In the article, “Why Theological Study Is for Everyone” by Jared Wilson, he starts the article by saying “Every Christian must be a theologian” . I for one couldn’t agree more with Mr. Wilson on this fact due to the fact that it is my belief that every Christian should understand and appreciate how important theological study of God is for his people. Like in the article, I’m not referring to going to a academic university, or telling everyone they must know every verse and book front to back; what I am actually referring to is simply the studying of God’s infallible Word. Theology, coming from the Greek words theos (God) and logos (word), simply means the knowledge or study rather of God. The theological study of God is commanded, it is vital to salvation, and it authenticates as well as fuels our worship. …show more content…
To truly know and grow with the Creator, one must spend time with the “love letter” He inspired for His Creation. That letter, which I affectionately call love letter, is the Bible. When I was in school and I would get a love note from a young lady, I wouldn’t just sit it down somewhere to collect dust. Instead I would take it, store it in a safe place, and come back to read it over and over again. This is how we should treat the Bible, and the more you read it, the more God reveals Himself and His plan for you through Jesus
Michael J. Himes, in his book Doing the Truth in Love, describes theology as a way of “talking about God.” Talking about God brings many questions to mind: how do people talk about God when God is a mystery? How do people converse about what they do not know for sure? Many may think theology is inherited and even theologians talk about what they have learned from doctrines and the history they have been taught. Even though theologians know very little about God aside from what they studied, they still know it is important to talk about God. As Himes states, “God is simply too important to us not to talk about.” Although theologians are still figuring out the mysteries of God, they attempt to put forth their opinions and ideas about God in order to inspire people to find their own theology.
Nathan Hatch wrote this book to help understand American Christianity and the courses of action that have brought us to the present. The books states that Hatch is a professor at the University of Notre Dame where he teaches history and also works with graduate studies. However, a recent inquiry finds that he is president of Wake Forest University, a position he has held since 2005. A well renowned scholar, Hatch has been very influential in studying religion and history.
“On a Christian Mission to the Top” by Laurie Goodstein and David Kirkpatrick deals with the controversial topic of religion, primarily the rise of evangelicals to the top of the social classes and their influence. The essay opens with a description of the differing religious groups in Brown University, originally a Protestant Christian school. After evangelicals surpassed other denominations of Christianity, the societal and political perspectives of America shifted to support Evangelism views. Goodstein and Kirkpatrick examine the attempt to sway colleges to evangelist perspectives. While I wholeheartedly encourage the freedom of religion, I do not support this attempt at mass conversion or the refusal of accepting of other cultures.
Lewis’ essay relates to this course as Theology provides a perspective on understanding creation, the transcendent power, and humanity around us. He acknowledges that multiple viewpoints exist from the inside and outside perspectives. Also, one cannot ignore or discount specific inside experiences as it helps us think about something. Therefore, in Theology 205, there will inevitably be many ways to understand life, our purpose, and the people we are becoming. We are also covering the Bible in depth, so some of us will look “at the beam” if they have never read it, while others will look “along the beam” if they are familiar with its interpretations. The students who will look along the beam are those who are Christian or Jew, since they already use the Bible as some guidance in life. In contrast, those who look at the beam are ones who are new to this subject, those willing to view this course from a new lens, and those who do not practice Christianity or Judaism.
To understand God you must first get a decent understanding of the bible. The bible has been translated from the
There is probably no other time in our lives more formational than the college experience. So much depends on these few early years in our live as we grow socially, mentally, and (for some of us) spiritually. Therefore, the college decision may be the most important one we ever make in our lives. People often view a liberal arts college as a place for people who don’t know what they want to do with their lives. They come out knowing a little bit of everything, just enough to get you a job in what interests you once you graduate. However, this is not the case. A liberal arts education prepares us for more than just a vocation but rather all of life. In the book Liberal Arts for the Christian Mind Leland Ryken says that “A liberal education prepares people to do well in all that they may be called to do in life” (L. Ryken 19). Yet as Christians we must factor our calling to a life service into this equation. Ryken also says “Loving and serving God should be the foundation for everything else that you do at college.” The Christian liberal arts is the most effective education system to prepare for a life of service to Jesus Christ and the church.
In the novel title “The Lost History of Christianity”, author Philip Jenkins attempts to convey the message that there are many aspects of Christianity that are unknown to Christian followers today. Jenkins start by implying that Christianity essentially starts in Northern Mesopotamia. Jenkins then traces the history of Christianity from Africa to the Arab world to the heart of Asia, in what he consider to be the “golden age” of Christianity. He informs the readers of the stories of churches and movements that thrived over a millennium and then largely died out, though there are remnants of these churches here and there, spread across different parts of the world. Jenkins is a firm believer that Westerners are blinded by the impression the Christianity began in Europe and Northern America, and believe that in some ways they are superior among other religions. Jenkins suggest, “When they think about Christian history, most modern Westerners follow the book of Acts in concentrating on the church 's expansion west, through Greece and the Mediterranean world, and on to Rome. But while some early Christians were indeed moving west, many other believers-probably in greater numbers-journeyed east along the land routes, through what we today call Iraq and Iran, where they built great and enduring churches. Because of its location-close to Roman frontier, but just far enough beyond it to avoid heavy-handed interference-Mesopotamia or Iraq retained a powerful terms of the number and
The book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity written by David Entwistle (2010) talks about the relationships between theology and psychology throughout the history of each and how they both can be integrated. Some people see Christianity as areligious belief and psychology as a profession. Entwistle (2010) explains that the worldview with which you were raised, are modified by your personal experiences and reflections. The worldviews ask four questions: “Who am I?”
The Story of Christianity is a book written by Justo Gonzalez; a native of Cuba. Gonzalez serves on the faculty of the Interdenominational Theological Center which is located in Atlanta Georgia. He attended Yale University, where he received his M.A. and Ph.D. in historical theology; in fact Dr. Gonzalez is the youngest person at Yale to be awarded a Ph.D. He is also one of the first generation Latino theologians and instead of growing up Catholic, comes from a protestant background. In addition to writing many other books, Gonzalez is also Cokesbury’s publishing chief narrator of the Christian Believer study video lessons course and the recipient of the Ecumenism Award from the Theological Consortium in Washington, which he received as a
In the book, The Evidence For God, Paul K. Moser develops an ideology that proves God’s existence. However, there are other perspectives that try to prove God existence, also. With that being said, I shall argue that kardiatheology is the most concrete position of God’s existence because a person just needs to be “willing” to distribute unselfish love to everyone. I am going to accomplish this by first defining what kardiatheology is then transition to the reason why this theology is concrete.
The Bible contains sixty-six books, written by approximately forty authors, over the course of two thousand years. God created and loves humans despite their rebellious attitude towards Him, and God wants to reunite humans to Himself (Poythress, 2008). The Bible is a record of the sinful rebellion of humans and it still declares God’s love for humanity through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. This foundation prepares the way for Jesus Christ to fulfill God’s entire promised covenants.
What is theology? What does it explain if anything? According to the encyclopedia, it is related to the Greek Religion. In Christianity, the systematic study of the nature of God and God's relationship with humanity and with the world. Although other religions may be said to have theologies, this is a matter of controversy within, for instance, Judaism , which holds that God is unknowable. This article will therefore confine itself to Christian theology. The development of theology in Christendom arose from the need for educated Christians of the ancient world to express their ideas in terminology familiar in current thought. Hence arose the close relation of Christian theology with Greek philosophy formulated by the Greek and Latin
Theology is the study of God, and further the Theology of the Pentateuch is defined as what is the Pentateuch teaching us about God today. The Pentateuch is another name for the Torah, which consists of the first five books of the Biblical canon. Studying the theological vision contained within the Pentateuch is crucial to scholars since it is this vision that shapes the principal form of this work. Further, the foundation for the theology of God is set forth in the rest of the Bible. One can read numerous intricate, complex stories as concern our Creator, however there is not one contradiction in respect to his attributes that can be found. It is owing to the fact that this is a solid
Studies of Jesus primarily focus on the duality of Jesus and how he is able to be both human and divine at once. This subject was disputed at the Council of Chalcedon in the year 451 between the
The bible was written as an account of what many viewed that God had accomplished so his actions and words could be passed on for generations. Some believe it is a literary account and some believe it is a historical account. The word of God in the bible comes in many forms and is left up to interpretation by the reader. Some believe that the word of God should be the only word and should be strictly followed. Some believe that the words are meant as a guideline to help us through life. Whatever your belief is you can always seem to find the meaning behind your belief through the word of God in the Bible.