According to the most recent survey by Class120, college students miss an average of one semester's worth of classes over four years. Furthermore, the survey by Class120 also shows that many college students attend about 75 % of their classes and that is the equivalent of skipping one full year of college over four years. College students shouldn’t skip classes because it can affect their daily life. More specifically, not going to class regularly have a negative impact on student’s time, grades and money. The first reason why skipping classes in college is bad idea is that skipping classes negatively affect student’s time. They will have to try to anticipate what was covered in class, studying more material than necessary. Therefore, they will waste more time than they think. Additionally, the class is a great time to review and discuss the material. Discussion learning can be more effective than trying to comprehend the material on student’s own. According to the James Rutherford in Science for Americans, learning often takes place best when students have opportunities to express ideas and get feedback from their peers. So if students go to class regularly and pay attention, they can cut down their study time significantly. Second reason why skipping classes in college is a bad idea is that the students are more likely to get lower grades in …show more content…
It is a huge waste of money when they skip classes. Based on tuition costs, each class can cost anywhere from $50-$150. Nina Luksana, a rising senior at New York University, says she skips big lecture classes around 7 times per semester. The 14 lecture classes Nina Luksana skipped this year cash in at a total of $718. For that amount, she could buy almost any model of Ipad or feed a family of four for a week. So, when college students skip classes, they are essentially throwing out all of that money out of the
There are three downfalls to taking these CIS classes: pressure on extracurricular activities, later nights, and increased stress. To start off with, these college classes are often not the only focus in a high school student’s life. They may be in sports, clubs, and family activities, while in college, they are there to learn, maybe an intramural sport or club here or there, but the primary focus is education, and for good reason. College classes require a lot of time and effort in order to be as successful as one would be in high school classes. Another con of college classes in high school is the late nights put in to accommodate for one’s extracurricular activities and coursework time. Late nights are often the theme at college, meaning high schoolers taking college classes will feel the same burden, on top of such late nights, sports, and their other extracurricular can push those already late nights to very early mornings. The last negative side of taking college level courses in high school is the significant increase of stress levels experienced. Stress on all levels are experienced by those who are taking CIS classes, whether it originates from the workload, pressure to do well, or not enough time in the day, stress is almost present in everyone who takes CIS
The symbolic world views of how the world was created can be described through the cosmogonies of Genesis and the Laws of Manu. It is through these theories that one can learn how the universe came into existence. Many individuals consider a certain religion to be their ultimate realm of reality, and it is within religion that these symbolic world views come into play. The cosmogony of Genesis began along a sacred history of time where god created merely by speaking. In contrast, the Laws of Manu involve creation through thought. In Genesis, there is only one god and in Laws of Manu there is more than one god. Both cosmogonies have many similarities as they have
If they decide not to go to class, they are simply wasting their money. Tuition costs to attend a university are really high. At dixie State University the average tuition cost is $4500 per year. Many students are paying for tuition all on their own. The student has spent a lot of hours at work to pay the tuition. If they want to waste their money, that is their choice. If they do not attend class regularly, that is their loss and will cost them in the future. Students may not think about this at the time but, not going to class or dropping out does not look good to future employers. By missing class the student will have bad grades that the employer could look at. Having bad grades makes getting a good job very difficult. They will not learn much from attending college. They only reason a student would attend a college is to learn more. For a student to miss class they will not have learned anything. In order for a student to learn they need to attend class. If the student decides he/she does not want to go they are losing valuable knowledge which they paid
It’s a good reason to participate in class so they learn in school.Besides,students can only learn things so if they miss out and don't pay attention,they won't know how to do it.In addition,you have to pay attention to get to high school or even college.Along with learning is they’ll past on what they have been struggling on.These
First, it can make the course more meaningful and students do benefit from it. Students’ attendance to the classes is no more a disturbing thing, because they should take responsibility for the decisions they have made. On the one hand, they have great passion for the courses they have chosen. As a saying goes, interest is the motivation of for doing anything. When there is an extraordinary interest, there is a strong heart to go through plenty of tough matters. Provided with the proper courses, there is no doubt that the talent of the students will be explored thoroughly. On the other hand, teachers could communicate with the students better instead of watching the students sleeping or going blank. Successful classes not only require teachers’ wonderful speaking or preparations, but also students’ critical thinking which means that they should be the owners of knowledge and take an active part in the classes’ discussions. So it has to be admitted that this will contribute to the effect of the classes.(Choose Their Own Classes)
I agree with Nadia Banchik statement because many students do drop classes for reasons like work responsibilities, teaching method were not effective, and too much class work. Students feel that they are not ready for a class and they drop it, but others drop because it’s too hard or challenging. Professors prefer students to talk to them before thinking about dropping any class to see if they can help in any way. In the article “A Professor’s Advice On When To Drop a College Class”, a student had received sixty percent on their first exam. The student did not know that she received the highest percentage in the class until her professor saw that she wanted to drop the class, because she thought she was not capable of passing.
Alyssa Pracz, a journalist at Northern Star, makes the point that “[p]rofessors, however, tend to teach the material as if everyone taking the class is planning on majoring in the subject” when, in reality, students just see the class as another general education course. Additionally, students struggle in some of the subjects which have nothing to do with their particular majors. Pracz also states, “As a result, many students' grades suffer, sometimes to the point of lowering their grade point averages so much that they are unable to get into the major they planned on pursuing”. Ultimately, if a student has a huge passion and dream for his life, and cannot pass a certain general education course then his whole future is foiled. General education classes are redundant and do not aid the student whatsoever in cultivating skills required for his future job. Colleges and universities think general education courses are helping students when they actually are hurting them.
There is no excuse to dropout of college. It is so easy to do, and
Taking general ed classes is a waste of time for college students. Most of these courses are the same, or are very similar to classes that they just passed in high school. For example, at Riverside Community College in Riverside California, MAT 65 is a required course that is equivalent to pre-algebra in high school. Even if someone passes all their math classes in high school, they will have to take MAT 65 anyways. Because of classes like this, students will spend roughly the first two years of college trying to complete these classes all over again just to earn their
But it will progressively add up in most cases, the student will start to not study like they know they should be, but rather they go and do something else that isn’t as beneficial. After a while that people start to do this they think its not bad, even thought they are missing a few points here and there from lowered studies and completed work. But it can eventually lean up to skipping classes, which is one of the worse things you can do while in college, since generally there are no make ups for missed assignments and test. This can then hurt your grades entirely, and therefore may have you retake certain classes or take another year. This in turn can cause financial problems if it where to happen on multiple occasions, then can effect your later life on paying off the bills or charges that were made from it.
Many students feel that some classes are a waste of time and money because they learn nothing about their chosen field. They have to take classes that have nothing to do with their major but must take the class to meet the core education requirement of the college. If these students receive a less than average grade in a class they feel is unneeded then that lowers their overall GPA.
Many people believe success in college is rocket science, but actually it’s the exact opposite. College is set up for students with the most basic high school knowledge to have a chance to excel. It’s the simple things that can make or break a student’s college career. Things such as going or not going to class. No brainer right? Sometimes sleep seems so much better than eight o’clock A.M. math, but a successful college student has to have the willpower to resist the temptation to not skip out on class. College is all about learning and not cutting corners, which only will hurt in the end. Everyday of missed class information will be lost, therefore the lack of understanding will show on a test or pop quiz. Attendance is a key to success. If I don’t go
Life is believed to be easier for people with higher degrees than for those without higher degrees. Hence, it is the joy of parents to see their children admitted into a higher institution. With the high cost attached to attending a four year university, most students prefer to attend community colleges. Community colleges provide the same quality of education offered by universities for the first two years at a lower cost which help students reduce debts toward getting their higher degree. However, compared to the number of students who started their first year in community colleges, a large percentage dropped out. This is common to both freshly graduated high school students and adults who came back to college to obtain a degree. Students drop out of colleges because of financial issues and the need to take remedial courses. As a result, they have self esteem issues and may remain poor.
It is absolutely vital that you attend class regularly. Missing a class should be a rare occurrence; something that happens at most once or twice a semester. If you miss class more than this, it will interfere with your learning and have a negative affect your performance and your grade.
Many college professors don’t take attendance or have the time to make sure all of their students are making passing grades in all of their courses. If you miss a class, plan on getting notes from a fellow classmate. If you attend a large college or university, your professors probably won’t even try to remember your name, as they have hundreds of students each semester. If an assignment was due on a day you decided to miss class, there’s a good chance your professor will not let you turn it in late. You are responsible for remembering important deadlines, as your parents will not be communicating with your professors, and will have no idea when your assignments are due. Also, remember that if you want some one-on-one time with your professor, you won’t be able to hang around after class like you did in high school; you will have to make an appointment during his/her office hours or correspond with him/her through email.