at school, thus their willingness to learn is higher since they can operate. In “Sleepy Teens: High Schools Should Start Later in the Morning”, Mark Fischetti states, “Hundreds of school districts in the U.S. have experimented with later start times and the academic performance of students has improved across the board. A study released in February that tracked 9,000 high school students in three states showed that grades in science, math, English and social studies all rose when school began at 8:35 or later” (Blogs.ScientificAmerican.com). When school districts have done an experiment to test if there was a beneficial factor of starting schools later, it has been proven. Throughout the nation, these 9,000 high school students, in just three states, have managed to boost their grades when school has begun at 8:35 or later. These pupils have achieved a higher success in math, science, English, and social studies when the school day began at a later time. Thus, this concludes that changing the school time to a later time will be beneficial for the students
It is a well known fact that teenagers in general need more sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation: “[teenage sleep] is as important as the air you breathe, the water you drink and the food you eat. It can even help you to eat better and manage stress of being a teen.” When schools start as early as 7 o’clock, it puts students health at risk. Adolescents already have a natural shift in their internal body clock, or circadian rhythm when it comes to sleep. Puberty allows this to happen, causing a “sleep phase delay” of about two hours. When teens can't fall asleep until late and school starts so early, they aren't getting nearly enough sleep. Lack of such, according to CDC, makes the individual
Research has shown that teenagers experience a change in the internal sleep clock so that waking up early and going to sleep early are difficult. Some people believe that high school classes should begin later in the day to better accommodate students’ natural sleep clocks. Waking up early can be a real struggle for teenagers. Most teens naturally sleep in until ten thirty or eleven on weekends. I do believe high school classes should start later because teens could sleep more naturally, it would give teenagers more time to do things in the mornings, and more sleep equals better
“Making teens start school in the morning is cruel” says brain doctor. Mary Carskadon at Brown University has shown that teenagers need about nine hours a night to maintain full alertness and academic performance. Getting up at 6:00 am is totoo early. We should have a later start time because we need more sleep to focus, tTeens need a certain amount of sleep, and we need to stop dozing off in class.
First of all, kids will be more energized and be more academically advanced if school starts are pushed back. According to, “Should School Start Later” “Studies show that well rested teens get better grades, have higher standardized test scores, and miss fewer days of school. They also have a lower risk of being in car accidents and have fewer health problems such as depression, mood changes, and being overweight.” Many schools start before 7:45 a.m. and have tired students not putting forth their best efforts while 40 percent of American High Schools start classes past 8 a.m. The schools with later starts
High school students should have a later starting time in school due to students not getting the amount of sleep they need to function. Students that stay up late at night are way too tired to learn when they get to school early in the morning. Most students who do stay up late are unable to sleep due to melatonin not yet being produced. This shows that starting school at a later time would have many positive benefits. These benefits include higher test scores, increased attendance, more participation from students, and higher performance from athletes.
The primary reason for attending school is for adolescents to get an education in hopes of getting a good job. Attendance, test scores, and GPA’s all play an important role in a student’s success in school, and if they can all be improved by pushing the start time back, then this issue should be pushed further. The root problem of students not performing to their full potential has to do with the inability to focus from drowsiness in class due to the lack of sleep they are getting. To support this point, Carskadon, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior, and his team, “found that students showed up for morning classes seriously sleep-deprived and that the 7:20 a.m. start time required them to be awake during hours that ran contrary to their internal clocks” (Richmond). In other words, Carskadon believes that current high school start times go against teens’ natural sleep patterns, making them be awake at a time where their bodies aren’t ready to get up yet. This causes concentration issues making paying attention in class harder, and kids not getting the best grades they can. Also, sleep won’t get any
To begin, starting school later can improve students’ health and safety. The CDC urges people to schools to start later, and they have solid reasons for it. Researchers from Minnesota University analyzed over 9000 high school students and discovered that altering the original start time to a later one improved attendance, test scores, grades in math, social studies, and English, and decreased tardiness, drug abuse, and depression. Sadly, over 75% of schools in over 40 states start before 8:30. Without a doubt, later start times have obvious benefits
Insufficient sleep is an epidemic amongst the average America teen. Teens are wired to stay up late and sleep in even later. So why is it that across the country most of the nation's high school's start before 8:30 am? Early start times make it nearly impossible for teens to get the minimum eight hours of sleep that is recommended. Thus, the lack of sleep contributes to other problems like poor performance inside of classrooms and risk of serious health problems for the teens. I am asking The Denver Board of Education to consider my proposal of a trial run of later start times in their desired lowest testing schools. If it is proved a more successful year for the students, then we would move forward in implementing later start times in all
The Atlantic website stated that starting school at a later time will boost our attendance, test scores, and overall grades. Believe it or not a lot of students are late to class all the time, so if we get better sleep we will be wide awake and we won’t be late to class anymore, and we will get better grades. Since we will get to school later we have to get out around 3:00, so we have time to get through every class. Sadly there is also a weakness, after school we either have sports or extracurricular activities and on top of that we have to do all our homework on time before you go
Starting school later can make student's academic performance improve. ”Researchers analyzed data from more than 9,000 students at eight high schools in Minnesota, Colorado, and Wyoming and found that shifting the school day later in the morning resulted in a boost in attendance, test scores, and grades in math, English, science, and social studies.”(Why Schools Should Start Later In The Morning). This is probably due to the fact that students learn better when they are awake. If starting school a few hours later can improve test scores and learning, why not do it? Instead of sleeping in class, students will be learning.
High Schools should start later in the morning because teens need more sleep so they can perform better in their classes and get better grades. Teens need around 8 to 10 hours of sleep to reach their best potential in school. One study found that only 15% reported sleeping 8 1/2 hours on school nights (National Sleep Foundation, 2018). A big problem is teens that have bad sleep schedules. Teens don’t get enough sleep because of their hectic schedules that deal with jobs, after school activities for example clubs and sports teams, homework, family, and friends.
If we were to start school later, academic GPA’s (grade point averages) would definately increase. Isn’t this what we want in our school? It is proven that the more sleep you get, the more awake and alert you actually are. I interviewed Michael Claffey, a sophomore at Newington High School, he stated “ Goooooud.” Also Jorge Premto a sophomore at Newington High School stated “Yes Michael, yes I do believe school should start at nine o’clock am. This will thus help further my education because I will be well rested.” In all, we need school to start later because it will help us with our education.
The national sleep epidemic that has taken the world by storm is also taking a toll in not only teen’s health but also their performance in school as well as personal safety. The sleep deprivation that teens are experiencing everyday has caused many health problems as well as academic problems. I believe starting school later will hinder this ever growing teen sleep deprivation problem we face today. Letting teens sleep later is beneficial to their learning capacity as their heightened alertness improved their classroom performance as well as better memory and many other crucial achievements. So probably starting school later, but no later than eight thirty am, will lead students to perform better in school and their health will improve drastically.
Do you ever wake up and feel like you haven’t gotten enough sleep? The reason is because in reality you probably haven’t. Studies show that schools should not start any earlier that 8:30 in the morning due to teens suffering from sleep deprivation. There are many negative effects this condition can have on a teens body including a direct effect on one’s physical and mental health, public safety and excelling in the future. In the Ted Talk video, " Why school should start later for teens" by, Wendy Troxel. Ms. Troxel explained why school should start later for teens.. Students are very drowsy in the morning and are usually rushing to get to school on time which limits breakfasts times and healthy food options. Schools should start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. for several reasons but sleep deprivation is the most important. Sleep deprivation can cause a direct effect to a child’s general health and behavior, public safety and potentially future success.
Many individuals, especially adolescents, do not function well early in the morning. “…many teenagers are going to school with their brains essentially in sleep mode” (Kaufman, 2001). This makes it difficult to retain information and in return use the information they have learned later on according to Robert Gerson, a physician and parent (Heinen, 1996). There is a reasonable explanation for why adolescents need the sleep they need at the times in which they need it, or do it for that matter. “Their circadian rhythms, determined by release of the hormone melatonin and other factors, were telling them to stay up later (even if their homework was finished and the day’s chores complete) and to get up later. On basic biological level, many had no more control over that circadian switch than they did over growing facial hair or breasts” (Kaufman, 2001).