About eighty percent of packaged food is infiltrated with harmful substances that is being sold to many people and they do not know what they are even consuming and the detrimental effects it has on them. This is known as a Genetically Modified Organism or a GMO. Genetically Modified Organisms are being sold without it being labeled, so people are not completely informed when purchasing or consuming them. GMOs also have unknown effects and causes that come with it. To protect people from GMOs, the US should ban Genetically Modified foods from being produced and grown in America. Another way to help protect people from eating GMOs is to make all foods sold natural and fresh. In 1935 DNA was Discovered by a Russian scientist by the name of Andrei Nikolaevitch Belozersky (Woosley). In 1982 the FDA approved the first GMO product, the product was introduced as Insulin (Woosley). Insulin is a medicine that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. If there is too much glucose it could cause a form of diabetes. The first ever …show more content…
GMOs should be banned and prohibited from being in the United States. Due to the GMO products not being labeled, people are consuming something that they thought was something different. People are buying things that they think are natural and fresh when they really could be infiltrated with chemicals and things to make them last longer. If America bans GMOs from being sold in the country, being produced in the country, and if Americans become more educated about the harms of GMOs, America can be a lot safer and not have as much unknown problems. People shouldn’t eat foods that are not natural, that can cause unknown problems. When something is being consumed, they should be allowed to know what they are eating. If thirty-six countries have already banned Genetically Modified Organisms, America should be the thirty-seventh country to do
A GMO is a genetically modified organism that goes through the process of genetic engineering. This is when genes of one organism are extracted, altered, and then artificially placed into another organism to then grow. We typically see GMOs in the food we consume every day. These foods include fruits and vegetables, however the most common organisms that are genetically engineered include, corn, soy, and cotton. It is ultimately the unnatural cross breeding of plants, animals, bacteria, and virus genes (Non-GMO Project). But now why is there a debate for placing a label to notify consumers of GMOs in their foods? Do we know the potential harm that GMOs can cause? We have the right to know what we are putting into our bodies and what is found in our everyday foods.
The Federal Government should require labeling of GMO’s on genetically modified foods. The people deserve to know what they put in their bodies. Some of the food is very unhealthy and some people are completely unaware of that fact. Many food companies do not put out all the information about what goes into the food in which we consume, if the Federal government were to require labeling of all GMO foods then the people could be well educated about what they put inside their bodies, and know if it is good for them or not. GMO stands for genetically modified foods, a genetically modified food is “..an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found
Professor Richard Lewotin said “An ecosystem, you can always intervene and change something in it, but there is no way of knowing what all the downstream effects will be or how it will affect the environment.” Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are not healthy and they shouldn’t be put in our food. Our nation does not know the full extent of GMOs. GMOs are used in almost all of our food, and for the most part there are no regulations for these GMOs that food companies are using now a days. They have been used for years without telling us the full background and side effects they could have. As a nation we need to take the right step in learning the facts about them and making our food truly healthy. GMOs should be made illegal due to the fact that studies have shown them to be unsafe and harmful to consume.
geI think that GMOs should be allowed in America under a highly regulated and controlled system. The reason they should stay is because of the potential benefits of these in production. Genetically modified foods provide multiple perspectives and can come with a wide range and variety of of opportunities. GMOs can be highly controversial but can also be strictly regulated so that the nation remains safe and protected, which should be the prioritized goal of the government of any nation.
GMOs are awful for your well being, are very harmful to the environment and the animals that live in the wild, and they are harmful to the future of society. While some may say that GMOs are helping the earth by fixing world hunger this is not true, GMOs are doing more harm than good in our society. Imagine what will happen if we continue to eat these foods without knowing it, they will continue to harm our body and the earth in the future. The real question is, will there be a
GMOs are taking over the food industry in America. They can cause environmental damage and health problems, and not enough is known about them. GMOs have been linked to cancer, and producers of GMOs in America are refusing to label what is done in the processing of GMOs. Because GMOs are harmful, we should not consume them, but instead take action to eliminate GMOs.
There are roughly sixty countries that require GMO labeling and they do not have the problem that the United States have. Some countries even go as far to ban GMOs and only let some in. They have to go through many processes and tests to examine the effects and quality of the plant and/or product. These countries have lower rates of GMO food purchases and their environment is much cleaner than the United States. Monsanto has always tried its hardest to prevent any law from passing to regulate and label their products. They have spent millions of dollars. They have also threatened to sue the states that have brought up the idea or bill the label. The public has protested and demanded labeling, they believe they have a right to know
The production of GMO’s and or use, is wrong from a Christian perspective. God made everything that humans see today, and god made it beautiful. In the book of Genesis, it describes god’s process of making the world that he gifted to humans to be stewards of. He charged humans with the care of the beautiful garden of Eden. (Holy Bible Genesis 2:15) The Bible also reads “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Holy Bible Psalm 24:1) The Earth was not the creation of man but of God, although he made it for man to dwell, it still belongs to God. This is very similar to man’s bodies, alike the earth man’s body is not their own but God’s and we are also charged to take care of our own bodies. (Holy
Imagine a farm that produces all sorts of vegetables and fruits. Now imagine a little child about five years old with a food allergy of some sort. She is running out onto that farm wanting to eat a juicy apple but little did she know that this was a farm that produces genetically modified plants. They recently they manipulated all of the apples to have the food she has an allergy to in the apples so that they don't go bad as fast. She is all alone and she sees a perfect apple and she takes a bite and she is having an allergic reaction and she is having a hard time breathing. Her mom comes to find her and sees her struggling to breath on the ground this would be a devastating scenario, So this is why GMO is a No so we can protect people.
Food is crucial to every human being alive. It has become a necessity for every human being. The nutrients and vitamins that we obtain derives from the food that we consume. In fact, it is so crucial that without it, one can simply die in a matter of three weeks at most. It has been scientifically proven that is necessary in order to prolong one’s lifetime. But what if the food being eaten came from virus-infected plants? Or what if there was a corn drought? It could potentially cause a malicious pandemic. The use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) help reduce the risk that could arise from certain crops. But is the consumption of genetically modified food acceptable within the Catholic Church? With unleavened bread and pure grape wine being eaten and drunk during the Eucharistic event of Mass, and even the sacrifice of sheep during many different offerings throughout the Bible, it seems as if food should be eaten at it’s most purest and organic form. Food should be eaten in it’s purest and most organic form because of the health, environmental, and the moral issues that result from GMOs.
In December 2014, a Harvard professor wrote an article outlining the many benefits of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and why it is a good idea to use them. This professor is now surrounded by controversy because he failed to note his connection to the largest producer of GM seeds, Monsanto, who not only told him to write the article but also gave him the major points he was to address. Why was this such a huge deal, and why did Monsanto want a pro-GMO article out there so badly? The GMO debate is largely controversial, but largely misunderstood because of the misinformation given by biased writers, such as John Hibma, a nutritionist and author who wrote the article “More Pros Than Cons.” What many people do not realize is that genetic modification is a serious issue and that articles like Hibma’s fail to disclose the truth about the numerous health, crop, and environmental concerns surrounding GMOs.
In the past few years, society has been made more aware of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Because of this, GMOs are being replaced in diets with more natural and organic options. GMOs have been researched and found to cause adverse effects on human health because of the gene splicing, or genetic alterations that are done to create them through genetic engineering. Before this issue became an issue, many people were eating processed and even healthy foods without understanding what chemicals and toxins they were actually putting into their bodies. GMOs are infused into food without awareness because one never really understands what all those unpronounceable words, label GMOs, really are. Due to recent research, it has been found that genetically modified organisms are harmful and can lead to increased risks of disease and cancer.
Do you hate the environment? Do you hate people with diseases that can’t be treated with regular medicine? If you said no to any of these that you are for GMO’s. Even though many people are against them scientist think in the future believe that with a little more research we can cure any disease with GMO’s. You be asking why would people be against GMO’s in the first place? It is probably because they aren’t informed about why GMO’s good, and that is what I will be talking about.
GMO foods have been around since the 80's but because of public health many people see GMO's as a problem. There have been studies that show GMO plants can destroy certain ecosystem, and because of this many people are demanding the right to know many people want GMO foods to be labeled, but because of the costs and laws many many people want to avoid labeling while others want to find a solution. GMO foods have many beneficial advantages that make life easier, but because of many studies shown, they may actually cause more harm.
Let’s protect our nation by banning GMO’s from the United States. Genetically Modified Organism should be banned because genetically modified research is not reinforced by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).The health of our citizens is more important than the affordability of the foods that GMO provides. GMO’s corporations are harming our environment and needs to be stopped. Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) should be outlawed in the United States.