Everyone has heard of the quote, “Never judge a book by it’s cover.” Today, I am going to change the quote. I am going to change it to,“Never judge a book by it’s movie.” Of course, it also applies the other way around. This quote doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t judge the movie before watching it. It just means that you shouldn’t judge it based on it’s book. In other words, if the book sucks, that doesn’t mean the movie will suck. If the movie was great, then it doesn’t mean that the book will be just as great. I am fairly sure that all of you can relate to this. All of you have probably said, “Oh my god, the book was so much better,” or “The book was great!” So this is what my essay is going to be about. Which is a better choice, the book or the movie? Well, they’re equally good. It truly depends on what the story is mainly about. If it is a story that is more thought-oriented, than a book would better. If it has more action, than a movie would be better. With all the technology we have today, we can show anything in movies, with ease. However, an advantage to books is that they take longer to read, so you become more connected to the characters, which is obviously better for …show more content…
Movies are a lot more visually appealing to kids than books. When I was little, I used to completely ignore the big books with no pictures. Yet I used to love watching the movies for this book. Movies are also advertised way more than books. Let’s take “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for example. Disney spent lots of money on advertising on that movie. There were many ads on TV, and merchandise was everywhere. Now, they’re even making a whole section in Disney World dedicated to Star Wars. This is all going to attract a way larger audience. Of course, advertisements and merchandise isn’t cheap, but but the profit you’re going to make is probably going to be higher. Also, it won’t end up sitting on shelves forever like a lot of books
Which is better and more enjoyable to listen to or watch? I would say the book is stronger in detail and more enjoyable to listen to than to watch the movie because it has a superior plot, character development, emotions, and ending than the movie. The first reason is, that the characters had so much
Many people may agree that the movie was better, but personally, i think the book was better. The book let your imagination go wild, but the movie just held your imagination back by showing you the scene on a screen. Unlike the movie, the book gave a more vivid description of “The Tell Tale Heart” by telling you every single detail. That is why I think the book was more enjoyable to read instead, of watching the movie.
I think the movie is better than the book because it’s more visual, has more action, and has props.
I prefer the movie over the book because,it shares more detail.The book does not share the way they look but only gives us away to guess what they look like.The movie
The film is better because rather than a book, which most people would rather to read, they are more likely to watch a film that turns up on T.V. Most people don’t pick up a book after high school but a film is something that people frequently watch. In addition to the massive range of the film, it, unlike the book, is presented with audio cues and visual images that the book lacks. Individuals, who don’t have the time or patience to read a book that is only words, can watch an animated and indulging film that diffuses the same message as the book and perhaps, even more because of all the characters that come to play in the
The movie was more interesting than the book because it helped me visualize the story. Most of the more exciting scenes from the movie are not in the book, this is why I like the movie more than the book.
- This book is a really good book not a very good movie because they have so many differences if they would have not started in the middle of the book then it would have been really good and entertaining but it just doesn't give me the vision in my head of the whole book . A movie to me is where a book comes to life and, but it still was a good movie but could have been
But movies need to be faster because they can often make points with how a camera moves. Watching a movie can help you understand the storyline in a couple of hours. In the movie it goes into the film more like when they go into training they show us all the things they do in training. That they are going to use in battle when they need to. I also like how the book goes into deep detail.
The book is better because it gives more excitement and emotion. The book just explains each of the events in great detail. I don’t know about other people, but for me the more information there is, the more I understand it. And in the movie of “The Outsiders”, it does not really say much about what’s going on. For instance, when Johnny dies, in the movie, Ponyboy goes home but it does not tell how long he had been out. In the book, Pony is walking home from the hospital and a man asked him if he wanted a ride (Hinton 151). Though others might think that the movie is better because it visualizes the events that are happening. But, even though it envisions what the book tells about does not mean that it is one hundred percent better.
Movies are better than books Wouldn’t you want to watch a movie instead of reading and flipping pages. I think movies is better than books because you can see props, scene, and character interactions. Props help show what actions are going on. In the lorax video it shows the once-ler using the ax hacker. In Jabberwocky it shows the main character holding a sword.
Through many years of school, students have always been told by teachers the book is better than the movie. I have always believed this to be true on some level, but I have never actually done an in depth comparison of a book and its movie counterpart. I recently read the book The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. Then I watched the movie. I came to the conclusion that the movie is better than the book.
The book isn't the same but little different and the same. The book Gives us better dialog and is better . Their are some difference that the movie didn't fallow and was bad. The book did better at following the sequences and similarities. These are my reasons of the book and
The story is better because all this detail and explanation gives a better understanding and feel of what is going on in the book at this time. Also it is a more interesting version of A Wrinkle In Time. While the movie just gives broad little details and other five minute scenes with no background information as to what is happening or what in general they are facing. Additionally, an example of what I am inferring is how in the movie as Meg, Calvin, and Charles arrived at Camazotz they were attacked by a rock tornado with no information on what it truly is. Even though have a large amount of detail in a story is important you also need to have an intense story with some action to make the story
Both the movie and the book for No Country For Old Men were great productions within the world of entertainment. Of course the book has much more details and goes more in depth than the movie. Therefore, I feel that the book is a much better choice if you want to go more in depth with the story line. The differences from movie to book that I saw were made to make movie time less and to make scenes more intriguing.
I didn’t pick the book over the movie because I think books are boring. When you are watching the movie you don’t have to use your brain that much. When I’m watching a movie about any type of genre that has a book that goes with it, I usually ask questions to myself (in my head) about