Imagine yourself in math class trying to do your work, and you hear or even feel buzzing. You soon start to get distracted. You check to see if it was a message or an Instagram alert, but your teacher thinks that you’re cheating. She takes your paper and your phone. Therefore, cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in any classroom. Cell phones shouldn’t be allowed in classrooms because kids get too distracted. According to David Rapp, author of ‘Lift the Cell Phone Ban,” students use their cell phones to harass other students. Students are bullied, or bully at school and on the internet, but now it’s at school with an embarrassing picture of you or a teacher floating through kids Snapchat stories. Not only are cell phones causing a distraction, but they’re also cheating tools. David Rapp explains that when in class during a test or quiz, students often text each other the answers. They might even Google them. The students who cheat, often don’t have a bright future. …show more content…
Linda Matchan, author of “Schools Seek Balance For Cellphones In Class,” says that when using cellphones in class, the test scores went up 6.41 percent. Also, the teachers have programs that help students who might be struggling with a subject. There are many websites, apps, and programs that help kids who need extra practice in Reading and Writing, or Mathematics. Still, the thought of cell phones shouldn’t be accepted. In most schools, they have computers or laptops; but students still take the advantage and go on things that they are not allowed
I think that students should not be allowed to have cell phones in class because it causes distractions, cufusion, and alot of noise.
Cell phones should not be banned at school for many reasons. One reason cell phones should not be banned is in the case of an accident or emergency. In the article, Cell Phones in School: An Overview by Beverly Ballaro and Jill Ginsburg, it states that “ 84% of parents felt that banning cell phones from school property was unacceptable and that 99 percent wanted their students to be able to call or be called in case of an emergency.”
Although phones help with the learning process they are used a social status. Most kids have cell phones, and for those of which don’t, the ones who do share. They can be used to record group discussions and it gives us a chance to be more independent(Doc #3). On the other hand they are used as a status symbol. Jesse Scaccia says, “when their phones ring while the teacher is talking everyone laughs”(Doc
Phones should not be allowed to be used at school because phones tend to distract not only the student that has the phone, but also the other student's and the teacher. When a person gets a text they want to answer it right then. When that student or person receives a text, it interrupts the whole class because for one, your going to want to answer it, and for the second reason the class looks at you and that causes a big distraction for everyone that was listening to the teacher and trying to learn. Another reason a phone is distraction is students tend to stay on social media and post crazy things and selfies and during class they want to take a picture of themselves and other student's to post and that distracts not only that person but their classmates around them.
Are you always on your phone? Either Snapchatting, on Instagram, scrolling through your twitter feed? It can be pretty temping to pick up your phone and do this stuff in class but you can use them in good ways in school. George Washington Middle School currently has cell phones banned in class. Although most teachers think that cell phones are a distraction, cell phones should be allowed in class because students feel anxious without their phones, there are many educational uses, and allowing phones is more convenient.
Most schools do not allow the use of cell phones in school or in class, so the school feels like changing their policy of cell phone use might be a bad idea. Students could take advantage or miss use the privilege of phones in class. There will always be students who act out in class, but the school must discipline those who do and reward those who do not.
Hmm, phones in the classroom! What do you think? That is a debate between billions of people in the world today. Children all over the world have phones, but they can not have them out during school hours. Cell phones are important to so many kids and adults. These devices have been around for so long, and many people can not live without them. All around the school campus, students are miserable without their phones. In the world today, about three-fourths of the U.S. population have phones. A cell phone is an important thing to some people. Without cell phones, kids wouldn't have access to their social media accounts like Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. So take this into consideration, even if it is in one class, students should be allowed to get on their cell phones during school hours.
I think that cell phone shouldn’t be allowed in school because it is a distraction to students, because kids are texting in school without permission, and it will be too much technology for students home and at school.
I think cell phones should definitely be aloud at school because they are very useful. If you forgot something important at home you can easily call your parents to see if they can bring it. It can be used as a learning tool. If anybody plays game you should have a punishment like maybe saying you can’t bring your phone to school for a certain amount of time. Maybe the teacher or principal could tell your parents and they will take your phone away for awhile since they weren't doing what they were supposed to be doing.I think that phones can be a great learning tool and very helpful when it comes to situations. A situation that I think would be helpful in is maybe your parents thought you got out of school at 3:01 but you really got out at
I think cell-phones should be allowed in class for many reasons. What if your friend faints? What if someone starts coughing up blood. Those are some of the reasons why I think cell phones should be allowed in class. First of all I think cell phones should be allowed in class because what if someone gets hurt. Also what if your house catches on fire. Then how would you get in touch with your family. What if someone gets kidnaped? What if my/your house gets robbed? In addition they should be allowed in class because what if there is a family emergency. By emergency I mean like death emergency. What if someone gets sent to jail? Or asylum? That would be horrible to find out about that after school.
Most schools now allow students to have cell phones but ask them to be turned off during class because they can be disruptive and distracting. Read on for the pros and cons of allowing cell
The second reason on why cell phones should not be banned in class is because students use their phones to check emails from their professors. For instance, students often check to see if their classroom
Many teachers believe that cell phones don’t belong in a classroom because there are several disadvantages. An example maybe a student who uses a cell phone in class has no intension in listening or paying attention to the teacher. This student has a short attention span who cares about socializing more than his/her education. Cell phones can be very disruptive; they can invade people’s privacy and can also be used as harassment or bullying. The usage of cell phones is creating a huge problem particularly when they are used in school.
Many schools around the world are now allowing their students to use cell phones during class. Even though, students may use their cell phones to cheat on a test or other work they may need to do. They might also get distracted from doing their work if they receive a message or start playing games. Cell phones are one of the biggest distractions out of hundreds. Cell phones may also disturb other students in the classroom who may need that class to graduate or for a bachelor's degree. Students have to have a failure in life to learn new things; therefore, cheating is not the answer. Schools should not allow students to use cell phones during class because many students take advantage and use them to cheat.
School should not allow cell phones in class.The cell phones are a big distraction for the