There should be a nap period in school. Kids are negative, not concentrating, getting bad grades, and depressed, and it's because of something no amount of ex-core or two-step programs will fix: sleep deprivation. Children in school need to get good grades, to move on to better places in life. But how are they supposed to do that when they can't concentrate because of a lack of sleep? A nap period, also called a rest period or quiet period in the middle of the day will give most students the energy to concentrate when they need it the most: when the caffeine crash hits. These caffeine crash's usually happens around 3rd to 4th period, and students get tired after that part of the day. It would the perfect period for a nap period, to refresh
Have you ever noticed how tired some kids are in school? Have you noticed that the students can’t focus on their work? Have you noticed that they are up late trying to finish their homework? Well, I have the solution. I think that we should have nap time in school. With naptime, students will be able to function more easily and to a higher standard. As Anton Anderson, a high school teacher from Connecticut said, 20 extra minutes a day isn’t a substitute for 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night, but it does recharge the batteries. If 20 minutes does this much, think about what 40 minutes could do.
During finals week, we are often times too busy to realize how much caffeine we are putting into our body.
Many students have part-time jobs to support themselves throughout their college/university life. Getting adequate rest and sleep sometimes is not an option for some students. A student’s life is not just going to school and then relax for the remainder of the day. There are projects, homework, and tests to study for, and on top, they need to work to be able to live throughout their life as a
According to the article, “But I’m No Tired!” by Alice Park, Studies have shown that students do not get enough sleep. This can be a problem for students. The school needs to adjust by giving the students less homework, lessen homework, and lessen the after-school activities. These would increase the sleeping time for students so they are not dozing off in class. If the school did something about students sleep schedule that is what it would be.
In the amazing and beautiful country of America, in this age of rights and essential scientific study, students all across the 50 states of freedom are facing a terrible injustice as they are forced to attend school at the ungodly hour of 8 A.M. each morning. This has been proven to be terrible by many scientific studies. These studies have discovered that sleep is very important in the productivity of the brain, so starting school this early is only hurting the many students that stay up late doing homework and attending other school and sports related events. As a result, schools around the world, like Oxford University did an experiment, in which they started classes at 10 A.M., to see if grades would improve. However, despite the groundbreaking results that studies like this have made, the United States of America has not come to terms with this almost 10-year-old discovery. The education system needs to put a stop to the cruel and unusual punishment of waking up so early, getting bad grades, being so sleep deprived that the student cannot improve their grade much, if at all, and then destroying the future of many young Americans. This is
students take to get an assignment done or to study for finals. Caffeine can cause sleep loss when
Ever seen your fellow wok mat getting some shuteye, or a friend caching 20 on their desk, well there most likely working harder then you. As Bill Cosby said “Every closed eye is not sleeping” and he was 100 percent right. The brain can only take in so much before it needs a break to proses all of that information, that’s where naps come in. I fell that they should be associated into a school day after half your daily classes have been complete, Matthew would agree with me on this.
Did you know 90.3% of students fall asleep in at least one class every day? The long length of the school day provides ample opportunities for students to sleep in class. The school day should be shorter because students could get more sleep, they would have more time in the afternoon, and they could focus more on each class.
Everyone in America has to go to school at some point in their life. Most students in California attend school for 6 hours a day. In Adelanto,Ca students learn math,science,language arts,history, and P.E. in that time. Some students are struggling academically with this schedule. I believe that students don’t need to go to school 8 hours a day to be successful.
I believe we should have nap time during school because it would increase our attention, help rest our minds, and reduce falling asleep in school.
“Last year the foundation reported that nearly 60% of 7- to 12-year-olds said they felt tired during the day, and 15% said they had nodded off at school”(Park). Every teacher wants the students to have good grades even if they try their best to teach students who are sleeping can’t learn from the teacher. Sometimes grades goes down and it’s not the teacher’s fault. People would be able to pay more attention in class. Some people at school are very moody and because of that some people won’t pay attention to class and their grades will drop. I sometimes get really tired and can barely pay attention to the class. Some people think they can just get enough sleep during the weekend but that is wrong. “Sleep researchers have learned that when you regularly fail to get enough sleep, it takes more than just a few hours on Saturday and Sunday mornings for your body to recover”(Park). Some people can’t focus in school because of the schedule. Most times people just get their sleep in class and not focus on the school work or
Do you think that students should have a longer time in the hall and have shorter breaks. These will help Mr.Hale. taking short breaks will help because, it lets teachers grade and get caught up, you can have time on your phone or any other technology, it would give you time to go to the nurse or office.
In America especially, naps are thought to be only for little children, even though most people enjoy naps. However, napping is actually a good habit because it helps you be more focused and less sleepy when you wake up. Napping can also help you do your job better and make fewer mistakes. I personally dislike taking naps since I always have a hard time falling asleep, nevertheless, I have found that naps help me focus on my schoolwork and remember certain details that I wouldn't remember otherwise. Sometimes I have trouble finding a time to take a nap, so I have assigned a certain time to nap, which is right after school. Then, after my nap, I work on my homework and usually get it done faster than if I hadn't taken a nap. One can see that napping is good because it helps you focus better, remember details, get done faster and make less
I strongly agree that taking a nap in the afternoon will have a person feeling less tiressness though-out the day. The (NASA) study have show that when people take naps they performan better at work. Also, when taking a nap will improve people's problem-solving skills. When taking a nap will decrase your chances of a heart attack or heart disease.
What do people think of when they first hear the word nap? Everyday sayings such as snatching a nap, being caught napping, snoozing, or stealing forty winks are all beneficial daily activities we need to add to our busy life. If we do, we will be more awake and capable to reach our full potential as an individual. People don’t realize how important a nap can be. Although popular beliefs suggest that naps are a waste of time, naps actually increase productivity by resting the brain.