Have you ever wondered why teachers take a whole month to review everything from the previous year or why students tend to forget everything? Every year, students are keeping their calendars at hand and counting down the days until summer vacation. It’s the last day of school and when the final bell rings, kids are ready to do nothing for three months. However, is this really a good thing? The possibility of having year-round schools is at hot debate topic right now and it is time for change from traditional calendar schools. Schools should incorporate a system where schooling is year-round instead of having a long summer break because this allows for more learning and would prevent the problem of students forgetting everything they’ve …show more content…
However, some people argue that having a system of a year-round school year is not very beneficial. Although there are many studies that support year-round schooling, there are also many studies that don’t. Many recent studies have found no significant connection between year-round schooling and improved student achievement. For example, a review of 39 studies found that modified school calendars have very small, insignificant, effect on achievement (Cooper, et al., 2003). Another argument that is made for having a traditional calendar is that despite year-round schooling generating strong feelings, it can also generate negative feelings in that it is disrupt to family life. Having a traditional calendar allows families to spend valuable time together and go on a well needed vacation. The traditional calendar allows students to relax and refresh themselves and get ready for next year.
As a student, this issue affects me immensely as I experience the results firsthand. From personal experience, I can say that year-round schooling is much better because after every summer, my peers and I tend to forget most of what we’ve learned, causing teachers to spend valuable teaching time to review with us. I also believe that during the many days that we have summer vacation; we could learn a lot more. Although many people view summer vacation as a time to spend valuable time with family, from
Year round school calendars aren’t the best idea we’ve had to improve our educational systems. This is just one of many ideas we’ve had. Year round schooling has affected families, students, and required maintenance in many negative ways.
Year-round school is a better alternative to the Traditional, summer break, school year. Almost every student has an issue with remembering material taught three or more months
Going to a year-round school is way better than going to a traditional calendered school. According to the article “Should You Give Up Summer Vacation?,” there are many pieces of evidence that show that going to a year-round school is a better choice than going to a traditional schedule school. A couple examples of why going to a year-round school is better for students is that the shorten breaks lessen how much students forget, more shorter breaks relieves the stress students have and because other countries are way more advance than the United States. Year-round and traditional calendered schools are very similar. They both have the same amount of days that the students go to school for and the same amount of when the students don´t have
This is one reason that we should not have year round school in the United States. Year round schools don't learn any more than the kids in traditional nine month school calendar. The article says,"Students in "year-round" schools don't learn more than their peers in traditional nine-month schools, new research has found." This shows that kids in year round school don't learn any more then kids in the nine month school calendar. If kids don't learn any more than their peers than they shouldn't have to go to year round school. Kids in school deserve to have a summer vacation to hang out with friends and family and to be able to travel.
In Year-round schooling students tend to remember better and longer than tradition calendar schooling because how it’s divided. Students remembing causes i’m to get good grades and lead them the way to success. More students that remember more people will have the best life. But, sometimes you need a little break and year-round calendar
The data in this graph is relevant because research shows that a year-round school calendar eliminates more time than a traditional school year calendar. The balanced calendar shows how many days students are given for short and limited breaks. (Bennecke, Tammy). The disadvantages of year- round school schedule interferes with summer break activities, travel, employment, sports and band practice and competition. Year-round school calendar limits time for teachers to update skills and earn advanced degrees. The traditional school year calendar has been popular in the United States and Canada. Student achievement and test scores remain competitive in a traditional school calendar year. (Bennecke, Tammy). School districts save money for the budgets and finances with the traditional school schedule calendar. Summer vacation helps tourism and the
Why year round schooling? Year round schooling can benefit students in many ways. According to Education Week, it improves the educational experience of each student. Also, year round school prevents memory loss that usually occurs over long summer breaks (Zubrzycki, 2015). With year round schooling, students would attend school for approximately three months and get a three week break. The three week break is much shorter than a long summer break, thus preventing the memory loss students
Most year-round schools have the same amount of days as traditional-calendar schools. The only difference is how the way days are arranged so summer vacation is shortened and more spread out. This way, fall, spring, and winter breaks are longer. Despite the fact that numerous individuals feel that year-round school is a terrible idea that will ruin summer vacation, schools in the United States should embrace a year-round school policy. Year-round schools don’t need to spend so much time reviewing.
There is controversy over whether or not summer break makes kids forget what they should have previously learned. Coming from myself, a senior in high school, summer break is all about forgetting school and living it up during the duration of the break. This causes teachers to have to pretest students to see what all they actually did remember and then go over the same material trying to get them to remember. With year-round schooling you do not have to worry as much about the loss of learning. The longest break with year-round schooling is three weeks. Any break will causes some memory loss but the three month break that regular schooling provides makes the chances not remembering material increase greatly. Year-round schooling, allows the same
One supposed benefit of year-round calendars is that they do away with the slowdown or loss of learning that students commonly experience over the summer. But “year-round schools don't really solve the problem of the summer learning setback – they simply spread it out across the year,” von Hippel said. so would you agree with me that having year-around school is not helping students, and may actually be harming the physical and mental health of students, parents,and parents alike? do you not see that all-year school is not the way to achieve better
The whole reason students attend school is to gain the knowledge that is necessary to live life in the future. Throughout the years of progression, students are able to inherit a tremendous amount of information that will be useful in their life later on whether it’d be in college, their job etc. Year-round schooling can boost that knowledge even more! Looking at the ABCNews video, Margaret Trimer Hartley, a superintendent at Detroit’s university Press Science and Math, she states that with the year-round schooling, the biggest benefit is that they deliver results. When students go out on summer break it is very common for them to lose what they learned about the year before so the teachers have to review it with them for the first month of school. Yet, with the year-round schooling, students wouldn’t be keen to losing the memory. This would later give teachers more time to teach the students newer lessons, which will build up their knowledge. Heartly states that, “Test scores for kids raised 25% in California with year-round schooling” (ABCNews). This statistics shows that there are results and they are positive. With test scores being raised, teachers are noticing that students are able to learn more things and later remember it so when they take a test, the results would increase. This would later be beneficial to students because they can later compete against other countries
The last major benefit from year-round schooling calendars that I am going to discuss is very important, but in my opinion is also overlooked. Student benefits will always come first when looking at a situation such as the traditional schooling calendar versus the year-round schooling calendar, and I agree that student advantages and disadvantages should be looked at first. But I can’t help but ask myself this simple question: What about our teachers? Will they be on board with this? A lot of people may think that year-round calendars can lead to teacher burn-out in the classroom. Will my favorite teachers at my school get burned out? Will they quit because it is too much? On the traditional calendar, I was wiped out by April. To do a good job as a teacher took a lot out of me; I even thought of early retirement. Now,
Year round school affects students summer vacation trips in so many ways. “When a school switches to year round school systems, it causes summer to disappear.” Usually family vacations are planned around the summer to see family members, spend time as a family, and relax, more. “ When students have long summer breaks and come back to a new start there is less stress in the classroom and fewer absences”. Says researchers. Students don't only need education in their life they need life experience also, working outside of school or participating outside of school makes student learn more and it also prepares them for their future life. “If you take away a student's ability to have a vacation you increase the risk of burnt out”. Says Barton Joe, Many agree with this because students will be tired of going to school and they most likely will drop out. And also students need to have fun and go hang out with their friend for a break. “If a kid went to school year round he/she would be so focused in education that they would miss out on important things that are not taught in school such as friendships or having fun”. Says Clark Charles. That statement is true says many because it will impact their health and sociable
Year-round schooling is not effective and unworthy our time. Kids who are in the year-round schooling systems are slowly losing opportunities to be themselves. Likewise the students are being put in positions to fail and become less healthy. Although some may still believe that a year-round school calendar could benefit the majority of students, keeping the traditional summer calendar has many benefits including allowing time for families to plan vacations, decreasing the physical strain put on the students, staff, buildings, and developing healthier students.
It is clear that summer seems to be causing a huge gap in education. The students remember more when they spend less time out of the classroom. This is why year round school is a better option for students. A common misunderstanding of the year round school year is that the school has more days than an original school year. In all actuality, students in both types of schooling only attend around 180 days. The only difference is that students in year-round attend school with different arrangement in breaks. It is called the “45/15 plan.” This is allows students to spend 45 days in the classroom and then take a 15 day break. By following this plan students do not forget as much material they learn. There is not much time to forget it. Students take a short break from school and then roll right from one grade to another. By students remembering more, teachers do not have to spend weeks reviewing the material students should have remembered from the previous year. Year round schooling adds on time to the learning year without literally added more time.