
Why We Shouldn T Skip Classes

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According to the most recent survey by Class120, college students miss an average of one semester's worth of classes over four years. Furthermore, the survey by Class120 also shows that many college students attend about 75 % of their classes and that is the equivalent of skipping one full year of college over four years. College students shouldn’t skip classes because it can affect their daily life. More specifically, not going to class regularly have a negative impact on student’s time, grades and money. The first reason why skipping classes in college is bad idea is that skipping classes negatively affect student’s time. They will have to try to anticipate what was covered in class, studying more material than necessary. Therefore, they will waste more time than they think. Additionally, the class is a great time to review and discuss the material. Discussion learning can be more effective than trying to comprehend the material on student’s own. According to the James Rutherford in Science for Americans, learning often takes place best when students have opportunities to express ideas and get feedback from their peers. So if students go to class regularly and pay attention, they can cut down their study time significantly. Second reason why skipping classes in college is a bad idea is that the students are more likely to get lower grades in …show more content…

It is a huge waste of money when they skip classes. Based on tuition costs, each class can cost anywhere from $50-$150. Nina Luksana, a rising senior at New York University, says she skips big lecture classes around 7 times per semester. The 14 lecture classes Nina Luksana skipped this year cash in at a total of $718. For that amount, she could buy almost any model of Ipad or feed a family of four for a week. So, when college students skip classes, they are essentially throwing out all of that money out of the

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