
Why We Shouldn T Judge The Book

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Everyone has heard of the quote, “Never judge a book by it’s cover.” Today, I am going to change the quote. I am going to change it to,“Never judge a book by it’s movie.” Of course, it also applies the other way around. This quote doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t judge the movie before watching it. It just means that you shouldn’t judge it based on it’s book. In other words, if the book sucks, that doesn’t mean the movie will suck. If the movie was great, then it doesn’t mean that the book will be just as great. I am fairly sure that all of you can relate to this. All of you have probably said, “Oh my god, the book was so much better,” or “The book was great!” So this is what my essay is going to be about. Which is a better choice, the book or the movie? Well, they’re equally good. It truly depends on what the story is mainly about. If it is a story that is more thought-oriented, than a book would better. If it has more action, than a movie would be better. With all the technology we have today, we can show anything in movies, with ease. However, an advantage to books is that they take longer to read, so you become more connected to the characters, which is obviously better for …show more content…

Movies are a lot more visually appealing to kids than books. When I was little, I used to completely ignore the big books with no pictures. Yet I used to love watching the movies for this book. Movies are also advertised way more than books. Let’s take “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for example. Disney spent lots of money on advertising on that movie. There were many ads on TV, and merchandise was everywhere. Now, they’re even making a whole section in Disney World dedicated to Star Wars. This is all going to attract a way larger audience. Of course, advertisements and merchandise isn’t cheap, but but the profit you’re going to make is probably going to be higher. Also, it won’t end up sitting on shelves forever like a lot of books

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