Even though some people can hold a grudge for a lifetime, forgiveness is something people should do, because things could happen, and a friend or loved one would never know that they had been forgiven. Follow Matthew 6:14-15 and people should always be forgiven. Forgiveness may be the answer for keeping a friendship together for a lifetime.
First and foremost, a tragic thing could happen to a friend that wasn't forgiven. Things will always happen in a friendship that others will not like; however, you can do things to fix that, so forgive them because today might be the last day that they are on this Earth. The last thing said to them should be forgiveness and not "I hate you, I never want to see you again." If a friend crosses the line, talk to them and figure out what was wrong, and try to work through the difficult time without having hatred
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Forgiveness sets you free of the burden of hatred against another. Friendship has its ups and downs, but it all should be based on the forgiveness of others. "Forgive and you will be forgiven," Luke 6:37. However, sitting a corner and doing nothing seems like a good alternative, that will not bring a friend out of hatred, forgiveness is the only way to do that.
Last, but certainly not least is it can save a friendship. Forgiveness may not be easy to grant if a friend stole, or hurt another, but do what is possible to get that friend back. Talk about the situation with the friend and work out a way to say the beautiful friendship that has been created throughout the years. Look for the good in the bad situation to help forgiveness come to light. Forgiveness may just be the only way to save a friendship.
Although many people can hold grudges for silly things, forgiveness is always the answer for anything that happens. If forgiveness isn't possible listen to God, and follow his words about forgiveness . Keeping a friendship for a lifetime may just be based on
People are taught to “forgive and forget” in order to be happy, afterall living with a grudge can being a serious damper in ones life.
Forgiveness is the key part to peace. Peace is only achievable when one does not have negative emotions towards another. Those who have forgiven are also given a chance for peace. When you give forgiveness, you receive peace. Peace and forgiveness are closely intertwined and affect one another. The relationship they share is inseparable and closely related.
Forgiveness After Adversity Adversity shapes our character; forgiveness plays a huge part in it. If we are able to forgive, then the way people look at you can be changed, whether it is good or bad. You have to be able to understand and know what someone else is feeling. I think that many people have experienced adversity and some have been able to choose forgiveness as a path to shape their character. Forgiveness isn’t an easy option for most people, but it does work for others.
• Lizzie commented, “I believe I forgive others.” • Lizzie reflected on forgiveness is not saying the unkindness or hurt was okay, excusing people’s bad behavior, minimizing your hurt, releasing the person from making amends, forgetting that the painful thing happened, and giving gifts to the person you
Forgiveness is very important throughout life. If people don't forgive, they are going to be stuck in the past always remembering about the mistake that person did. Forgiving someone can make yourself feel better because you know you forgave that person and there's no negativity between you and that person.
Forgiveness to me is the willingness to start over and overcome the wrongdoing. In the world today there are two types of forgiveness. There is true forgiveness that only comes from God. It is only given to the people that want it and ask for it for all the wrongdoings that we have committed against Him. There is also the forgiveness we give out to other people.
Forgiveness has a different context depending on where the person is from or what he believes. Religion places a great emphasis on the view of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not the best idea when someone is wronged because of the pain that can follow soon after. Eva Kor is a Holocaust survivor who has forgiven some Nazis of there war crimes. Eva Kor believes that forgiving can give you self-healing and takes the power away from the person who has wronged you. Forgiveness is not always the answer, and most of the time it is just setting that person up to be hurt and wronged over and over again. Forgiving someone in most cases can set people up to be hurt or wronged again by that person.
2. According to the article, forgiveness is granting unconditionally grace to those who have cause suffering and pain and accepting what they did and not letting that affect the love they show to that person. Forgiveness is central for racial reconciliation because forgiveness is the first step of mending the relationship with others. It also allows God to do a work between the two groups. When there is forgiveness God can change hearts and create amazing things to happen out of tragedies.
Forgiveness and kindness take place when you want to move on from your past. Forgiveness is the first step towards healing. Two people are involved in the process of forgiveness and kindness and they both learn something from it. Showing kindness towards others, inspires them to do the same. When you forgive someone you accept the fact that humans do make mistakes. Forgiveness and kindness are beneficial for both parties and in “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes, Mrs. Jones’ kindness helps Roger to become a humble person.
Forgiveness is not just practiced by saints and not only benefits its recipients but have strong connection with person’s physical, mental and spiritual health. It plays a great role in the health of families, communities and nations. Forgiveness provides common ground for love, acceptance, harmony and true happiness Most spiritual and religious leaders of the world will agree that forgiveness of oneself and others is one way to clear the mind, heart and soul and may result in a feeling of increased peace and happiness.
First, forgiveness is important because after forgiving, it allows to overcome the feelings of anger. Forgiving relieves stress which is a door to feeling angry. For example, someone takes your best friend and turns them into their best freind. Feeling stressed about the situation can lead your best friend away fron you to the other direction in falling in the hands of another person. You can become angry about it, but you can also forgive
We all live in a life full of love and laughter as well as hate and discrimination. When a situation gets rough, people tend to take their anger or frusturations out on others. These behaviors lead to fights, rumors and loss of friendships. When those who have done you wrong are not forgiven, it can destroy them as well as yourself. The world would be a much happier place if people would learn to forgive, just never forget.
One day I was heated, and I didn’t want to be talked to. My friend kept saying my name until I finally blew up and said some words I shouldn't of. After that I realize I said something pretty mean, and I asked him to forgive the because everyone deserves a second chance. Forgiveness is someone that is saying sorry and wants that person to not dislike him anymore. Like mine I knew I messed up so, I was trying to get my friend to forgive what I said. The reason why forgiveness is a strong word because it's taking gets to forgive the person that did something bad to you and your wondering if you can trust them again. It is logical to ask, how is forgiveness possible. is it necessary for reconciliation, how do former enemies find a way to live together once again? Yes, forgiveness is possible, because I mean it might be hard to forgive someone but if you truly believe in someone forgiveness, well than forgiveness is possible it can happen but it just takes forgiveness and guts to do it. A person to hear forgiveness it is hard because, like you don’t want to hurt your best friend feelings if you say no. But you also got to have guts and see if you could ever trust them again for what he or she did. (source: B) The book "night", because there was a girl that one day met a guy that was in the holocaust and that killed everyone.
Forgiving doesn’t mean you forget what has happened, it simply means, “yes it did happen but I’m going to take this and learn from it” instead of letting that person get the best of you. Not all people truly understand what the meaning of forgiveness is, and usually those people are the ones that take it as the other person being “weak” or showing weakness and that it’s ok for them to proceed in doing what they intend to do, and that is, to try and bring you down because they see that you’re doing just fine without them being in your life, so they turn to just trying to make your life ten times harder than it should be because they feel like it. In life, there are going to be many times where you are going to have conflicts with others, and what you as the “bigger” person should do is to remain calm in these situations, reflect, and forgive. As the saying goes, “you live and you learn” it is truly what you do in life, it’s a thing that every human being