Speaking for the Pets
I believe that some people shouldn’t have pets. It takes a lot of responsibility to own and care for an animal. Some pets live their life tied to a chain for life, some with a cage that is never clean, and some that never get a meal.
This thought all started when my family and I went to Mexico. There were so many starved cats and dogs on the sides of the roads. I was so sad for me to see the starved dogs foraging for food, and drinking out of the dirty puddles. This all happened because of the irresponsible owners. These people are a good example of the kinds a people who shouldn’t have pets. If they can’t even feed themselves, how are they supposed to be able to care for an animal. If you want to get a pet make sure
Many people nowadays have different views on what exactly to define animals as, and whether or not they deserve any rights. Some believe that they are nothing more than a childhood pet used for entertainment, while others believe that they are beautiful exquisite animals. Currently, animals inside of a household have more rights that cattle or chicken since they are treated as another member of the family. I think that all animals are worthy of moral consideration, not just house pets, since all animals have enough intelligence to be domesticated, they can all feel emotions such as pain and happiness, they can all care about the wellbeing of others, and they all play a critical role in the circle of life.
While reading the article “Let Them Eat Dog” all I could think of is my dog that I have waiting for me at home. I see my dog as a companion someone who I can talk to about anything. When there is no one around that is who I go to when I feel sad, or when I need
Kill shelters and animal abuse are a big problem in society. Animals are equal to people and they should be treated just the same. Animals do not deserve to be treated harshly and they also do not deserve to live in horrible conditions. I believe that animals have as much of a right as humans do, to be free of labor.
Should other aniamls be aloud to be servies animals or just dogs i think jurt dogs so no.
In ancient Egypt, they held cats up high for poise and grace; they even had a goddess cat, named Bast (Bastet). When Egyptians lost their cat, they would mourn as if they lost a family member. To kill a cat, even accidentally, was an automatic death sentence. Cats were believed to be guardians of the gates of hell, and to prevent demons, ghouls, and spirits from escaping, and prevent them from entering homes of humans. So why people find this animal cute, adorable, and friendly is beyond me. Who would want a pet that was held up to be a god? That people have killed over and treated like a human? That is associated with hell and all its demons? Animals aren’t human, so these cats should be treated exactly like pets. Not
Many animals are sitting in a shelter of some sort this very second and we take our pets for granted ignoring those pets who are less fortunate. Animals should be adopted from shelters to help save their lives and make their lives also better in a number of ways. Many of the animals in shelters get put down or don’t have the funding to care for the animals in the shelters and have to then do anything in their power to get rid of the animal to prevent the idea of killing the animal. Animals don’t get the choice to be in a shelter or not, but I personally see it as in my situation of being in a treatment center for no reason but for a new placement. Animals deserve a second chance to be free again before being killed in a shelter.
When you own a pet, you commit to taking care of that pet just as you would take care of one of your children. This includes feeding them, bathing them, providing suitable housing and taking care of their medical problems.
Not every environment is a pet-friendly one. Sometimes a person has to move from their home and their new place does not permit animals. The owner then has to attempt to home their pet and if they are unsuccessful in this endeavour, they admit their pet to a shelter where the animal will most likely be euthanized should it not be adopted. This is a perfectly young, beautiful, and healthy animal that had to die because there are too many of its kind. Other times, a couple adopts a puppy together. Years later, a baby is born. It is all fun and games until the child's allergy to the dog is discovered. The couple then gives away their dog to a shelter and the child is told that the dog is on a farm with many butterflies to chase. It is very upsetting for everyone and an error made by us,
Specific Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to motivate my audience by discussing the problems with pets not being spayed and neutered, offering solutions to the problems, and visualizing a society in which these problems are surrounding us. INTRODUCTION: Attention Step: How many of you look away or change the channel when the ASPCA commercials with Sarah McClaughlin come on?
Pets should not be in the classroom because, pets are dangerous to students health, also students may be dangerous to the pets.
A pack of dogs is playing in a ditch which is in the middle of a busy road. Some people in the cars look to see if the dogs' owner is nearby and wonder why anyone would allow their dogs to play so close to danger. Some drivers seem oblivious to the motley assortment romping in the water next to the road. They all keep driving without another thought for the safety or lives of those poor creatures. Unfortunately, this is a common scene in many areas. Unwanted dogs and cats are dumped to fend for themselves because there just are not enough homes for all of them. Where have these unwanted animals come from? The huge population is attributed to out of control breeding due to irresponsible owners, breeding by
I have always valued animal’s rights and it is something I am very passionate about. In fact, it is so close to my heart that I was vegetarian for a time but now simply support local farmers. In my childhood I have had a couple pets I had a deep attachment to but had to let go because my mom gave them away, this made me value every soul I meet, even if it is for a brief time. Over the years I have grown close to my cat Alex, and dog, Kai. They promote me to be selfless and caring before I am able to take care of myself.
People can either be a cat person or a dog person. Cats and dogs are unique creatures yet they are the two most common household animals. I am definitely a dog person. I love dogs. I think everyone should have a dog. They’re great pets. Dogs are fun and a lot of work but it sure is worth it. Cats, on the other hand, I don’t care for. I had a cat when I was only about one year old and she got run over by a car. Ever since then my family has had a dog. Maybe if I had a cat when I was growing up I would like them more.
Approximately 6 to 8 million animals are handled by animal shelters in the U.S. each year. Even though some are reclaimed or adopted, nearly 4 million unwanted dogs and cats are left with nowhere to go. Animal shelters cannot humanely house and support all these animals until their natural deaths. They would be forced to live in cramped cages or kennels for years, lonely and stressed, and other animals would have to be turned away because there would be no room for them. Trying to build enough animal shelters to keep up with the endless stream of homeless animals is like putting a bandage on a gunshot wound. Turning unwanted animals loose to roam the streets is not a humane option, either. If they don’t starve, freeze, get hit by a car, or
All living things deserve a life free from fear and pain. Animal abuse can be intentional harm or failure to take care of an animal. Either way, the animal can suffer tremendously. Animal abuse is a problem that goes unnoticed by the majority of people. This is because people are not being informed of the kind of abuse that pets go through. People need to be made aware of what some animals are being put through. If people are made aware, they could help protect animals.