Many people think that school should start at ten in the morning. Do you think that the school should be able to do that? There are some pros and cons to this argument. One being, would there be time to mingle with your family and friends? And another being, do I have the time to put in hour for my job? In my essay I will tell what I think.
School starting at a later time will make everyone happy. Why it will make them happy, well first off it gives them time to sleep in and much needed sleep. The longer they have to sleep the better they will walk into the school. If school started at around ten in the morning it gives students the energy to be more focused on their work and lets them pay more attention to the teacher letting them learn more. So giving the students the opportunity to sleep in cuts the lack of effort in school that the student shows. And also giving the students the time sleep in and get their sleep lets the students sleep after a long day before. So having school later in the day would tons of people happy and make other schools jealous.
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If you had a job the time change would deeply effect your job because you would have to get night shift. Having to deal with night shift especially for a high school student would be awful because you would not be able to see your family and the chance to be out and about with your friends. And another reason to why starting school at a later time would be a bad idea is because it would keep you from seeing your family. And also being in a sports would make the practices drag into the night and that would be bad. And on away trips a student athlete would miss a lot of school and have too much work to make up as to where if school just started at the original time were you only have to make one assignment
Teenagers need more sleep. If schools start school later, students would be less tired. A study of eight schools in Minnesota started school 1 hour later and grades and morale went up and tardiness went down. It has been scientifically proven in a test they did in Minnesota that 8 schools stated later and most of the students grades went up they were happier and everyone seemed more
School should be started later then it is currently starting. Many kids do not get enough sleep, for various reasons. Some students try to stay up all night on their cell phones and other devices. Other’s go to bed around 9:30 to 10:30, but these students still struggle to get up. We could eliminate tired students who crawl from class to class by moving start times back by an hour or two. If schools started at a later time then students could get more sleep, they could feel more energized and ready for school, and it could help improve students grades.
School days should start later in the day because there are many benefits to doing so. Such as improved grades, Test scores, and safer roads because teens won’t be as drowsy if they sleep 8 plus hours.
Schools should adopt an later start time. This would improve students grades and mental state because they would get more sleep. According to the article, Sleepy in Seattle: Schools move start time to manage teens' need for zzz's, more and more school districts around the country are trying to give students later start times. This is because of a few reasons. First of all, the American Academy of Pediatrics, a professional group of pediatricians, say that later start times can improve students life in many ways. Also, the CDC or Center of Disease Control, pushed for later start times.The CDC is a government agency, who's goal is to protect public health and safety, pushed for later school start times. This is because research show that later
If we start school later then kids test scores will increase, they wont fall asleep in class and they would get the appropriate amount of sleep. According to, nNew research suggests that later high school starts have widespread benefits. Sleep experts at the university of Mminnesota studied eight high schools before and after the moved to later start times. They found that the later start time, the better off students were on measures like mental health, car crash rates, attendance, and in some schools, grades and standerized test scores. This is an accurate example because it comes from sleep experts at the university of minnesota that have actually studied this topic. With later starting time you’ll have more time to sleep and will be able to pay attention in class so you can get that good grade.
How would you feel if your parent couldn’t take you to school or drive you to the bus because schools starts after they would already need to be at work? How would you like if practices or outside actives were cut short due to school start time? Schools began starting earlier in the 1990s. The average time schools start is 8:03 am. Only 17.7% of 39,700 public middle and high schools start at 8:30 am or later. I believe that the earlier start time is an advantage. With schools being a big advantage to help us plan for life, we need to make sure we use this precious time to learn. If school would start later there would be less time for outside activities and practices, your parent mostly likely couldn’t help you get ready in the morning and drive you to school because they would already be at work, and truly if school starts later, then most people would go to bed later.
What if you weren’t so tired in school? Imagine feeling energized like you just drank a gallon of coffee and refreshed in school, ready to learn with your classmates all around you, happily talking about class and catching up with each other. School could be so much better. Therefore, the question is-- should schools have later starting times? In “Should School Start Later?”
What do you think about the time your school starts? Have you ever thought about the affects of your opinion would have on other students? Some people believe school should begin earlier. Some people believe school should start later. In my opinion school start time should stay the same because it would affect students in a negative way by not getting enough sleep, not spending time with their family and not participating in after school activities.
School should start later rather than earlier because if school starts later teens won’t have so much of a problem with getting up in the morning. Also if school starts later kids school work will improve and help their grades in the long run. Schools starting later will improve many things such as grades and homework being turned in on time. Also with more sleep students might also improve the way kids view school.
Doctors advise a minimum of eight hours of sleep a night for average teenagers. That would mean that the time shift would allow them to stay up later in the night, allowing them to get accustomed to a skewed sleep schedule that would give them a disadvantage later in life with the typical work schedule. School would also end later with the the time shift, meaning that there wouldn’t be as much time after school to do stuff at home like daily responsibilities and other
What time do you think school should start? It could be earlier, later, or stay at the same time. I believe that school should stay at the same time.
If we were to start school later, academic GPA’s (grade point averages) would definately increase. Isn’t this what we want in our school? It is proven that the more sleep you get, the more awake and alert you actually are. I interviewed Michael Claffey, a sophomore at Newington High School, he stated “ Goooooud.” Also Jorge Premto a sophomore at Newington High School stated “Yes Michael, yes I do believe school should start at nine o’clock am. This will thus help further my education because I will be well rested.” In all, we need school to start later because it will help us with our education.
We live in an age when many growing adolescents are constantly fighting their natural body clocks. It could potentially be one of the biggest issues facing our high school systems. Many school’s across America have started to push back their school start times. Is it worth it? The answer is yes. School should start later in order to unlock our nation’s high school potential.
Kids would be willing to go to sleep with more sleep. A lot of kids have many things to do after school such as: get homework finished, study for a test or quizzes, go to work, attend church events, and play sports.Students would have more time to get their homework done and more time to study as well as have the chance to have a social life outside of school. In high school tests is a big grade usually in each and every students class but in order for the students to get a high grade on the test they need to have the ability to study but if they are tired from getting up for school so early in the morning they will just want to go to bed and forget about studying and then they will just go to class and just hope they do well enough to pass. In a study by the National Parenting Center when they compared a hundred and fifty high students having high grade point average with their peers with lower grade point averages, most of the higher gpa students woke up later on school days, woke up earlier on the weekend, and had less night time awakenings (“Poor sleep, poor grades”). Having school start early means that the morning classes are early as well and most students today come in late just so they can sleep in a little longer so the morning classes will have less attendance. It will give them more time to get to school on time and not be late and frustrated.
First of all, I think schools should start later. They should start later because it shows improvement in the way students perform throughout the day. A study at the US Air Force Academy showed students that started classes