The two people who changed music forever that are talked about in this module are Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs. The reason why Thomas Edison changed music forever was because he invented the sound recording and the phonograph. Sound recording allowed musicians to record themselves and be heard through the phonograph. Before this invention people had no way to listen to music besides hearing a live band play. This allowed for the production of music to flourish. The second person who changed music forever was Steve Jobs. The reason why he changed music forever was because he was the inventor of the iPod and iTunes. After the iPod was invented people where able to have large quantities of music stored in one device and hear it where ever and
All the humming, wheel tapping, and foot stomping while listening to the car radio had to start with something, right? Well, Eldridge Johnson was the one started it all with a simple machine called the Victor Talking Machine. Johnson invented the spring mechanism that made recorded music a commercially a viable possibility. He was making recorded music on flat disks that soon later came to be known as the record. Musicians had to play up lose to a needle. It would create grooved patterns on the master disk. For many, many years, people had to leave the comfort of their homes to watch music be played. These inventions changed all of that into what we have today!
He also loved music so he decided to invent a musical instrument called the glass harmonica. I believe Benjamin Franklin was the most influential because his important discoveries in science led him to be the most famous American in the world. He encouraged others in the future that they
Many composers have impacted music since the beginning of time. Out of all composers we have studied Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Brahms, and Armstrong all stand out to me. They have all contributed to the history of music in amazing ways. Out of those that stand out to me, I think Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and Armstrong are the most influential composers. Each in their own way have affected the course of music and how it is composed and also appreciated.
Just a few ways Bach revolutionized music was how he played the clavicle. Wanting more variety Bach tuned the clavicle differently creating what we now call a Well-Tempered clavicle which allowed Bach to compose pieces in keys no one had really composed in before. Bach composed these pieces as he said for the “profit of the musical young desirous of learning”. Because of these pieces future composers like Mozart learned how to compose music.
influence. He earned his place in music because of his ability to transfer classicism to
No other composer or musical artist has made as big of an impact on music as Ludwig Van Beethoven. He influenced many other composers, and made some of the most beautiful pieces that are still played today. It is truly amazing that he was able to master his craft and become questionably the greatest composer that has ever lived, despite having a condition that would seem to make composing music impossible.
Thomas Alva Edison possessed a unique intellectual toolbox. His tool filled mind provided a plethora of unconventional methods which enabled him to succeed. At an early age, Edison learned that he could manipulate people, sometimes by withholding the truth to avoid confrontation (Conot 5). Likewise, he would unconventionally manipulate his experiments or audience to achieve an anticipated result (Unconventional Tactics…). A perfect example is the time Edison publicly executed an elephant, named Topsy, in an aggressive effort to maintain success. In the early 1900’s, the standard for electricity known as direct current (DC), invented by Edison, reigned supreme. This invention consistently generated Edison a substantial amount of revenue for discovering it. The reason Edison went to the extremity of electrocuting an elephant was to both demonstrate a point, but more importantly, vanquish his two rival innovators, George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla. The two rivals posed a great threat to Edison’s monopoly and an even greater threat to his rising popularity. Their weapon of choice? The newly discovered form of electricity called alternating current (AC) (Long). Edison argued that their AC would be infinitely more dangerous to use than his DC, but more importantly, he feared mankind would begin a conversion towards AC (Chandler). In a desperate and very unconventional attempt to discredit his two rival innovators and their form of electricity, Edison released 6,600 volts of
In 1877,Thomas Edison created machine that changed the nature of the song. At that time, the only option was listening to music live. While other investors were doing their best to improve other iInventions, Edison made it easier and came up with the phonograph. Edison came up with the first machine that recordeds sounds and played it back. Adam Kennedy described the first phonograph,
There have been many great composers in music throughout the years but the greatest to me is a man with the name Johann Sebastian Bach. In my opinion, Bach is considered a music history great. He had a huge impact on music being that his music is still admired and listened to today. Bach was born in Eisenach, Germany, on March 21, 1685. Bach was influenced greatly by his father Johann Ambrosius Bach who taught him the violin and all the basic string instruments. Along with the string instruments he learned to play, Bach also learned to play the organ, which later became the instrument he is best known for.
The reason why I think that Thomas Edison was one of the most important is, because one thing that Thomas Edison did to make a huge impact to the world was he invented the light bulb. Thomas was born on February 11, 1847 and as a child he grew up very talented and smart, he had his parents help him set up his own newspaper business of course it was very small but he was the age of 12 years old when he formed the newspaper it was called “Grand Trunk Herald”. Also at the age of 12 years old he set up a small lab in a train cart for baggage for doing some experiments mainly with chemicals and later into his experiments his train car caught on fire and he just had to continue selling newspaper along the railroad stations. As Edison excelled in his career he grew up to age 19 years old he moved away from his parents into Louisville, Kentucky where he started his experiments once again at a publishing newspaper place but all he could get on that job was late nights so he just did experiments when he had some freetime.
Thomas Edison was a brilliant and meaningful man. He had many vices and though he didn't want to commit to a life of crime, it was most likely to happen when it was time to go to school. He learned how to become a man and by typing ridiculous things to get this software to work. In Gods' eyes, Thomas was a good man and served his Lord with devotion and he never strayed from his beliefs. It's unfortunate that he teamed up with John Dillinger and started to go on a long and murderous killing spree. They had plans to meet up with Bonnie and Clyde, even though they might not have existed in the same time period, but I may be wrong. Never mind that, little details is what I'm not interested in. What I am interested in is how they robbed all
This is Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison is a famous inventor who invented lots of things that we use today. He was born a very long time ago in the United States of America.
Thomas Alva Edison was an unconventional genius that played a vital role in shaping the modern world with his inventions, but didn’t accomplish this role easily. Edison led an inquisitive life encompassing his disruptive adolescence, unconventional methods of success, and exceptional ability to endure failure. Although his inventions and ideologies exemplified him, Thomas Edison overcame tremendous obstacles throughout his lifetime before achieving his anticipated goals.
There are have been many composers are there will be new composers that will come in time and they will have their different ideas. They come from many places and many different time periods. And they all have their different styles like we do know.Today’s music is very strange as it has different styles rhythms and totally different instruments. For example the techno music that is being played today. There are no instruments being used just computers manipulating sounds, tones, pitches and many different things that make it sound different like the music that Skrillex makes. But one composer that has astonished the world for a long time for many different
I decided to do my report on Thomas Alva Edison because he brought a lot of things into our world. He invented the light bulb, the alkaline battery, the phonograph, and many other things. Many of our modern electronics origins came from Thomas A. Edison. I thought he was very interesting. That is why I chose him.