No, I don’t think cell phones should be allowed in school. They could be a distraction to students and they could also be used for cyber bullying. Phones could also be used to text friends the answers to a test. Cell phones could be a lot of trouble at school. First, cell phones can be a distraction to other students. This would cause other students to want to see what whoever has the phone is doing. It would also cause them to not finish their work. That would also make whoever has the phone to not get their work done either. Next, students would be able to text their friends the answers to a test. They could also be used to text friends that aren’t in their class. Cell phones are also among the most stolen objects in school according
Cell phones should not be banned at school for many reasons. One reason cell phones should not be banned is in the case of an accident or emergency. In the article, Cell Phones in School: An Overview by Beverly Ballaro and Jill Ginsburg, it states that “ 84% of parents felt that banning cell phones from school property was unacceptable and that 99 percent wanted their students to be able to call or be called in case of an emergency.”
Phones should not be allowed to be used at school because phones tend to distract not only the student that has the phone, but also the other student's and the teacher. When a person gets a text they want to answer it right then. When that student or person receives a text, it interrupts the whole class because for one, your going to want to answer it, and for the second reason the class looks at you and that causes a big distraction for everyone that was listening to the teacher and trying to learn. Another reason a phone is distraction is students tend to stay on social media and post crazy things and selfies and during class they want to take a picture of themselves and other student's to post and that distracts not only that person but their classmates around them.
No, students should not have cell phones during class it disturb students, can't concentrate on work, and student don't do their work. They don't think about their work at all. They wouldn't even think about their work. To begin, the cellphone would disturb the student by going off in class. Their face would be in their phone. They always worry about their devices but, not their work. Student care about their phone they think they will pass with out no grades. In addition, the cellphone would not let them concentrate on work. They will be on their phone. They don't about anything but, their phone. They would be texting and on
Hmm, phones in the classroom! What do you think? That is a debate between billions of people in the world today. Children all over the world have phones, but they can not have them out during school hours. Cell phones are important to so many kids and adults. These devices have been around for so long, and many people can not live without them. All around the school campus, students are miserable without their phones. In the world today, about three-fourths of the U.S. population have phones. A cell phone is an important thing to some people. Without cell phones, kids wouldn't have access to their social media accounts like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. So take this into consideration, even if it is in one class, students should be allowed to get on their cell phones during school hours.
Overall, cellphones should be allowed in school for academic use because teenagers use them daily. It would work to the advantage of both the students and the teachers to incorporate cell phones with school work. Education will only continue to evolve as the years go on, and it is essential that technology is incorporated along with
Cell phones are a powerful tool in today's world, they should be implemented in the education system to help learning, because that's the matter of fact! Cell phones help learning, not hinder it. At least not when the
The students would not have to make time to go to the computer lab to use a computer, they could instantly research at their desk (Funding , 2014). For students to use a cell phone in the classroom, they would have to be greatly monitored to keep them focused on research, not playing games, texting, or browsing social media. If the students are not monitored when using a cell phone in class, their learning process is hindered greatly. Statistics show that seventy-three percent of teachers admitted that they or their students use cell phones in the classroom (Bautista, 2013). Cell phones can be a distraction for teachers as well as students, if teachers are too wrapped up in their social networking profiles and not concerned with the students sitting before them, they are failing to do their job
For one, cell phones could provide students with academic help. According to Apple, about 1.5 million of their electronic devices are being used in classrooms. For example, students can
In addition, cell phones in the classroom would be exceptionally disruptive. Suppose that a teacher is giving a very important lecture about World War II in her third period social studies class. Suddenly, an awfully obnoxious ringtone resounds through the classroom. Twenty-five teenagers reach for their phones. The teacher has lost her train of thought and the entire lesson must be halted while the students whose phone is in question must be waited upon to turn off their cell phone. I personally don’s believe it is fair to that educator or the rest of that student’s peers to have those kinds of disruptions happen on a day to day basis. If schools allowed cell phones, they would be increasing the number of these kinds of interruptions.
Cell Phones in class is a necessity and it should be allowed to all those students that have one purchased. Cell phones will help the following that will use them for curricular activities. For an emergency, to help activities with teachers activities, and to teach students to be trusted.
I think that schools should allow students to have cell phone in school. I think that, because of the fact if something bad was to happen we could call our parents. If something bad was to happen we would be able to use of phone in case of emergency. Some people think we shouldn’t have phones in school because they think they are a distraction to us, from doing our work properly. I honestly think that if phones where allowed in school we could use them for school work also. Not just for communicating with people. Phones could be a good cause in school, if someone got hurt and no one was around, you would be able to call an ambulance. “They can tend to lower students grades, cause impulsive behavior, and even attitude problems”. But however
Who doesn't have a cell phone these days? It is so much more than just calling and texting. They are so great for personal use and educational use . Today most people have the top of line phones to use like iPhone and Androids . If we are not allowed to use our phones, than they just go to waste. I think that students should be able in school to use them for educational purposes . Cell phones are great for staying in contact with people but also for school related purposes. So they are, great in that respect.
their cell phone during school it will make it easier of a chance for kids to get some type of
As you can see there are more good facts than bad ones but not only that. I also think kids should have phones in school because they could be helpful to school work, they can also be used to calm the mind while it's at work. Plus think about it, could you imagine that we had no cell phones at all and your family is in danger! Like said before, there are many many reasons why you should not ban cell phones in school. Studies show, that most people that work (at home, in an office, government, or even construction workers) have cell phones! So why shouldn't kids have them in school? Makes no sense! Another reason kids should have cell phone in school is that they can be used in math class for a calculator, or used in language arts to look up vocab words, and even used in spanish, english, and or german to study the other
Although cell phones could be distracting in class, they should be allowed because they have many benefits in education, activity on them can be controlled, and they also provide benefits to the teachers of the classrooms.