Volunteering is an wonderful act that many Americans choose to do to help out the community, but should it be mandatory? Some people say that you should be required to complete at least 1 year of national service, and others say that Mandatory service would hurt volunteering in America today. Here's what I think. The people who think that mandatory service is a good idea say that, Adults could serve in hospitals, city parks, and libraries and others might join groups that provide aid across the country or abroad. I think that's a smart idea but since it's mandatory, most of the people there, "have" to help instead of "wanting" to help and that can cause them to put in less effort or do a bad job. Also, the people volunteering
Many schools require students to participate in community service, but I think this is a good idea. Many schools do not require students to volunteer in community service. I agree that students should have to volunteer to graduate. I think that students should be forced to volunteer for community service sometime in their high school career as it makes people work and shows them what work really is. It also gets people off there lazy tail.
It is stated that the" United States was founded on the right to pursue happiness", This is our given right. I mysel strongly belive in the heart of service, Volentary services should not be mandatory, it would take away the freedom and joy of helping others.Personally as a volunteer myself at a hospital of my choiceenjoy helping peopleon my own free time and will. Being able to choose on my own to help others is so fulfilment.
I believe that the United States should perform one year of community service by the age of 30. The reason why i think that is because i think it would help people understand eachother and bring us all closer together in many ways. One way is that it would pay good so there would be less homeless and less people fighting to feed there families. I believe that kids and odulats would be more thankfull and respectfull for what they have and try harder to become something after they see what they can do.
Did you know Markiplier is a 27 year old gamer. He always says he is king of five nights at freddy’s. He has played all the five nights at freddy’s games. His favorite one of the games is the first on one cause he said it held a special place in his heart. It is the most popular gaming series on his channel.
Public prosecutors, accounting specialists, military personnel and law enforcement officials are just a few of the public services jobs filled by voluntary citizens from all walks of life, but what if a two year service of this kind was mandatory for all high school graduates? It could be said that this would bolster public services with an influx of personnel to provide a more robust service. Would the reasons to implement this type of service outweigh the consequences though? I don’t believe so. In fact, I believe that compulsory public service would only cause complications for the military, increase government spending and would be a direct violation of the Thirteenth amendment.
Mandatory Civil service. That would give nothing but benefits to the community and high school students nationwide. By mandating service in the Armed forces, or other service organizations they would benefit the community and the nation as a whole, would give the students much needed job experience, and help instill discipline or open new experiences for students to explore.
Some may find that mandatory national service is taking away from those who love and aspire to volunteer. Although this may be the case for some, mandatory national service could also be a good thing. For example, people that are unemployed could use this as a source of a job or even just something to fill their time. What of the working Americans? Is it right for all citizens to be required the same amout of service? All citizens would have to be treated equally whatever the out come is to be.
Making military service mandatory sound like it would be a good idea. This can give discipline, makes stronger citizens, but the reality is doing this takes away freedom and goes against the very foundations of what America is supposed to be. Mandatory military service should not be required for American citizens.
A large number of countries make military service mandatory. Some propose that the United States should adopt a similar policy. I believe that the United States should not make military service mandatory because it should be a choice, volunteers are more committed, training is hard, there are other ways for citizens to contribute to this nation, and the government will have to pay more.
Required national service has been hotly debated for years. Whether or not the United States should enforce a mandatory national service law still remains uncertain. On paper, national service looks like a good idea. However, national service should not be required in the United States because an abundance of people are already serving and it is inconvenient to many within the suggested age-range.
When looking at an orginiazation, such as Scouts, we see that when encouraging youth to serve their communities they are more willing to continue to serve into adulthood. When we force youth to spend time serving they tend to see it in a negitive way and don't want to do it. I see the same with adults, if we encourage them to do it rather than force them they'll be more willing to do so.
The topic of mandatory national service has been around for years now, and there will always be arguments on whether it should be enforced or not. Some may say that it takes away our freedom, but is it not what gives us freedom in the first place? The United States’ military, national service, as well as community service is based on volunteers. That is what makes this country great, but there are less volunteers as years go by. Crime increases, streets are not safe anymore, Americans are oblivious to what is happening around the world. There are so many opportunities to give back to the country, yet, not many care. Today’s generation is based on social trends, and self-gratification. There is also the fact that many young people do not know what to do with their life after high school, some continue to college or focus on work, others do not work nor study. Therefore, all young men and women should be required to give two years to national service because it can help solve problems as well as build the community back together.
First of all, if service is forced for as long as up to 1 year, I do believe it should be paid. For people must have a way to survive and provide for themselves and their families. However, forced service defeats the purpose of calling it volunteer work and weakens the joys that true volunteers experience as they serve out of the goodness of their hearts. Therefore, turning generosity into obligation and undermining
Military Service should not be required because of the possible economic gaps in the work force. It many countries many people enter the military force after high school. Many generation of students would be required to assist the military
John Arthur states that giving should be up to the individual and in a system where giving is mandatory, people would not be accepting of it. If we think of human nature in general, we can say that many would think of human nature to be greedy. Self-preservation comes first for many because you’re your own person. You control to some extent your quality of life and your choices day to day literally make or break you. Many people would not trust in a system where they are mandated to give from their own means to an entire stranger because they have no ties to that person. We can explore this in our lives because many people die of various causes such as hunger, many people all over the world that we do not know, however it largely remains out