
Why Was Giovanni Da Verrazano's Voyage Important?

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1. Why is it important to begin the "historic" (as opposed to prehistoric) period of Maine history in Europe?

It is important to being the “historic period of Maine history in Europe for a number of reasons. One very important reason was because during that time period European events dominated Maine. Those events proved that historic change in regional cultures usually came from an outside group. The European explorers saw Maine as a place with so many possibilities, but along with these explorers also came conflict. Land claims started wars between many different cultures, and theses wars are what helped shape the history of Maine.

2. Did the Norse discover Maine?

As of right now it is strongly believed that the Norse did not discover Maine. There is actually no hard evidence or specific geographic reference points that prove that they had ever visited Maine at all. There was at one point a Norse penny that was found in Maine but it is believed to have come from Northern Indians who brought it with them when they traveled south to Maine.

3. Why was Giovanni da Verrazano's voyage important? Describe his path of exploration.

Giovanni da Verrazano's voyage began in 1524, he and his crew landed somewhere in South Carolina where they then traveled north and ended up on Maine’s coast around May. …show more content…

This Myth began circling around Europe during the sixteenth century and got a lot of explorers interested in the North. Norumbega was actually the reason why Bartholomew Gosnold was sent to explore the north. Despite not actually finding the promise lands that were talked about he was able to return with cargo and reports of the new land that peaked even more of an interest in the north. Gosnold’s explorations was the first report of the excellent fishing on the New England coast. That report was very important for the future of not only Maine but all of New

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