
Why Teens Should Start Later

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Ordinarily, many teenagers nationwide attend schools that begin before 8:30 A.M. However, most teenagers do not obtain the full 8 to 9 hours of sleep needed for their growing bodies. Maybe it’s because they had extracurricular activities or an increase of workload. But, whatever the reason is, they all have one thing in common: lack of sleep. So how can the problem be fixed? To fix this, schools nationwide can change the time school starts to a later time. Schools starting early can impact the students in a negative manner. Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to become overweight, not engaged during physical activities, suffer from depressive symptoms, perform unhealthy risk behaviors (i.e. drugs, alcohol, etc.), and have …show more content…

is not a time the brain functions. Studies have shown that the time teenagers function is different than the time adults regularly function. In “Making Teens Start School in the Morning is ‘Cruel’, Brain Doctor Claims”, Daniel Martin argues, “Prof Foster, Oxford University's head of circadian neuroscience - the study of how the daily routine affects the brain - said the time at which children become fully awake gets progressively later as they get older. The pattern continues until the age of 20, when it begins to reverse, making adults more alert in the mornings” ( Professor Foster has expressed that adolescents do not fully operate in the early hours of the morning. As people progress from childhood and into teenhood, the time the body is fully awake gets later and later, thus 100% performance in the early hours of dawn would be hard for these growing children. Furthermore, as teenagers progress into adulthood, the opposite occurs. When you reach the peak of adulthood, your body functions in the fresh hours of dawn. This is appropriate for the work hours to be early, since the body is fully awake and aware of the demand for work. Teenagers, however, should not be forced to work at a time where their bodies can not be fully awake. If teachers are looking for the utmost attention and effort, schools should start later so adolescents can fully be attentive of the task at hand. This will result in students working …show more content…

So, the later the starting time of school, the better students will do. Students are more focused and alert when their body is fully awake at school, thus their willingness to learn is higher since they can operate. In “Sleepy Teens: High Schools Should Start Later in the Morning”, Mark Fischetti states, “Hundreds of school districts in the U.S. have experimented with later start times and the academic performance of students has improved across the board. A study released in February that tracked 9,000 high school students in three states showed that grades in science, math, English and social studies all rose when school began at 8:35 or later” ( When school districts have done an experiment to test if there was a beneficial factor of starting schools later, it has been proven. Throughout the nation, these 9,000 high school students, in just three states, have managed to boost their grades when school has begun at 8:35 or later. These pupils have achieved a higher success in math, science, English, and social studies when the school day began at a later time. Thus, this concludes that changing the school time to a later time will be beneficial for the students

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