Watching movies are meant to be fun, but if the characters don’t have any chemistry then the movie is a bust. Characters and Actors/Actresses should always have chemistry in the movie because it helps the viewers understand the storyline better. If the movie is meant to be about a couple that hates each other than the couple needs to hate each other when the director calls actions. The chemistry of the characters can also help the viewers understand the relations to each character and or Actor/Actresses. Ron Clements and John Musker do a wonderful job with the chemistry of the characters. You can tell the differences in the characters, but at the same time you can feel their connections. An example of this would be Moana and her grandmother.
Using the movie Love Jones I will talk about the characteristics of male/male and female/female relationship as they are portrayed in the film. Then I will talk about how different the female/male relationship is and focus primarily on their communication styles. There is some harsh vocabulary included in my essay but only in quotations that I have taken from the movie itself to communicate what was going on in the scenes I have chose to talk about.
One does not necessarily have to cluck in disapproval to admit that entertainment is all the things its detractors say it is: fun, effortless, sensational, mindless, formulaic, predictable, and subversive. In fact, one might argue that those are the very reasons so many people love it. At the same time, it is not hard to see why cultural aristocrats in the nineteenth century and intellectuals in the twentieth hated entertainment and why they predicted, as one typical nineteenth century critic railed, that its eventual effect would be to over turn all morality, to poison the springs of domestic happiness, to dissolve the ties of our social order, and to involved our country in ruin." said Neal Gabler, the author of Life in the Movie: How Entertainment Conquered Reality. I agree with this quote, that entertainment is mind numbing and lessen the values of our society. Back in the nineteenth century, entertainment was something that actually stimulated their minds,
In “Love: The Right Chemistry”, author Anastasia Toufexis discusses the philosophy of love in a more technical manner, by expressing it through scientific knowledge. She argues that, “Love rests firmly on the foundations of evolution, biology, and chemistry.” Toufexis
Why do you believe that they need to show more themes and mateship throughout the film?
Along the way, many characters fight, laugh, and sometimes cry together. Each person has a special relationship with another person. Throughout the movie, many of them change the way they feel towards each other.
Watching movies is a great way to learn and study different interpersonal relationships. A lot of them are just like real life situations that happen every day between people. One of my favorite movies is Love and Basketball. I chose to talk about this movie because in my opinion it really focuses on the relationship of the two main characters. There are good moments and bad ones in their relationship with one another. I also believe there are a lot of different things the characters could have done and said that would have made communicating with each other a lot easier. It’s one of my favorite movies and I have learned a lot about communicating from it.
The film “When Harry Met Sally” is rife with examples of interpersonal communication victories and utter failures. The main characters- Harry Burns played by Billy Crystal and Sally Albright played by Meg Ryan- are captive to each other’s company during a car ride from Chicago to New York and quickly find they maintain very opposite viewpoints on much of life, especially relationships between men and women. The premise for the argument and the remainder of the film is the disagreement as to whether or not women and men can be friends without sex getting in the way. Harry maintains it is not possible, and Sally takes the opposite position. Throughout the film Harry and Sally display a number of different communication traits. Their
For instance, the Fang family is seriously just a group of artists doing performances that most people don’t understand and get annoyed by. Many people probably hated the Fang family and thought that they were losers in A Family Fang. Furthermore, when Wilson decided to have Annie and Buster come home to their performance crazy parents, he decided to make the two beaten down and losers both professionally and physically. With Annie’s scandals and probably never being able to be in another movie, and Buster having a broken face and running from bills. Meanwhile, Wilson also added in the character Suzanne Crosby who was fat, short, and had glasses who wrote a depressing short story that caused Buster to fall in love with her.
Communication plays a key role in relationships and therefore it is vital for communication to be the cornerstone for friendships or associations in order to be successful. Many individuals believe that in film, interpersonal conflict is make believe or a fairy tale because it is not always emphasized. This is false and in actual reality interpersonal conflict is found in film as it is also found in real life. I decided to examine the interpersonal conflicts found in the movie Hitch (Mordaunt & Tadross, 2005) directed by Andy Tennant. One of the conflicts and scenes I choose to examine was Hitch’s
There is some romance between them, but it is elusive and reserved--almost like watching the kind of romance between a couple from a few decades ago when much more was implied, and looks exchanged said more than torrid and sultry kisses do today. The competition between them is almost reminiscent of Hart to Hart, but Abby and Marco are even more restrained than that couple (after all, the Harts were married). Interestingly enough, that enchanting reserve between them makes the scenes appear more ardent than other similar films where the main couple is all over each other. When a couple actively keeps from doing or saying too much, it only results in raising the bar on intrigue and passion. And I think it is a look at what is yet to come in this film series.
All of the characters presented in the movie have a distinct personality, making the viewer engage deeply in the heart pumping action and drama.
Does he agree that making a film encourages romance between stars? (During A Time to Kill in 1996, an adaptation of the John Grisham novel that made McConaughey famous, he started a romance with co-star Sandra Bullock.) "Well, if you're going to work with somebody on a project and you're both there because you have an interest in it and a want and a desire to make this project as good as possible, then every day you're meeting and you're looking forward to being there and you're wanting to find the best in the other person, in their work . . ." he says, trailing off.
Interpersonal communication is primarily dyadic, meaning it involves two people. There are examples of this everywhere, from two coworkers who are becoming close friends to two people entering a romantic relationship. Interpersonal communication is all around us, especially romantic relationships. As a result, many of the movies we watch have examples of interpersonal relationships which reflects the ones in our own lives. This paper will highlight the relationship between Wade and Vanessa from the movie “Deadpool,” relate it to the concepts we have learned in class, and illustrate how we can learn from it.
Beginning at a very young age in our lives, the film industry influences the way in which each individual interprets the actions that are taken by a character in a film. The constant portrayal of what characteristics would best fit with defining what it is to be a hero, seem to focus mainly on masculine traits. The desirable traits that are illustrated in the majority of the films are being independent, strong, and most importantly a male. However, the film Maleficent (2014), contradicts this idea. This film tells the story of Maleficent (Angelina Jolie), a young woman that has been fooled into believing in true love. When the person she believed was her true love, removes her most precious weapon she is left with great agony and a thirst for
However great action is far more complicated than great acting. Movie fans understand great acting comes from great actors. Great action, on the other hand, comes from the collaboration of a team of great filmmakers. The director, producers, director of photography, stunt coordinator, actors, stunt performers, editors and VFX team all play a part in making great action. Bad action happens when these positions are not filled with the best filmmakers available or when the filmmakers do not get the time, money and talent they need to bring their vision to