For the most part, I felt that the content in “This Book is Not Required” was relatively up to date. A lot of the topics were current and can be applicable to many students, however, the book didn’t go over one of the most crucial topics. The book didn’t go into detail about the biggest challenge that college students face—money. Therefore, below is my proposed idea of a chapter for “This Book is Not Required”.
People go to college for many reasons, whether it be to pursue their passions, to widen their career opportunities, or to make more money. There are many possible reasons why people want to go to college and a consensus among these would be that going to college is an investment in one’s future. However, since college is an investment,
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One of the most important things to do is to apply for financial aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a form that students fill out to determine their eligibility for grants and loans. According to the U.S. Department of Education, FAFSA offers “more than $150 billion each year to help millions of students pay for higher education.” The form is used to calculate aid based on many factors like financial need, income, and college cost. However, as helpful as FAFSA may be, some students choose not to apply or to complete the form. According to NerdWallet, “high school graduates missed out on as much as $2.7 billion in free federal grant money in the past academic year.” Some students don’t fill out the form because they believe that they won’t qualify due to their parent’s high income or they feel that the FAFSA is too confusing and time-consuming. These common misconceptions derail students from getting any aid that they could’ve possibly …show more content…
College bookstores and online retailers like Amazon typically provide textbook rentals. Some textbook rental websites even have the option of renting the digital version of textbooks (eBooks). Regarding eBooks, some of your textbooks can be found online for free. One website that offers free book downloads is Project Gutenberg, which offers more than 54,000 eBooks on classic literature. The titles on Project Gutenberg are legal to download because the copyright has expired for all the works on the website. One tip to remember when renting textbook is to make sure you postmark your book by the due date or you would be charged for the price of the book or
Textbooks are required and can be purchased from the ED MAP Online Bookstore ( or from most online book retailers.
Familiarize yourself with the librarian so you will have someone to ask about books you may need for classes. They also have resources for procuring or selling used textbooks.
When one thinks of going to college, what usually comes to mind is the amount of time and money achieving a higher education requires. Many people often question whether or not seeking an education after high school is worth all the effort. Although going to college may sometimes seem difficult and unnecessary, it has been proven to be an important, beneficial chapter of young adults’ lives. The value of a college education is extremely profitable to one’s life and career due to the job opportunities it offers, the skills it allows you to learn, and the benefits it can result in later on in life.
Everyone needs money to pay for college. The Free Application for Federal Student Financial Aid opened this month. Completing FAFSA is required to be eligible for over $24 billion in grants, loans, work study and even scholarships. Students must complete the FAFSA every year in order to continue to be eligible for financial aid.
Traci was sad that she was going to lose points and sad that she was unable to buy a textbook. She is a hardworking student. She wants to do well in school and get A’s in all subjects. In order for that to happen, in Tyler Junior College, the Library should have a minimum of 5 copies of each reserve textbook that should be available to students like Traci to use, because textbooks are expensive to buy or to rent. There is a long wait to get a book, and at present, there are not enough reserve text books available.
On the Florida National University (FNU) website, under the section “Bookstore”, the Online Learning Campus Dean, describe resources to obtain the required textbooks, and reaffirm, “It is very important that you obtain the correct edition of the textbook” (Lomena). Nevertheless, she excluded the courses that the merely student’s option is purchase the “FNU Version Textbook”. In other words, she omitted that, if the required textbook is FNU Version, the student are obliged to acquire a pricey textbook in the Florida National University Bookstore only, and no substitute, or choices allowed. When I registered for the courses needed this semester, I ran to the Bookstore to explore the textbooks required,
Thesis: Students should be knowledgeable about the problem of textbooks being too expensive to purchase, therefore they should take a stand and enforce a new plan to reduce the cost of textbooks for college courses.
The average college student will graduate with 37,173 dollars’ worth of debt and 40 percent of college students will drop out. (Cite should everyone go to college) Despite this, higher education typically allows an individual to follow their passion and make a living off it. In addition, college provides an intrinsic value that enlightens the individual. Although higher education requires a large investment that may not return its original value, I contend that this investment provides one the ability to typically earn significantly more money and pursue their passion.
The Cost of College Textbooks Today, there is a significant number of people financially unstable and unable to attend college due to the high expenses. Although junior colleges and universities need money to operate, students are struggling to pay for college textbooks because they are extremely expensive. There are loans and grants students can apply for, but getting textbooks is a necessity at the beginning of each semester and students cannot wait for the loans to come in. This abhorrent pricing Murray State College is extensively enforcing is only forcing college students who are trying to better themselves into a downward spiral resulting in a tornado of stress, money loss, and self-deprecation, which can be prevented.
The FAFSA is a good indicator of an average family’s ability to help pay for college, however, it does not work in situations like mine. I have had a serious medical condition that has had me in and out of the hospital since I was twelve and has caused me to miss quite a bit of school. This last summer I traveled to Ann Arbor, Michigan where I had an aortic patch plasty, which required me to be in the hospital for 56 days, when I was fourteen, I was the 26th person in the United States to have their renal arteries replaced. This condition has put a major financial burden on my parents causing them to take on multiple jobs to pay for the medical bills, which also makes it so that I do not qualify for financial aid. Although, I tend to keep my
Preview main points (Topics in the speech body): The amount of money students pay for textbooks is steadily increasing and most of us don’t even use those textbooks.
The US government provides over 150 billion dollars each year to the students’ financial aid. Financial-Aid is one of the most reliable sources for low income students. More than half of College and University students take financial aid for the first bachelors’
I. FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Students that want to go to college can go their website and fill out a form every year. Then FAFSA decides what programs that student is eligible for to get student financial aid from the U.S. Government.
The prevalent of e-books creates numerous platforms for the marketplace of books. For example, when Steve Jobs announced the launch of the iPad iBooks, it created an enormous opportunity for publishers.
College students are portrayed as individuals who are “broke” and for this speech I will discuss many ways college students are able to save money in college.