
Why We Should Not Be Mandatory In School

Decent Essays

Many schools have extracurricular activities offered at their schools. My school offers many extracurricular activities like track, soccer, basketball, and cross country. My principal has recently made the decision that all students have to be in a extracurricular activity. I disagree that it should not be mandatory for all students to be in a in school activity. The school has many reasons why they should not make it mandatory to do a in school extracurricular activity.

I see the point of view of the activity being mandatory to do but on the other hand there are really important reasons why it should not be. It could effect family's that have older and younger children or it could effect activities that are not school related, that the child would rather do and is happy doing. Don't you see, some students have to be home for their little siblings so, they are not home alone and something could happen to them and they would not know what to do. Imagine. Imagine a young elementary student that would have to walk home by them self everyday from school because their older brother or sister can not be there because they have an activity to do.Others may already have a activity outside after school that they do that is not in school. They may like that activity a …show more content…

If you make it mandatory students will have less time to study and focus on school because of practice, meets, or games. They will also have less sleep time, if a practice end at 5pm they would still have to go home eat, shower, do chores, and homework. They could be up really late if they have a lot of homework to do. Many students could be tired the next day because of them having to go to practice after school then going home and eating, doing chores, shower and homework. Not all students have the time to do an extracurricular

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