Many schools have extracurricular activities offered at their schools. My school offers many extracurricular activities like track, soccer, basketball, and cross country. My principal has recently made the decision that all students have to be in a extracurricular activity. I disagree that it should not be mandatory for all students to be in a in school activity. The school has many reasons why they should not make it mandatory to do a in school extracurricular activity.
I see the point of view of the activity being mandatory to do but on the other hand there are really important reasons why it should not be. It could effect family's that have older and younger children or it could effect activities that are not school related, that the child would rather do and is happy doing. Don't you see, some students have to be home for their little siblings so, they are not home alone and something could happen to them and they would not know what to do. Imagine. Imagine a young elementary student that would have to walk home by them self everyday from school because their older brother or sister can not be there because they have an activity to do.Others may already have a activity outside after school that they do that is not in school. They may like that activity a
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If you make it mandatory students will have less time to study and focus on school because of practice, meets, or games. They will also have less sleep time, if a practice end at 5pm they would still have to go home eat, shower, do chores, and homework. They could be up really late if they have a lot of homework to do. Many students could be tired the next day because of them having to go to practice after school then going home and eating, doing chores, shower and homework. Not all students have the time to do an extracurricular
The Puritan era in New England was inundated with an atmosphere of righteousness and judgment. This culture spurned those who strayed from its religious codes. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses multiple symbols to bring a deeper meaning to the society, his characters, and to adultery. One of the motifs used comes as the character Pearl, the daughter of the two adulterers. Pearl has multiple descriptions; physically, she is “a lovely and immortal flower,” yet also “an airy sprite . . . as if she were hovering in the air and might vanish” (80, 83). She has a “wild, desperate, defiant mood” and is often referred to as a “flower,” a “bird,” and an “elf” (82, 80, 98, 87). Hawthorne uses Pearl’s multi-layered personality
To make matters worse, the new schedule would be against the students that participate in after school extracurricular activities. In most high schools, practices already currently run until 8 or 9 p.m. with a school day that starts early in the morning. What happens when we follow Varley’s suggestion of starting the day and an hour later? This would be complete chaos. The author suggests having practice early in the morning before classes start. I believe this would be very unfair to the students participating in extracurricular activities. That means that whoever wants to play sports or join any clubs would have to sacrifice even more sleep to be there on time in the morning. He also mentions that after school activities could start later in the evening after students have had a
To what extent do you agree with Gatto that compulsory schooling has the effect of creating conformity and obedience to authority?
Schools in America shouldn’t have homework. It has been proven to not help with test scores or school work, but what it does help with, is lowering students’ health. I believe that schools should assign little or no homework, It does little to help and more to hurt the students. For instance, most students don’t have computers and are financially unable to get one. This is unfair and can cause the student to be behind on their schoolwork. Another reason is that students are so loaded with schoolwork and other family/friend activities that they don’t have enough time to do what they really need to. Lastly, the Finnish school system has shorter school days, more recess, and starts at the age of 7. Yet, it has been proven that they get one of the highest test scores internationally.
This can lead them to partake in activities that go
The next question everyone would ask is what about extracurricular activities like sports and marching band. Sports would start at the same time and just might be a little difficult for coaches to have everything ready earlier. The result is still playing the game and all the players be so well rested. The result in all this is better rested player’s people having a better time in class and not falling asleep as much and getting homework done easier.
Finally, I’m home from prison I finally get to hang out with my friends and not speak or learn about school until tomorrow, oh wait I have homework to do well I guess I am going to need to speak and learn about school. I believe that SCHOOL SHOULD HAVE NO HOMEWORK. Homework stops students from getting exercise, homework gives stress to students, Lastly homework prevents students from spending time with their family. This is why I believe that SCHOOL SHOULD HAVE NO HOMEWORK.
Perhaps one of the most simple reasons to steer clear of forcing this requirement is that many students already have a lot on their plates. From sports to cubs to academics, many students are already taking part in things around campus and also may have jobs and other responsibilities outside of school hours. Dodge wrote “Having an an added requirement for graduating turns an already stressful year, a year full of college applications, final exams, GPA tallies, after-school jobs, extracurricular activities, and goodbyes to classmates into a mad rush of meeting deadlines.” From this quote, comes many of the everyday worries of students on top of the normal homework provided to them by each of their 7 teachers. By forcing yet another piece on the top, the school system is pushing the limits of the students. There's lots of stress already as many students keep 12+ hour days because of the early high school call time so there is almost literally no time in the day for this extra work. Dodge and Koenig both mention in their writing after-school jobs. Koenig writes: “... many students juggle jobs or multiple after school activities in addition to their schoolwork. It is unfair to those students who have obligations outside of school to keep them from graduating because of SSL hours, because some simply don’t have
About 80 percent of kids quit sports by the age of 15. Kids lose interest in sports, and in being active. Children should not be forced to do sports if they don’t want to. School sports shouldn’t be mandatory because some kids aren’t physically able to be in sports, there is physical education for kids who are not in sports, and some school can’t afford to have every kid in sports. Not all kids are in shape to be in sports.
All through high school one always wonders why certain courses have to be taken. Thinking certain courses are a waste of one’s time and how it takes 12 years just to receive a diploma. Sounds crazy to think half of one’s life is spent in school preparing to receive a better understanding of education. During graduation, walking through the stage makes one along other proud and accomplished of all the efforts that took place. This not only helps one become more educated and aware of the things going around them, but helps become financially stable with a job or other necessities in life. Therefore, high school should be mandatory for students at least till there are 18, and not to drop-out.
Standard activeness is a greater extent to good health and high school students that are engaged with sports are more prosperous.In conclusion, schools should make it mandatory for kids to be involved in
In my childhood in Mexico I said bye to many of my friends because they were moving on to the US, my mom told me that they were looking for a better opportunity in life, but in that moment I didn’t understand what does that mean but now when I’m in the US looking for the same opportunity I can understand everything.
To begin with reasons, one reason why we should not eliminate the school sport teams is students have the physical activity they need to stay fit. It could help you stay healthy, especially in the future. People need as much exercise they need to stay fit. Without sports, students do not get the opportunity to ever play. I think having sports shows a better look on the school.
In addition to taking away many hours of people's free time after school hours, the required 75 hours of community service is also pushing the students to do too much at one time. It isn't fair to the students who have to go home with backpacks full of homework each and every day, do their three or four hours of service, and still find a way to get the amount of sleep they need to repeat
The Death Penalty should not be a legal form of punishment in the American criminal justice system. Using opposing arguments from both a utilitarian and deontological perspective, I will analyze the moral legitimacy of capital punishment; specifically pertaining to its use in the American criminal justice system. I will argue that the death penalty does not properly reprimand a wrongdoer, because it fails to meet all the qualifications of an effective punishment, it is morally flawed and arguably unconstitutional, and its unfortunate racial bias causes it to be ineffective and detrimental to the criminal reform system. In order to properly analyze the Illegitimacy and ineffectiveness of capital punishment in the United States, recent data and input from modern criminologists will be used, and philosophical arguments for and against the death penalty will be taken into consideration.