
Why The Best Kids Books Are Written In Blood Summary

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What is it about literature that makes people more empathetic? Empathy defined is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Similarly, the word compassion expresses the idea of expressing sympathy or concern for those who are suffering. Literature forms an empathetic compassion in the reader to comprehend others’ life challenges, and it sparks a drive in the reader to conquer their own trials. . Captivated by the trials of others’ encounters, the reader finds hope in his own life. For some, books are an escape. He is able to disappear into a new world, with different lives, and extreme or sometimes even similar situations. However, his real world problems are still ever-present. In Sherman Alexie’s article, “Why the Best Kids Books Are Written in Blood,” he claims that many …show more content…

Martha Nussbaum’s argument in her article “Education for Profit, Education for Freedom” carries the message that each person is equal, no matter where they are or where they came from (Nussbaum 8, 13). Within her argument she embraces the fact that compassion is not a limited characteristic. If a person were to fully take the persona of compassion, then it would not be restrained to one type of person, and whether that is gender, race, or ethnicity, people need to experience this interaction of a world different than their own (13). Yet, how do people come to learn of these other nationalities that aren’t their own if they are not placed in the middle of it? Tim Gillespie, even goes on to support the idea of knowing more than just what is around a person, in his article, “Why Literature Matters,” when he states that “literature offers students diversity that their neighborhood may not” (Gillespie 2). Only through literature can this compassion be extended to all regions, a unified concern for not just one, but for the whole world (Nussbaum

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