
Why Was Bathsheba Committed The Sin Of Adultery?

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If we recall from previous readings, David committed the sin of adultery with a women named Bathsheba. Bathsheba was the wife of Uriah, a follower of King David and who was fighting for him. He saw her one day and though she was beautiful and desires her. Not only David had the thought of desire, but took it even further, he acted on his desire. He sent for her and lay with her. Bathsheba became pregnant and David tried to hide his sin, instead of accepting and confessing to God what he had done, he calls Uriah and asks him to go sleep with his wife to cover up that the child she was waiting was Uriah’s son and not David’s. Uriah does not accept to do what David and, David takes Uriah and sends him to the front of the battle so he can get killed. The big problem here is that God was watching what David was doing, he knew his heart, then send the prophet Nathan to confront him and David recognizes that he has sin. Nathan tells him that God will not punish him with eternal sin, which is death. …show more content…

David had three kids, Amnon, Tamar and Absalom. We read how Amnon said that he was so in love with Tamar and he even felt sick, but the only thing he wanted was to have sex with her. Amnon rapes Tamar; although, Tamar begged him to not do that awful act. Amnon does not even call her my sister, he says to her, “I am in love with Tamer, the sister of my brother Absalom.” He doesn’t want to call her sister because he doesn’t want reality to hit him. He does not want to accept that what he was doing was awfully wrong. His desire was so big that he didn’t care about the consequences of his evil act even thought Tamar begged him. He raped her, and hated her

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