Might be surprised. They shouldn’t let teens work while they are in school. I agree that they need money for some things. I don’t like how we have to go to school and work. They should just let us teens go to school and not have to work during that time being. They know teens need money to pay for things that they need to pay. One point in time teens need to learn how to do things on their own before they actually go out on their own. The teens have to make sure they can buy what they need. They need to make sure that they know what they are doing to keep a job. The teens just need to learn how to act grown up. I don’t like how teens have to go to school then go to work. I think that us teens should go to school and not go to work. Teen
Jobs won’t only support teens for the things they want, but it can help benefit for the things they need. The first things teens think of for their future are going to college and getting their first car. But, let’s say there’s a well educated thirteen-year-old, raised in a low-income family, who has plans on going to college.
Less than 3 in 10 teenagers hold jobs during the summer, and this number has been on a sharp decrease since 2000 (Yen 1). This decrease is because teenagers are handed everything now, meaning don’t need to work for it themselves; and because employers aren’t hiring. This is an extremely low amount, because all teenagers should get jobs, in order to learn many life skills, respect, and be able to support themselves.
Kids under the age of 14 cannot work and get a job. They should be able to get jobs. That means they are reliant to get money from others or parents. Or maybe that families cannot afford basic necessity and maybe the kids can help too by getting a job. But kids can do many things and are often underestimated and in most cases, kids can accomplish the same an adult can. And kids over the age of 14 can get a job but they must work under a certain amount of hours and cannot get the amount of money they want and it can affect the money they earn.
After reading the arguments in, “Is It Fair to Pay Teens Less Than Adults?” it is evident that teens should be paid the same as adults. To begin, the author states, “Teens often need jobs as much as any other worker.” Everyone needs money. Money is one of the main things people use to live in this day and age. Money buys the main necessities such as food, water, clothing, and shelter, so even if someone is just a teenager, they may need to save up for later in their life. Next, the article says, “The health of the U.S. economy depends heavily on consumer spending, and teens spend more than $250 billion a year.” If teenagers didn’t have money to spend, the economy would be greatly affected. Decreases in prices could lead to an unstable economy,
I don't want to ever have to witness a child doing the work of a grown adult. Child labor is not okay and isn't for many reasons. Children will miss out on their childhood and their education if they're working. It also puts lots of stress and pressure on them, overlooks them, and not all working conditions are safe for kids.
Imagine if you were told you couldn’t go somewhere or do something because of a stereotype put on you. That is pretty much what is happening to some teenagers. Munchy’s restaurant has decided to ban teenagers because of the way they act. Businesses should not have the right to ban teens as, teens bring them money, it is violating their rights, and it gives them choices.
Many teens work to help their family. For example, teens such as Eddie work to help their parents even though they do not get paid for what he has earned. “Eddie Ramirez, 16, recalls summers when he worked in the tobacco fields. Contractors often take advantage of young workers, he says, recounting times when he wasn't paid what he earned. Yet for four years, he kept going back to help his mother pay the rent” (Potenza 1). They work in many dangerous places just to get some money to help their families out. “Although families may rely on this
Imagine losing over $23,000 in only four short months. Well for Munchy’s it wasn’t them only imagining it, because it was reality. The worst part for them is that there was only one reason for all of this, and that is teenagers. So Munchy’s thought that if they ban teenagers, they will start getting their older customers back. If a business finds a solution to their problem, they should be able to do whatever it takes to fix it.
School should start later for teens.If teens don't have time to sleep that means teens will be sleeping in the class that they are in.
Teens don't have responsibilities and they don't even know the meaning of life. Others would say that raising wages can make kids less active in school because they would stay more focus on their job than in school. That can lead them into dropping out since they can make a living working at a reasonable wage. Everyone can agree on that the most important things for teens is to make school their priority. However, not all teens are the same. Some are not even enroll in school due to personal reasons and they are require to work instead of attending school. Others can be or more responsible than
I agree with the statement that it is not fair to pay teens less than adults. Nowadays teens are faced with larger and incidentally more expensive challenges. For example the cost of college has increased greatly in recent years. In the article it states, "if teens are forced to accept lower wages, it will be even harder for them to get into college." Lowering the wages for teens is also very unfair in many ways. To give an example, if one worker has the same job, and same responsibilities as another worker who works just as hard as the other, but one worker happens to be a teenager. How is it fair that a teen is doing their job yet not getting paid as much as the person next to them? Also in the article, Marilyn Watkins argues,"if they're
Teens should be payed the same as adults because now a days most of them have to pay for their own schooling. According to upfront magazine, “college tuition and fees have gone up 40 percent since 2006.” (Watkins 23) Young people are also support the economy by spending money of entertainment and cloths. ”Teens spend more than $250 billion a year.” (Watkins 23) Last of all some teens are forced to support their families and are sometimes the only source of income, how can we expect them to be able to support their families if they are being payed so little. Marilyn Watkins agrees saying, “Many teens have to work to support their families.” Watkins
Almost every teenager wants a job, yet many people are against it. I believe teenagers should have after-school jobs for a number of reasons. First, having a son or a daughter that works can financially help the parents. Also, the experience the teenager will acquire from after-school jobs will help him or her on future jobs. Finally, teenagers should have after-school jobs because it will keep them away from trouble. Parents should realize that as long as their son or daughter wants an after-school job and it does not affect his or her performance at school, they should let their child have one.
The best benefit from working is to have money, and it also gives you something to occupy your time. This lets them learn the value of the dollar and what it’s worth. They will learn how to get money, and how you have to work for it. They will start “understanding how to be smart about what they spend and knowing that money is earned, not granted.”(Ranae). Teenagers can start appreciating the value of money, and that it isn’t always easy to make a few dollars.
The truth of the matter is, is that being a teenager is hard, right from the beginning, and it doesn't get any easier. We are such easy prey for big name companies who advertise using the pressure