
Why Was The Pullman Strike Important To The Civil Rights Movement?

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The Pullman strike was one of the largest strikes in American history and formed in the town of Pullman,Illinois in 1884 . The American Railway Union decided that because of the intolerant treatment of the workers they would help to conduct a strike , ceasing all the hitching of Pullmans cars to trains. The Pullman strike had a huge significance in America at that time, it was the first time the Federal Government passed an injunction to halt a strike, and it also lead to the plummet of the ARU. 2. Jim Crow laws were enforced laws implemented into individual southern states during the late 1800s after the reconstruction . at face value the laws were to create " separate but equal" conditions for the people but it was truly a disgusting system of laws meant to control blacks . All of which, was a reenactment of slavery reproduced by the white southerners to hinder the blacks advancements made during the reconstruction the absurdity of these laws still puts me in shock , blacks were stripped of any kind of dignity they had left, and were treated like animals . They could not segregate in public places, worked the most despicable of jobs, and they even went as far as to undermine their right to vote. …show more content…

This was a very sly sociological game they were playing with them, taunting them the whole way , wishing and hoping they would protest or act out in order to punish with a

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