
Why Was Slavery Wrong

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Everybody knows that slavery is wrong, but there were many people that thought that slavery was okay. Did these people have a valid argument for what they were saying? Was what they were saying justify slavery? Many people in the South had plenty of reasons that helped them justify slavery. Some of these reasons were that blacks were born inferior to whites, that they would not be able to survive on their own, and that slavery was very beneficial for the economy. I believe that all of these reasons are not valid enough to justify slavery. All whites and blacks are born equal, blacks are able to survive on their own, and even though slavery was beneficial for the economy, it could have survived without it. Many people believed that slavery …show more content…

This is not true blacks and whites were born equal. Blacks when given equal rights can just about do anything that whites can do. Everybody was born human and deep down everybody is the same. Many whites believed that since blacks were born inferior that they were meant to be slaves. One way that they justified this was by religion. Whites thought that in the bible it said that blacks were meant to be lower. They were people that were destined to be slaves and the lower class. We know that this is not true. The whites just used the bible as an excuse. Nowhere does it specifically say the blacks should become slaves. This show that this was not a very valid reason for slavery to continue. Another reason that proves that blacks should be equal to whites is in the constitution. It says that all men are created equal. If this is true then why were blacks treated unequally? It was because whites did not see blacks as humans, they saw them as property. This was a really bad excuse to condone slavery. Just because a person has different colored skin does not mean that he is not human. If you look inside of a white or black man they will be the same. To say that they are different is just people making things up. That is like if you were to see anybody of any other race than yours as not human. If you went to someplace in Asia you cannot just say that because they are a different race they are not human, that they are property. This is just a invalid point made up as an

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