
Why We Should Have A Popular Vote

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Does your vote really matter? Think about it you vote for a president, but the president elect isn’t determined until about 4 to 5 days after you vote. Why is that? There’s a little thing called electoral college and it’s a group of people who formally casts votes for the election of the president and vice president. The electoral college votes shouldn’t be used in the presidential election because, they take away the whole point of giving the people a voice, it gives people false sense of hope, and it distorts the presidential campaign. So then why do we have a popular vote, why do we vote if our votes aren’t formally used?
The electoral college takes away the people’s voice, and this is how. In this election and 5 past elections the electoral college has failed to accurately reflect the nation’s popular will. Let’s take this presidential election for example. Trump lost the popular vote by almost …show more content…

In case of a tie, or if no candidate receives a majority of all electoral votes cast for president, the choice of president is thrown in the House of Representatives but the election is conducted on a one-state one-vote basis.The Electoral College system further distorts the presidential campaign by causing the candidates to grant extra weight to the parochial needs of the swing states. Now that we’ve covered this let’s move on to my last point. It gives people false sense of hope. If you look back at paragraph 2 you’ll see the example that is used to directly show how the electoral college doesn’t always fairly work.It gives people false sense of hope.The possibility of electing a minority president (one without the absolute majority of popular votes). So, after all this I strongly believe that the electoral college shouldn’t be used in presidential elections, because, they take away the whole point of giving the people a voice, it gives people false sense of hope, and it distorts the presidential

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